1Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ to further the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness— 2in the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time, 3and which now at his appointed season he has brought to light through the preaching entrusted to me by the command of God our Savior,
4To Titus, my true son in our common faith:
Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior.
Appointing Elders Who Love What Is Good
5The reason I left you in Crete was that you might put in order what was left unfinished and appoint1:5 Or ordain elders in every town, as I directed you. 6An elder must be blameless, faithful to his wife, a man whose children believe1:6 Or children are trustworthy and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient. 7Since an overseer manages God’s household, he must be blameless—not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. 8Rather, he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined. 9He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
Rebuking Those Who Fail to Do Good
10For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. 11They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach—and that for the sake of dishonest gain. 12One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”1:12 From the Cretan philosopher Epimenides 13This saying is true. Therefore rebuke them sharply, so that they will be sound in the faith 14and will pay no attention to Jewish myths or to the merely human commands of those who reject the truth. 15To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good.
11:1 Rum 1:1; 1Tim 2:4Paulo, mtumishi wa Mungu na mtume wa Yesu Kristo kwa ajili ya imani ya wateule wa Mungu na kuijua kweli iletayo utauwa: 21:2 2Tim 1:1; 1:9imani na ujuzi ulioko katika tumaini la uzima wa milele, ambao Mungu, asiyesema uongo, aliahidi hata kabla ya kuwekwa misingi ya ulimwengu, 31:3 1Tim 1:6; 2Tim 1:10; 1Tim 1:11; Lk 1:47naye kwa wakati wake aliouweka alilidhihirisha neno lake kwa njia ya mahubiri ambayo mimi nimewekewa amana kwa amri ya Mungu Mwokozi wetu:
41:4 2Kor 2:13; 1Tim 1:2; Rum 1:7; 1:12; 2Kor 4:13; Gal 2:3Kwa Tito, mwanangu hasa katika imani tunayoshiriki sote:
Neema iwe kwako na amani itokayo kwa Mungu Baba na kwa Kristo Yesu Mwokozi wetu.
Kazi Ya Tito Huko Krete
51:5 Mdo 27:7; 11:30Sababu ya mimi kukuacha huko Krete ni ili uweke utaratibu mambo yale yaliyosalia na kuwaweka wazee wa kanisa katika kila mji, kama nilivyokuagiza. 61:6 1Tim 3:2; 3:12; 4; 1The 3:13Mzee wa kanisa asiwe na lawama, awe mume wa mke mmoja, mtu ambaye watoto wake ni waaminio na wala hawashtakiwi kwa ufisadi. 71:7 1Tim 3:1; 1Kor 4:1; 1Tim 3:3, 8Kwa kuwa mwangalizi, kama wakili wa Mungu, imempasa kuwa mtu asiye na lawama, asiwe mwenye majivuno au mwepesi wa hasira, wala mlevi, wala asiwe mtu mwenye tamaa ya mapato yasiyo ya halali. 81:8 1Tim 3:2; 2Tim 3:3Bali awe mkarimu, anayependa mema, mwenye kiasi, mwenye haki, mwadilifu, mnyofu, mtakatifu na mwenye kuitawala nafsi yake. 91:9 1Kor 16:13; 1Tim 1:10Inampasa alishike kwa uthabiti lile neno la imani kama lilivyofundishwa, kusudi aweze kuwaonya wengine kwa mafundisho manyofu na kuwakanusha wale wanaopingana nayo.
Walimu Wa Uongo
101:10 1Tim 1:6; Mdo 11:2Kwa maana wako wengi wasiotii, wenye maneno yasiyo na maana, hasa wale wa kikundi cha tohara. 111:11 2Tim 3:6; Tit 3:6; Yn 10:12; 1Pet 5:2Hao ni lazima wanyamazishwe, kwa sababu wanaharibu watu wa nyumba nzima wakifundisha mambo yasiyowapasa kufundisha. Wanafanya hivyo kwa ajili ya kujipatia mapato ya udanganyifu. 121:12 Mdo 17:28; 2:11Hata mmojawapo wa manabii wao mwenyewe amesema, “Wakrete ni waongo siku zote, wanyama wabaya, walafi, wavivu.” 131:13 2Kor 13:10; Tit 2:2Ushuhuda huu ni kweli. Kwa hiyo, uwakemee kwa ukali wapate kuwa wazima katika imani, 141:14 1Tim 4:7; 1:4; Kol 2:22; 2Tim 4:4ili wasiendelee kuangalia hadithi za Kiyahudi au maagizo ya wale watu wanaoikataa kweli. 151:15 Rum 14:14, 23; Za 18:26; Mt 7:14-19; Mdo 10:9-16Kwa wale walio safi, kila kitu ni safi kwao. Lakini kwa wale waliopotoka na wasioamini, hakuna chochote kilicho safi. Kwa kweli nia zao na dhamiri zao zimepotoka. 161:16 1Yn 2; 4; Yer 5; 2; 12:2; Hos 8:2, 3Wanadai kumjua Mungu, lakini kwa matendo yao wanamkana. Hao watu ni chukizo, wasiotii, wasiofaa kwa jambo lolote jema.