Deuteronomy 1 – NIV & CCB

New International Version

Deuteronomy 1:1-46

The Command to Leave Horeb

1These are the words Moses spoke to all Israel in the wilderness east of the Jordan—that is, in the Arabah—opposite Suph, between Paran and Tophel, Laban, Hazeroth and Dizahab. 2(It takes eleven days to go from Horeb to Kadesh Barnea by the Mount Seir road.)

3In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month, Moses proclaimed to the Israelites all that the Lord had commanded him concerning them. 4This was after he had defeated Sihon king of the Amorites, who reigned in Heshbon, and at Edrei had defeated Og king of Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth.

5East of the Jordan in the territory of Moab, Moses began to expound this law, saying:

6The Lord our God said to us at Horeb, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. 7Break camp and advance into the hill country of the Amorites; go to all the neighboring peoples in the Arabah, in the mountains, in the western foothills, in the Negev and along the coast, to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon, as far as the great river, the Euphrates. 8See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land the Lord swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them.”

The Appointment of Leaders

9At that time I said to you, “You are too heavy a burden for me to carry alone. 10The Lord your God has increased your numbers so that today you are as numerous as the stars in the sky. 11May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised! 12But how can I bear your problems and your burdens and your disputes all by myself? 13Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you.”

14You answered me, “What you propose to do is good.”

15So I took the leading men of your tribes, wise and respected men, and appointed them to have authority over you—as commanders of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties and of tens and as tribal officials. 16And I charged your judges at that time, “Hear the disputes between your people and judge fairly, whether the case is between two Israelites or between an Israelite and a foreigner residing among you. 17Do not show partiality in judging; hear both small and great alike. Do not be afraid of anyone, for judgment belongs to God. Bring me any case too hard for you, and I will hear it.” 18And at that time I told you everything you were to do.

Spies Sent Out

19Then, as the Lord our God commanded us, we set out from Horeb and went toward the hill country of the Amorites through all that vast and dreadful wilderness that you have seen, and so we reached Kadesh Barnea. 20Then I said to you, “You have reached the hill country of the Amorites, which the Lord our God is giving us. 21See, the Lord your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, told you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

22Then all of you came to me and said, “Let us send men ahead to spy out the land for us and bring back a report about the route we are to take and the towns we will come to.”

23The idea seemed good to me; so I selected twelve of you, one man from each tribe. 24They left and went up into the hill country, and came to the Valley of Eshkol and explored it. 25Taking with them some of the fruit of the land, they brought it down to us and reported, “It is a good land that the Lord our God is giving us.”

Rebellion Against the Lord

26But you were unwilling to go up; you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God. 27You grumbled in your tents and said, “The Lord hates us; so he brought us out of Egypt to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites to destroy us. 28Where can we go? Our brothers have made our hearts melt in fear. They say, ‘The people are stronger and taller than we are; the cities are large, with walls up to the sky. We even saw the Anakites there.’ ”

29Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. 30The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, 31and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”

32In spite of this, you did not trust in the Lord your God, 33who went ahead of you on your journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for you to camp and to show you the way you should go.

34When the Lord heard what you said, he was angry and solemnly swore: 35“No one from this evil generation shall see the good land I swore to give your ancestors, 36except Caleb son of Jephunneh. He will see it, and I will give him and his descendants the land he set his feet on, because he followed the Lord wholeheartedly.”

37Because of you the Lord became angry with me also and said, “You shall not enter it, either. 38But your assistant, Joshua son of Nun, will enter it. Encourage him, because he will lead Israel to inherit it. 39And the little ones that you said would be taken captive, your children who do not yet know good from bad—they will enter the land. I will give it to them and they will take possession of it. 40But as for you, turn around and set out toward the desert along the route to the Red Sea.1:40 Or the Sea of Reeds

41Then you replied, “We have sinned against the Lord. We will go up and fight, as the Lord our God commanded us.” So every one of you put on his weapons, thinking it easy to go up into the hill country.

42But the Lord said to me, “Tell them, ‘Do not go up and fight, because I will not be with you. You will be defeated by your enemies.’ ”

43So I told you, but you would not listen. You rebelled against the Lord’s command and in your arrogance you marched up into the hill country. 44The Amorites who lived in those hills came out against you; they chased you like a swarm of bees and beat you down from Seir all the way to Hormah. 45You came back and wept before the Lord, but he paid no attention to your weeping and turned a deaf ear to you. 46And so you stayed in Kadesh many days—all the time you spent there.

