約翰二書 1 – CCBT & NIV

Chinese Contemporary Bible 2023 (Traditional)

約翰二書 1:1-13

1我這作長老的寫信給蒙揀選的女士1·1 學者一般認為「蒙揀選的女士」是指教會。和你的兒女,就是我本著真理所愛的。不但我愛你們,一切認識真理的人也都愛你們, 2這是因為真理在我們裡面,並且永遠與我們同在。



4我看見你一些兒女按照我們從父領受的命令遵行真理,感到非常欣慰。 5女士啊,我現在勸你,我們要彼此相愛。這不是新命令,而是我們從起初就已經領受的命令。 6愛就是遵行上帝的命令。你們要活出愛,這是你們從起初就聽到的命令。


7因為許多騙子已經來到世上,他們否認耶穌基督曾降世為人。這樣的人是騙子,是敵基督者。 8你們要謹慎,好得到完滿的賞賜,免得我們前功盡棄。 9凡偏離基督教導的人,都沒有上帝;凡遵守基督教導的人,都有父和子。 10若有人到你們那裡不傳基督的教導,不要請他到家裡,也不要問候他, 11因為問候他就是與他同流合污。




New International Version

2 John 1:1-13

1The elder,

To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth— 2because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever:

3Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love.

4It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us. 5And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

7I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. 8Watch out that you do not lose what we1:8 Some manuscripts you have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. 9Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. 10If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. 11Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.

12I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete.

13The children of your sister, who is chosen by God, send their greetings.