Exodus 39 – NIV & CCBT

New International Version

Exodus 39:1-43

The Priestly Garments

1From the blue, purple and scarlet yarn they made woven garments for ministering in the sanctuary. They also made sacred garments for Aaron, as the Lord commanded Moses.

The Ephod

2They39:2 Or He; also in verses 7, 8 and 22 made the ephod of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen. 3They hammered out thin sheets of gold and cut strands to be worked into the blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen—the work of skilled hands. 4They made shoulder pieces for the ephod, which were attached to two of its corners, so it could be fastened. 5Its skillfully woven waistband was like it—of one piece with the ephod and made with gold, and with blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and with finely twisted linen, as the Lord commanded Moses.

6They mounted the onyx stones in gold filigree settings and engraved them like a seal with the names of the sons of Israel. 7Then they fastened them on the shoulder pieces of the ephod as memorial stones for the sons of Israel, as the Lord commanded Moses.

The Breastpiece

8They fashioned the breastpiece—the work of a skilled craftsman. They made it like the ephod: of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen. 9It was square—a span39:9 That is, about 9 inches or about 23 centimeters long and a span wide—and folded double. 10Then they mounted four rows of precious stones on it. The first row was carnelian, chrysolite and beryl; 11the second row was turquoise, lapis lazuli and emerald; 12the third row was jacinth, agate and amethyst; 13the fourth row was topaz, onyx and jasper.39:13 The precise identification of some of these precious stones is uncertain. They were mounted in gold filigree settings. 14There were twelve stones, one for each of the names of the sons of Israel, each engraved like a seal with the name of one of the twelve tribes.

15For the breastpiece they made braided chains of pure gold, like a rope. 16They made two gold filigree settings and two gold rings, and fastened the rings to two of the corners of the breastpiece. 17They fastened the two gold chains to the rings at the corners of the breastpiece, 18and the other ends of the chains to the two settings, attaching them to the shoulder pieces of the ephod at the front. 19They made two gold rings and attached them to the other two corners of the breastpiece on the inside edge next to the ephod. 20Then they made two more gold rings and attached them to the bottom of the shoulder pieces on the front of the ephod, close to the seam just above the waistband of the ephod. 21They tied the rings of the breastpiece to the rings of the ephod with blue cord, connecting it to the waistband so that the breastpiece would not swing out from the ephod—as the Lord commanded Moses.

Other Priestly Garments

22They made the robe of the ephod entirely of blue cloth—the work of a weaver— 23with an opening in the center of the robe like the opening of a collar,39:23 The meaning of the Hebrew for this word is uncertain. and a band around this opening, so that it would not tear. 24They made pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen around the hem of the robe. 25And they made bells of pure gold and attached them around the hem between the pomegranates. 26The bells and pomegranates alternated around the hem of the robe to be worn for ministering, as the Lord commanded Moses.

27For Aaron and his sons, they made tunics of fine linen—the work of a weaver— 28and the turban of fine linen, the linen caps and the undergarments of finely twisted linen. 29The sash was made of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn—the work of an embroiderer—as the Lord commanded Moses.

30They made the plate, the sacred emblem, out of pure gold and engraved on it, like an inscription on a seal: Holy to the Lord. 31Then they fastened a blue cord to it to attach it to the turban, as the Lord commanded Moses.

Moses Inspects the Tabernacle

32So all the work on the tabernacle, the tent of meeting, was completed. The Israelites did everything just as the Lord commanded Moses. 33Then they brought the tabernacle to Moses: the tent and all its furnishings, its clasps, frames, crossbars, posts and bases; 34the covering of ram skins dyed red and the covering of another durable leather39:34 Possibly the hides of large aquatic mammals and the shielding curtain; 35the ark of the covenant law with its poles and the atonement cover; 36the table with all its articles and the bread of the Presence; 37the pure gold lampstand with its row of lamps and all its accessories, and the olive oil for the light; 38the gold altar, the anointing oil, the fragrant incense, and the curtain for the entrance to the tent; 39the bronze altar with its bronze grating, its poles and all its utensils; the basin with its stand; 40the curtains of the courtyard with its posts and bases, and the curtain for the entrance to the courtyard; the ropes and tent pegs for the courtyard; all the furnishings for the tabernacle, the tent of meeting; 41and the woven garments worn for ministering in the sanctuary, both the sacred garments for Aaron the priest and the garments for his sons when serving as priests.

42The Israelites had done all the work just as the Lord had commanded Moses. 43Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the Lord had commanded. So Moses blessed them.

