Abaggalatiya 4 – LCB & NIrV

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Abaggalatiya 4:1-31

1Naye ŋŋamba nti omusika bw’aba ng’akyali mwana muto, tayawulwa na muddu, newaakubadde nga ye mukama wa byonna. 2Afugibwa abasigire n’abawanika okutuusa lw’akula n’atuuka ku kigero kitaawe, kye yategeka. 34:3 a Bag 2:4 b Bak 2:8, 20Era naffe bwe tutyo bwe twali tukyali bato, twafugibwanga obulombolombo obw’ensi. 44:4 a Mak 1:15; Bef 1:10 b Yk 1:14 c Luk 2:27Naye ekiseera bwe kyatuuka, Katonda n’atuma Omwana we 54:5 Yk 1:12eyazaalibwa omukazi ng’afugibwa amateeka, tulyoke tufuuke abaana. 64:6 a Bar 5:5 b Bar 8:15, 16Era kubanga tuli baana, Katonda yatuma Omwoyo w’Omwana we okubeera mu mitima gyaffe, era kaakano tuyinza okwogera mu ddoboozi ery’omwanguka nti, “Aba, Kitaffe.” 74:7 Bar 8:17Kale kaakano tokyali muddu, wabula oli mwana; era nga bw’oli omwana oli musika ku bwa Katonda.

Pawulo Alowooza ku Baggalatiya

84:8 a 1Ko 1:21 b 2By 13:9Mmwe bwe mwali temunnamanya Katonda mwabanga baddu ba bitali Katonda. 94:9 a 1Ko 8:3 b nny 3 c Bak 2:20Naye kaakano mutegedde Katonda era naye abategedde, kale muyinza mutya okukyuka, ne mugoberera obulombolombo obunafu obutalina maanyi ne mwagala okufuuka abaddu baabwo? 104:10 Bar 14:5Mukwata ennaku, n’emyezi, n’ebiro, n’emyaka; 114:11 1Bs 3:5neeraliikirira si kulwa ng’omulimu omunene gwe nakola mu mmwe gwali gwa bwereere.

12Abooluganda, mbeegayirira mubeere nga nze, kubanga nange ndi nga mmwe. Temulina kabi ke mwankola; 134:13 1Ko 2:3era mumanyi nga mu bunafu obw’omubiri, mmwe be nasooka okubuulira Enjiri. 14Naye newaakubadde nga mwandinnyomye olw’obulwadde bwange, temwangobaganya, wabula mwansembeza nga malayika wa Katonda, nga Yesu Kristo. 15Kale essanyu lyammwe lyadda wa? Kubanga ndi mujulirwa wammwe nti, mwali musobola okuggyamu amaaso gammwe ne mugampa okunnyamba singa kyali kyetaagisa. 164:16 Am 5:10Kale kaakano nfuuse omulabe wammwe olw’okubategeeza amazima?

17Abo abalabika ng’abaabassaako ennyo omwoyo tebabaagaliza birungi, okuggyako okwagala okubaggalira ebweru, mulyoke mudde ku luuyi lwabwe. 184:18 nny 13, 14Naye kirungi okunyiikiranga okukola ebirungi bulijjo, naye si lwe mbeera nammwe lwokka. 194:19 a 1Ko 4:15 b Bef 4:13Baana bange be nnumirwa nate ng’alumwa okuzaala, okutuusa Kristo lw’alibumbibwa mu mmwe, 20nandyagadde okubeera nammwe kaakano, n’okukyusa eddoboozi lyange kubanga ndi mweraliikirivu ku lwammwe.

Agali ne Saala

21Mumbulire, mmwe abaagala okufugibwa amateeka, lwaki temuwulira mateeka? 224:22 a Lub 16:15 b Lub 21:2Kubanga kyawandiikibwa nti Ibulayimu yazaala abaana babiri aboobulenzi, omu yamuzaala mu mukazi omuddu, n’omulala n’amuzaala mu mukazi ow’eddembe. 234:23 a Bar 9:7, 8 b Lub 18:10-14; Beb 11:11Omwana ow’omukazi omuddu yazaalibwa nga wa mubiri, naye omwana ow’omukazi ow’eddembe yazaalibwa lwa kusuubiza.

24Ebyo biri nga bya lugero; kubanga ezo ndagaano bbiri. Emu yava ku Lusozi Sinaayi, ye yazaala abaana ab’obuddu, ye yava mu Agali. 25Agali lwe Lusozi Sinaayi oluli mu Buwalabu, era afaananyirizibwa ne Yerusaalemi eya kaakano kubanga ye ne bazzukulu be bali mu buddu. 264:26 Beb 12:22; Kub 3:12Naye Yerusaalemi eky’omu ggulu ye mukazi ow’eddembe, era ye nnyaffe. 274:27 Is 54:1Kubanga kyawandiikibwa nti,


ggwe omugumba atazaala.

