1 Kings 20 – NIV & CCB

New International Version

1 Kings 20:1-43

Ben-Hadad Attacks Samaria

1Now Ben-Hadad king of Aram mustered his entire army. Accompanied by thirty-two kings with their horses and chariots, he went up and besieged Samaria and attacked it. 2He sent messengers into the city to Ahab king of Israel, saying, “This is what Ben-Hadad says: 3‘Your silver and gold are mine, and the best of your wives and children are mine.’ ”

4The king of Israel answered, “Just as you say, my lord the king. I and all I have are yours.”

5The messengers came again and said, “This is what Ben-Hadad says: ‘I sent to demand your silver and gold, your wives and your children. 6But about this time tomorrow I am going to send my officials to search your palace and the houses of your officials. They will seize everything you value and carry it away.’ ”

7The king of Israel summoned all the elders of the land and said to them, “See how this man is looking for trouble! When he sent for my wives and my children, my silver and my gold, I did not refuse him.”

8The elders and the people all answered, “Don’t listen to him or agree to his demands.”

9So he replied to Ben-Hadad’s messengers, “Tell my lord the king, ‘Your servant will do all you demanded the first time, but this demand I cannot meet.’ ” They left and took the answer back to Ben-Hadad.

10Then Ben-Hadad sent another message to Ahab: “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if enough dust remains in Samaria to give each of my men a handful.”

11The king of Israel answered, “Tell him: ‘One who puts on his armor should not boast like one who takes it off.’ ”

12Ben-Hadad heard this message while he and the kings were drinking in their tents,20:12 Or in Sukkoth; also in verse 16 and he ordered his men: “Prepare to attack.” So they prepared to attack the city.

Ahab Defeats Ben-Hadad

13Meanwhile a prophet came to Ahab king of Israel and announced, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Do you see this vast army? I will give it into your hand today, and then you will know that I am the Lord.’ ”

14“But who will do this?” asked Ahab.

The prophet replied, “This is what the Lord says: ‘The junior officers under the provincial commanders will do it.’ ”

“And who will start the battle?” he asked.

The prophet answered, “You will.”

15So Ahab summoned the 232 junior officers under the provincial commanders. Then he assembled the rest of the Israelites, 7,000 in all. 16They set out at noon while Ben-Hadad and the 32 kings allied with him were in their tents getting drunk. 17The junior officers under the provincial commanders went out first.

Now Ben-Hadad had dispatched scouts, who reported, “Men are advancing from Samaria.”

18He said, “If they have come out for peace, take them alive; if they have come out for war, take them alive.”

19The junior officers under the provincial commanders marched out of the city with the army behind them 20and each one struck down his opponent. At that, the Arameans fled, with the Israelites in pursuit. But Ben-Hadad king of Aram escaped on horseback with some of his horsemen. 21The king of Israel advanced and overpowered the horses and chariots and inflicted heavy losses on the Arameans.

22Afterward, the prophet came to the king of Israel and said, “Strengthen your position and see what must be done, because next spring the king of Aram will attack you again.”

23Meanwhile, the officials of the king of Aram advised him, “Their gods are gods of the hills. That is why they were too strong for us. But if we fight them on the plains, surely we will be stronger than they. 24Do this: Remove all the kings from their commands and replace them with other officers. 25You must also raise an army like the one you lost—horse for horse and chariot for chariot—so we can fight Israel on the plains. Then surely we will be stronger than they.” He agreed with them and acted accordingly.

26The next spring Ben-Hadad mustered the Arameans and went up to Aphek to fight against Israel. 27When the Israelites were also mustered and given provisions, they marched out to meet them. The Israelites camped opposite them like two small flocks of goats, while the Arameans covered the countryside.