Chinese Contemporary Bible 2023 (Traditional)

出埃及記 39:1-43


1比撒列等人按照耶和華對摩西的吩咐,用藍色、紫色、朱紅色毛線精工製作在聖所供職時穿的禮服,又為亞倫做聖衣。 2他們用金線、細麻及藍色、紫色、朱紅色毛線精工製作以弗得, 3把金子打成薄片,剪成細線,與細麻和藍色、紫色、朱紅色毛線巧妙地織在一起。 4他們做了兩條肩帶,固定在以弗得兩邊,用來連接以弗得。 5又按耶和華對摩西的吩咐,照以弗得的做法用金線、細麻及藍色、紫色、朱紅色毛線精工製作腰帶,縫在以弗得上。 6他們選了兩塊紅瑪瑙,用刻圖章的方法刻上以色列十二個兒子的名字,鑲在兩個金框裡, 7再縫在以弗得的兩條肩帶上,作以色列人的紀念石。這些都是照耶和華對摩西的吩咐做的。

8他們精工製作胸牌,像造以弗得一樣用金線、細麻及藍色、紫色、朱紅色毛線製作。 9胸牌是方形的,疊成兩層,長寬各二十二釐米。 10上面鑲上四行寶石:第一行是紅寶石、黃玉和翠玉; 11第二行是綠寶石、藍寶石和金剛石; 12第三行是紫瑪瑙、白瑪瑙和紫晶; 13第四行是水蒼玉、紅瑪瑙和碧玉。這些寶石都鑲在胸牌的金框上。 14他們用刻圖章的方法,在每一顆寶石上刻一個以色列兒子的名字,十二顆寶石代表以色列十二支派。

15他們用純金擰成兩條像繩子一樣的鏈子,連在胸牌上, 16又造兩個金框和兩個金環,把金環安在胸牌兩端。 17把兩條金鏈分別繫在胸牌兩端的金環上, 18又把兩條金鏈的另兩端接在兩個金框上,安在以弗得前面的肩帶上。 19又造了兩個金環,安在靠近以弗得內邊的胸牌下兩端。 20又造了兩個金環,安在以弗得前面兩條肩帶下端,靠近精緻的以弗得腰帶上方的接縫處。 21用一條藍色的帶子繫住以弗得和胸牌上面的金環,使胸牌貼在精工織成的以弗得腰帶上,不會從以弗得上鬆脫。這些都是照耶和華對摩西的吩咐做的。

22以弗得的外袍用純藍色的線織成, 23上面有領口,領口周圍織領邊,就像鎧甲上的領口,免得領口破裂。 24外袍的底邊用細麻和藍色、紫色、朱紅色毛線做成石榴狀的飾物, 25又造純金的鈴鐺掛在外袍底邊的石榴間, 26一個石榴一個金鈴鐺,相間排列,圍在外袍的底邊。這件外袍是祭司供職時穿的,正如耶和華對摩西的吩咐。

27他們用細麻布為亞倫父子們縫製內袍、 28禮冠、頭巾和褲子, 29還用細麻和藍色、紫色、朱紅色毛線繡製腰帶。這是照耶和華對摩西的吩咐做的。 30又用純金造了牌子,就是聖冠,上面用刻印章的方法刻上「耶和華的聖物」的字樣, 31然後用一條藍色帶子把它繫在禮冠上。這些都是照耶和華對摩西的吩咐做的。


32聖幕,就是會幕的工作就這樣全部完成了,都是以色列人照耶和華對摩西的吩咐做的。 33他們把聖幕和聖幕的各樣器具都送到摩西那裡,即鉤子、木板、橫閂、柱子和帶凹槽的底座; 34海狗皮頂蓋、遮掩約櫃的幔子、染成紅色的公羊皮蓋; 35約櫃、抬約櫃的橫槓、施恩座; 36桌子、桌上的一切器具和供餅; 37純金的燈臺、燈盞、燈臺的一切器具、燈油; 38金壇、膏油、芬芳的香;會幕的門簾; 39銅祭壇、祭壇的銅網、抬祭壇的橫槓、祭壇用的一切器具、洗濯盆和盆座; 40院子的帷幔、柱子、帶凹槽的底座、院子入口的門簾、繩子、橛子和會幕,即聖幕所需的一切器具; 41在聖所供職時穿的精製禮服、亞倫祭司的聖衣及其眾子供祭司之職時穿的衣服。 42這一切都是以色列人照耶和華對摩西的吩咐做的。 43摩西察看這一切工作,見他們都是按照耶和華的吩咐做的,就給他們祝福。