Chinese Contemporary Bible 2022 (Simplified)

申命记 1:1-46


1以下是摩西以色列人说的话。当时以色列人在约旦河东的旷野、疏弗对面的亚拉巴,即巴兰陀弗拉班哈洗录底撒哈之间。 2何烈山取道西珥山到加低斯·巴尼亚,需十一天。 3在离开埃及后第四十年的十一月一日,摩西把耶和华的一切吩咐告诉了以色列人。 4那时,他已经打败了希实本亚摩利西宏,以及盘踞在以得来亚斯她录巴珊5摩西约旦河东的摩押讲解律法,说: 6“我们的上帝耶和华在何烈山对我们说,‘你们在这山上已经住了足够时日, 7现在该启程前往亚摩利人的山区、亚拉巴地区、山地、丘陵、南地、沿海一带、迦南人之地和黎巴嫩,直到幼发拉底大河。 8看啊,我把那片土地赐给你们了,你们去占领吧,那是耶和华起誓要赐给你们祖先亚伯拉罕以撒雅各和他们后裔的地方。’


9“那时,我对你们说,‘我无法独自承担管理你们的重任, 10因为你们的上帝耶和华使你们人丁兴旺,以致今天人数多如天上的星星。 11愿你们祖先的上帝耶和华使你们人数更增千倍,照祂的应许赐福给你们。 12但我怎能独自担当解决你们问题和争端的重任呢? 13你们要从各支派中选出有智慧、有见识、受尊重的人,我要立他们做你们的首领。’ 14你们都同意这样的做法。 15于是,我把各支派中有智慧和受敬重的人立为你们的首领,即千夫长、百夫长、五十夫长、十夫长和其他官长,治理你们。 16我吩咐这些官员要聆听案件,公正地审理同胞之间,或与外族人之间的诉讼, 17不可偏私,不分贵贱,不惧情面,因为判决来自上帝。如果案件太难,可以交给我处理。 18那时,我把一切当行之事都告诉了你们。


19“我们照我们上帝耶和华的吩咐,从何烈山出发,走过你们所见的那大而可怕的旷野,前往亚摩利山区,来到加低斯·巴尼亚20我对你们说,‘我们的上帝耶和华赐给我们的亚摩利山区到了。 21看啊,你们祖先的上帝耶和华已把那片土地赐给你们,你们要照着祂的应许去占领那里,不要惊慌害怕。’ 22你们都来对我说,‘我们要先派人去打探那地方,回来好告诉我们当走哪条路,当占哪些城。’ 23我同意你们的建议,便从你们当中选出十二人,每支派选一人。 24他们前往山区,到了以实各谷,打探那地方。 25他们带回来一些那里的果子,禀告说,‘我们的上帝耶和华赐给我们的地方很好。’

26“但你们却违背你们上帝耶和华的命令,不肯上去。 27你们在帐篷中埋怨说,‘耶和华憎恨我们,所以才领我们离开埃及,要把我们交在亚摩利人手里,让他们消灭我们。 28我们能上哪里去呢?我们弟兄的报告让我们胆战心惊,他们说那里的人比我们高大,城邑雄伟,城墙高达云霄,还有亚衲人在那里。’ 29我对你们说,‘不要惊慌,不要怕他们。 30你们的上帝耶和华必带领你们,为你们争战,正如祂当着你们的面在埃及所行的一样。 31你们在旷野曾目睹你们的上帝耶和华像父亲抱儿子一样,一路把你们抱到这地方。’ 32-33祂为你们开路,为你们找安营的地方,夜间用火柱、白天用云柱为你们引路。尽管如此,你们还是不信靠你们的上帝耶和华。


34“你们的埋怨惹耶和华发怒,祂起誓说, 35‘这邪恶的一代没有一人能看见我起誓要赐给他们祖先的佳美之地, 36只有耶孚尼的儿子迦勒能看见,我必把他所踏之地赐给他和他的子孙,因为他一心追随我。’ 37因为你们的缘故,耶和华也向我发怒,说,‘你也不能进入那片土地, 38但你的助手、的儿子约书亚可以进入。你要鼓励他,因为他将带领以色列承受那片土地。 39你们说你们的子女会被掳去,但这些还不知善恶的孩子都将进入那片土地,我要把那里赐给他们,他们将占领那里。 40而你们要掉头,沿红海的路回到旷野。’

41“于是,你们对我说,‘我们得罪了耶和华,现在我们愿意遵从我们的上帝耶和华的吩咐,上去作战。’你们便各自拿起兵器,以为可以轻易攻占山区。 42但耶和华让我告诉你们,‘不要上去作战,以免被敌人打败,因为我不与你们同在。’ 43我把耶和华的话转告了你们,但你们不听,竟违背耶和华的命令,擅自前往山区。 44住在山区的亚摩利人蜂拥出击,打败了你们,从西珥追杀你们,一直追到何珥玛45你们回来在耶和华面前哭泣,但耶和华不理会你们的哭声。 46因此,你们在加低斯住了很久。