28The man of God came up and told the king of Israel, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Because the Arameans think the Lord is a god of the hills and not a god of the valleys, I will deliver this vast army into your hands, and you will know that I am the Lord.’ ”

29For seven days they camped opposite each other, and on the seventh day the battle was joined. The Israelites inflicted a hundred thousand casualties on the Aramean foot soldiers in one day. 30The rest of them escaped to the city of Aphek, where the wall collapsed on twenty-seven thousand of them. And Ben-Hadad fled to the city and hid in an inner room.

31His officials said to him, “Look, we have heard that the kings of Israel are merciful. Let us go to the king of Israel with sackcloth around our waists and ropes around our heads. Perhaps he will spare your life.”

32Wearing sackcloth around their waists and ropes around their heads, they went to the king of Israel and said, “Your servant Ben-Hadad says: ‘Please let me live.’ ”

The king answered, “Is he still alive? He is my brother.”

33The men took this as a good sign and were quick to pick up his word. “Yes, your brother Ben-Hadad!” they said.

“Go and get him,” the king said. When Ben-Hadad came out, Ahab had him come up into his chariot.

34“I will return the cities my father took from your father,” Ben-Hadad offered. “You may set up your own market areas in Damascus, as my father did in Samaria.”

Ahab said, “On the basis of a treaty I will set you free.” So he made a treaty with him, and let him go.

A Prophet Condemns Ahab

35By the word of the Lord one of the company of the prophets said to his companion, “Strike me with your weapon,” but he refused.

36So the prophet said, “Because you have not obeyed the Lord, as soon as you leave me a lion will kill you.” And after the man went away, a lion found him and killed him.

37The prophet found another man and said, “Strike me, please.” So the man struck him and wounded him. 38Then the prophet went and stood by the road waiting for the king. He disguised himself with his headband down over his eyes. 39As the king passed by, the prophet called out to him, “Your servant went into the thick of the battle, and someone came to me with a captive and said, ‘Guard this man. If he is missing, it will be your life for his life, or you must pay a talent20:39 That is, about 75 pounds or about 34 kilograms of silver.’ 40While your servant was busy here and there, the man disappeared.”

“That is your sentence,” the king of Israel said. “You have pronounced it yourself.”

41Then the prophet quickly removed the headband from his eyes, and the king of Israel recognized him as one of the prophets. 42He said to the king, “This is what the Lord says: ‘You have set free a man I had determined should die.20:42 The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the Lord, often by totally destroying them. Therefore it is your life for his life, your people for his people.’ ” 43Sullen and angry, the king of Israel went to his palace in Samaria.

Chinese Contemporary Bible 2022 (Simplified)

列王纪上 20:1-43


1亚兰便·哈达率领全军,联合三十二个王,带着车马围攻撒玛利亚2他派遣使者进城对以色列亚哈说: 3便·哈达说,‘你的金银和你家中最美的妻妾儿女都是我的。’” 4以色列王说:“我主我王啊,我答应你的要求,我和我的一切都是你的。”

5不久,使者又来对他说:“便·哈达说,‘我已派人吩咐你把金银、妻妾和儿女都给我。 6明天约这个时候,我会派属下搜查你的王宫和你臣仆的家,他们要拿走你珍爱的一切。’” 7以色列亚哈召集国中的长老,说:“你们看,这人是在找麻烦。他之前派人来要我的妻妾、孩子和金银,我没有拒绝他。” 8长老和百姓都说:“别听从他,别答应他。”

9于是,他对使者说:“你们告诉我主我王,他第一次所要的,仆人可以照办,但这一次所要的,仆人不能从命。”使者就去回复便·哈达10便·哈达又派人去对亚哈说:“若撒玛利亚的尘土够我的士兵每人抓一把,愿神明重重地惩罚我。” 11以色列王说:“你去告诉便·哈达,叫他别刚穿上盔甲就夸口,打完仗卸下盔甲再夸口吧。” 12便·哈达和诸王正在营中饮酒,听见这话,就吩咐属下准备攻城。


