Josua 17 – NUB & NIRV

Swedish Contemporary Bible

Josua 17:1-18

1Manasses område var detta: Manasse var Josefs äldste son. Manasses förstfödde son Makir, som var far till Gilead, hade redan fått Gileads land och Bashan, för han var en stridsman. 2Också övriga manassiter, Aviesers, Heleks, Asriels, Shekems, Hefers och Shemidas familjer, gavs områden efter deras släkter. Dessa var Manasses, Josefs sons manliga ättlingar, släkt för släkt.

3Men Hefers son Selofchad, sonson till Gilead, sonsons son till Makir och sonsons sonson till Manasse, hade inte några söner. Han hade bara döttrar som hette Machla, Noa, Hogla, Milka och Tirsa. 4Dessa gick till prästen Elasar och till Josua och de övriga ledarna och sa: ”Herren sa till Mose att vi skulle få områden så som männen i vår stam.” Då gav man dem, så som Herren hade befallt, områden på samma sätt som åt deras manliga släktingar.

5Åt Manasse gavs tio landområden, förutom Gileads och Bashans områden på andra sidan Jordan, 6för Manasses döttrar fick områden bland hans söner. De övriga manassiterna fick Gilead.

7Manasses stams gräns sträckte sig från Asher fram till Mikmetat som ligger öster om Shekem. Därifrån gick gränsen söderut mot dem som bor vid Tappuachkällan. 8Tappuachområdet tillhörde Manasse men själva Tappuach, på gränsen till Manasses land, tillhörde Efraims stam. 9Från Tappuach sträckte sig gränsen vidare ner till Kanabäcken. Söder om bäcken låg städer som tillhörde Efraims stam, fastän de var belägna inom Manasses område. Manasses gräns gick vidare norr om bäcken till havet. 10Landet i söder tillhörde Efraim och i norr Manasse. I väster var Medelhavet gräns för Manasses område. I norr gränsade det till Ashers område och i öster till Isaskars område.

11Manasses stam fick också följande städer som låg på Isaskars och Ashers områden: Bet-Shean, Jivleam, Dor, En-Dor, Tanak och Megiddo med deras respektive kringliggande byar.

12Men eftersom Manasses ättlingar inte kunde fördriva folket som bodde i dessa städer, kom kanaanéerna att bo kvar där. 13När Israels folk senare blev starkare, fick kanaanéerna utföra tvångsarbete, men de drevs inte bort.

14Josefs ättlingar kom till Josua och frågade: ”Varför har du bara gett oss en enda del av landet när vi nu är ett så talrikt folk och Herren har välsignat oss hittills?”

15”Om ni är så talrika och bergsbygden i Efraim inte räcker till för er, kan ni röja i skogsområdet där perisséerna och rafaéerna bor”, svarade Josua.

16”Bergsbygden räcker inte till för oss”, sa Josefs stammar, ”och kanaanéerna på slätten runt Bet-Shean med dess lydstäder och i Jisreels dal har stridsvagnar av järn.”

17Josua svarade då Josefs ättlingar, Efraim och Manasse: ”Ni är ett talrikt och mäktigt folk och ni ska inte bara få ett område. 18Ni ska få ett bergsområde till där det växer skog. Röj det, så blir det ert ända till dess bortre gränser. Driv ut kanaanéerna, även om de är starka och har stridsvagnar av järn.”

New International Reader’s Version

Joshua 17:1-18

1Land was given to the tribe of Manasseh. It was given to Makir. Manasseh was Joseph’s oldest son. Makir was Manasseh’s oldest son. The people of Gilead came from the family line of Makir. The people of Gilead had received the lands of Gilead and Bashan. That’s because the people of Makir were great soldiers. 2So land was given to the rest of the people of Manasseh. It was given to the family groups of Abiezer, Helek, Asriel, Shechem, Hepher and Shemida. They were the other men in the family line of Manasseh, the son of Joseph. Those were their names by their family groups.

3Makir was the son of Manasseh. Gilead was the son of Makir. Hepher was the son of Gilead. And Zelophehad was the son of Hepher. Zelophehad didn’t have any sons. He only had daughters. Their names were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah and Tirzah. 4The daughters of Zelophehad went to Eleazar the priest and to Joshua, the son of Nun. They also went to the other leaders. They said, “The Lord commanded Moses to give us our share of land among our male relatives.” So Joshua gave them land along with their male relatives. That was according to what the Lord had commanded. 5Manasseh’s share was made up of ten pieces of land. That land was in addition to Gilead and Bashan east of the Jordan River. 6So the five granddaughters of Hepher in the family line of Manasseh received land, just as the other five sons of Manasseh did. The land of Gilead belonged to the rest of the family line of Manasseh.

7The territory of Manasseh reached from Asher to Mikmethath. Mikmethath was east of Shechem. The border ran south from Mikmethath. The people living at En Tappuah were inside the border. 8Manasseh had the land around Tappuah. But the town of Tappuah itself was on the border of Manasseh’s land. It belonged to the people of Ephraim. 9The border continued south to the Kanah Valley. Some of the towns that belonged to Ephraim were located among the towns of Manasseh. But the border of Manasseh was the north side of the valley. The border came to an end at the Mediterranean Sea. 10The land on the south belonged to Ephraim. The land on the north belonged to Manasseh. The territory of Manasseh reached the Mediterranean Sea. The tribe of Asher was the border on the north. The tribe of Issachar was the border on the east.

11Inside the land given to Issachar and Asher, the towns of Beth Shan and Ibleam belonged to Manasseh. The towns of Dor, Endor, Taanach and Megiddo and their people also belonged to Manasseh. Manasseh was given all those towns and the settlements around them. The third town in the list was also called Naphoth Dor.

12But the people of Manasseh weren’t able to take over those towns. That’s because the Canaanites had made up their minds to live in that area. 13The Israelites grew stronger. Then they forced the Canaanites to work hard for them. But they didn’t drive them out completely.

14The people in the family line of Joseph spoke to Joshua. They said, “Why have you given us only one share of the land to have as our own? There are large numbers of us. The Lord has blessed us greatly.”

15“That’s true,” Joshua said. “There are large numbers of you. And the hill country of Ephraim is too small for you. So go up into the forest. Clear out some land for yourselves in the territory of the Perizzites and Rephaites.”

16The people in Joseph’s family line replied, “The hill country isn’t big enough for us. And all the Canaanites who live in the plains use chariots that have iron parts. They include the people of Beth Shan and its settlements. They also include the people who live in the Valley of Jezreel.”

17Joshua spoke again to the people in Joseph’s family line. He said to the people of Ephraim and Manasseh, “There are large numbers of you. And you are very powerful. You will have more than one piece of land. 18You will also have the central hill country. It’s covered with trees. Cut them down and clear the land. That whole land from one end to the other will belong to you. The Canaanites use chariots that have iron parts. And those people are strong. But you can drive them out.”