Leekaanira waggulu mu ddoboozi ery’omwanguka

newaakubadde nga tozaalanga ku mwana.

Kubanga ndikuwa abaana bangi,

abaana abangi okusinga omukazi alina omusajja b’alina.”

28Naye mmwe abooluganda muli baana abaasuubizibwa, nga Isaaka bwe yali. 294:29 a nny 23 b Lub 21:9Naye mu biro biri ng’eyazaalibwa omubiri bwe yayigganya oyo eyazaalibwa Omwoyo, ne kaakano bwe kiri. 304:30 Lub 21:10Naye Ebyawandiikibwa bigamba bitya? Bigamba nti, “Goba omukazi omuddu n’omwana we, kubanga omwana w’omukazi omuddu talisikira wamu n’omwana w’omukazi ow’eddembe.” 31Noolwekyo abooluganda tetuli baana ba mukazi omuddu naye tuli baana ab’omukazi ow’eddembe.

New International Reader’s Version

Galatians 4:1-31

1Here is what I have been saying. As long as your own children are young, they are no different from slaves in your house. They are no different, even though they will own all the property. 2People are in charge of the property. And other people are in charge of the children. The children remain under their care until they become adults. At that time their fathers give them the property. 3It is the same with us. When we were children, we were slaves to the basic spiritual powers of the world. 4But then the chosen time came. God sent his Son. A woman gave birth to him. He was born under the authority of the law. 5He came to set free those who were under the authority of the law. He wanted us to be adopted as children with all the rights children have. 6Because you are his children, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts. He is the Holy Spirit. By his power we call God Abba. Abba means Father. 7So you aren’t a slave any longer. You are God’s child. Because you are his child, God gives you the rights of those who are his children.

Paul’s Concern for the Believers in Galatia

8At one time you didn’t know God. You were slaves to gods that are really not gods at all. 9But now you know God. Even better, God knows you. So why are you turning back to those weak and worthless powers? Do you want to be slaves to them all over again? 10You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! 11I am afraid for you. I am afraid that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.

12I make my appeal to you, brothers and sisters. I’m asking you to become like me. After all, I became like you. You didn’t do anything wrong to me. 13Remember when I first preached the good news to you? Remember I did that because I was sick. 14And my sickness was hard on you. But you weren’t mean to me. You didn’t make fun of me. Instead, you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God. You welcomed me as if I were Christ Jesus himself. 15So why aren’t you treating me the same way now? Suppose you could have torn out your own eyes and given them to me. Then you would have done it. I am a witness to this. 16Have I become your enemy now by telling you the truth?

17Those people are trying hard to win you over. But it is not for your good. They want to take you away from us. They want you to commit yourselves to them. 18It is fine to be committed to something, if the purpose is good. And you shouldn’t be committed only when I am with you. You should always be committed. 19My dear children, I am in pain for you like I was when we first met. I have pain like a woman giving birth. And my pain will continue until Christ makes you like himself. 20I wish I could be with you now. I wish I could change my tone of voice. As it is, I don’t understand you.

Hagar and Sarah

21You who want to be under the authority of the law, tell me something. Don’t you know what the law says? 22It is written that Abraham had two sons. The slave woman gave birth to one of them. The free woman gave birth to the other one. 23Abraham’s son by the slave woman was born in the usual way. But his son by the free woman was born because of God’s promise.

24These things are examples. The two women stand for two covenants. One covenant comes from Mount Sinai. It gives birth to children who are going to be slaves. It is Hagar. 25Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia. She stands for the present city of Jerusalem. That’s because she and her children are slaves. 26But the Jerusalem that is above is free. She is our mother. 27It is written,

“Be glad, woman,

you who have never had children.

Shout for joy and cry out loud,

you who have never had labor pains.

The woman who is all alone has more children

than the woman who has a husband.” (Isaiah 54:1)

28Brothers and sisters, you are children because of God’s promise just as Isaac was. 29At that time, the son born in the usual way tried to hurt the other son. The other son was born by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the same now. 30But what does Scripture say? “Get rid of the slave woman. Get rid of her son. The slave woman’s son will never have a share of the family’s property. He’ll never share it with the free woman’s son.” (Genesis 21:10) 31Brothers and sisters, we are not the slave woman’s children. We are the free woman’s children.