13一位先知来见以色列亚哈,说:“耶和华说,‘你看见这大军了吗?今天我必将他们交在你手里,这样你就知道我是耶和华。’” 14亚哈问:“谁来完成这任务呢?”先知答道:“耶和华说,省长属下的青年军。”亚哈问:“谁来做统领呢?”先知答道:“你。”


16中午,便·哈达正跟盟军的三十二个王在营中狂饮的时候,亚哈率军出发了。 17省长属下的青年军率先出城。便·哈达派出的巡逻队禀告他说:“有人从撒玛利亚城出来了。” 18便·哈达说:“不管他们是来求和还是求战,都要生擒他们!” 19省长属下的青年军率先出城,大军紧随其后, 20他们见敌人就杀。亚兰人败逃,以色列人乘势追击。亚兰便·哈达骑着马与一些骑兵落荒而逃。 21以色列王出城攻击敌军车马,重创亚兰人。


23臣仆给亚兰王献计说:“以色列人的神明是山神,所以他们占了上风,我们若在平原上跟他们交战,一定会取胜。 24王应该撤去诸王,委任将领代替他们, 25再招募军兵,补充失去的战车和人马,好在平原上跟他们交战,这样我们一定会取胜。”王采纳了他们的建议。

26第二年春天,便·哈达召集亚兰人进军亚弗,攻打以色列人。 27以色列人也召集军队,准备粮草,迎战亚兰人。他们在亚兰人对面安营,像两小群山羊,而亚兰人却满山遍野。 28有位上帝的仆人来见以色列王,说:“耶和华说,‘亚兰人以为我耶和华是山神,不是平原的神,所以我必将这大军交在你手里,这样你们就知道我是耶和华。’”

29以色列人和亚兰人两军对峙,一连七天。第七天,两军交战,以色列军一天杀了十万亚兰步兵, 30残余的人都逃进亚弗城,但城墙倒塌压死了两万七千人。便·哈达也逃进城,躲在一间房子的内室里。 31臣仆对他说:“我们听说以色列王很仁慈。现在,我们不如腰束麻布,头套绳索,向以色列王请降,也许他会饶王一命。” 32他们便腰束麻布,头套绳索,来见以色列王,说:“仆人便·哈达求王开恩饶命啊!”亚哈回答说:“他还活着吗?他是我的兄弟。” 33他们听见亚哈的口气温和,连忙附和说:“是啊,便·哈达是王的兄弟。”亚哈便吩咐他们去把便·哈达带来见他,然后让便·哈达登上他的战车。 34便·哈达亚哈说:“我必归还我父亲从你父亲那里夺来的城邑,你可以在大马士革设立贸易区,就像我父亲在撒玛利亚所设立的一样。”亚哈回答说:“你依此立个约,我就放你走。”立约之后,亚哈就放便·哈达走了。


35众先知中有一位奉耶和华的命令对他的同伴说:“你打我吧!”同伴却不肯动手。 36那位先知就对他说:“你既然不听从耶和华的吩咐,你一离开我,就会被狮子咬死。”那同伴走后,果然遇见狮子,被咬死了。 37那先知又找了一个人,叫那人打他,那人就打他,把他打伤了。 38先知用头巾蒙着眼睛,乔装改扮,在路旁等候亚哈王。 39亚哈王经过的时候,他向王喊道:“仆人在打仗的时候,有人押来一个俘虏,要我看管,他说如果俘虏跑掉,我就要以性命抵偿,或赔偿六百八十两银子。 40可是那俘虏趁仆人忙乱之际跑掉了。”以色列王说:“这是你自己的过失,你要自负其咎。” 41先知立刻拿去蒙眼的头巾,以色列王认出他是个先知。 42他对王说:“耶和华说,‘你放走了我决定要毁灭的人,所以你的命要抵他的命,你百姓的命要抵他百姓的命。’” 43以色列王闷闷不乐地回撒玛利亚的王宫去了。