2 Chronicles 10 – NIV & CCB

New International Version

2 Chronicles 10:1-19

Israel Rebels Against Rehoboam

1Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all Israel had gone there to make him king. 2When Jeroboam son of Nebat heard this (he was in Egypt, where he had fled from King Solomon), he returned from Egypt. 3So they sent for Jeroboam, and he and all Israel went to Rehoboam and said to him: 4“Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you.”

5Rehoboam answered, “Come back to me in three days.” So the people went away.

6Then King Rehoboam consulted the elders who had served his father Solomon during his lifetime. “How would you advise me to answer these people?” he asked.

7They replied, “If you will be kind to these people and please them and give them a favorable answer, they will always be your servants.”

8But Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders gave him and consulted the young men who had grown up with him and were serving him. 9He asked them, “What is your advice? How should we answer these people who say to me, ‘Lighten the yoke your father put on us’?”

10The young men who had grown up with him replied, “The people have said to you, ‘Your father put a heavy yoke on us, but make our yoke lighter.’ Now tell them, ‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist. 11My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.’ ”

12Three days later Jeroboam and all the people returned to Rehoboam, as the king had said, “Come back to me in three days.” 13The king answered them harshly. Rejecting the advice of the elders, 14he followed the advice of the young men and said, “My father made your yoke heavy; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.” 15So the king did not listen to the people, for this turn of events was from God, to fulfill the word the Lord had spoken to Jeroboam son of Nebat through Ahijah the Shilonite.

16When all Israel saw that the king refused to listen to them, they answered the king:

“What share do we have in David,

what part in Jesse’s son?

To your tents, Israel!

Look after your own house, David!”

So all the Israelites went home. 17But as for the Israelites who were living in the towns of Judah, Rehoboam still ruled over them.

18King Rehoboam sent out Adoniram,10:18 Hebrew Hadoram, a variant of Adoniram who was in charge of forced labor, but the Israelites stoned him to death. King Rehoboam, however, managed to get into his chariot and escape to Jerusalem. 19So Israel has been in rebellion against the house of David to this day.

Chinese Contemporary Bible 2022 (Simplified)

历代志下 10:1-19


1罗波安前往示剑,因为以色列人都去了那里要立他为王。 2尼八的儿子耶罗波安曾为了躲避所罗门王而逃往埃及,并一直住在那里。他听到消息便从埃及返回以色列3以色列人派人去请他,他就和以色列众人去见罗波安,说: 4“你父亲使我们负担沉重,求你减轻我们的劳役和负担吧,我们一定服侍你。” 5罗波安对他们说:“你们三天之后再来见我。”众人就离开了。

6罗波安王去征询曾服侍他父亲所罗门的老臣的意见,说:“你们认为我该怎样回复这些民众?” 7他们回禀说:“王若善待这些百姓,使他们喜悦,对他们好言相待,他们会永远做王的仆人。”

8罗波安却没有采纳老臣的意见。他又去征询那些和他一起长大的青年臣僚的意见, 9说:“民众求我减轻我父亲加给他们的重担。你们认为我该怎样回复他们?” 10他们说:“民众说你父亲使他们负担沉重,请求你减轻他们的负担。你可以这样回复他们,‘我的小指头比我父亲的腰还粗。 11我父亲使你们负重担,我要使你们负更重的担子;我父亲用鞭子打你们,我要用刺鞭打你们。’”

12过了三天,耶罗波安和民众遵照罗波安王的话来见他。 13-14罗波安王没有采纳老臣的建议,而是照青年臣僚的建议,疾言厉色地对他们说:“我父亲使你们负重担,我要使你们负更重的担子!我父亲用鞭子打你们,我要用刺鞭打你们!” 15王不听民众的请求。这件事出于上帝,为要应验耶和华借示罗亚希雅先知对尼八的儿子耶罗波安说的话。






于是,以色列人各自回家了。 17但住在犹大城邑的以色列人仍受罗波安统治。 18罗波安王派劳役总管哈多兰以色列人那里,以色列人却用石头打死了他,罗波安王连忙上车逃回耶路撒冷19从此,以色列人反叛大卫家,直到今天。