但以理書 12 – CCBT & NIrV

Chinese Contemporary Bible 2023 (Traditional)

但以理書 12:1-13


1「那時,守護你同胞的天使長米迦勒必挺身而出。將有一段災難時期,是開國以來從未有過的。那時,你同胞中凡名字記在冊子上的,必得拯救。 2許多長眠地下的人必醒過來,有些得到永生,有些蒙受羞辱,永遠被憎惡。 3智者必發出光輝,如耀眼的穹蒼;引導多人歸向公義的人必如閃亮的星辰,直到永永遠遠。 4但以理啊,這些話要保密,要把這書封起來,直到末了。許多人必四處探究,因而知識必增多。」

5但以理觀看,看見另有兩個人分別站在河的兩岸。 6其中一人問身穿細麻衣、站在河水之上的人:「這奇異的事何時才應驗呢?」 7我聽見身穿細麻衣、站在河水之上的人向天舉起雙手,憑永活者起誓說:「再過三年半,等摧毀聖民的權勢結束時,這一切事都要成就。」 8我聽見這話,卻不明白,就問他:「我主啊,這些事的結局會怎樣呢?」 9他說:「但以理啊,你走吧,因為這些事要保密,要被封起來,一直到末了。 10許多人必被淨化、洗滌、煉淨。但惡人必依舊作惡,他們無人明白,只有智者能明白。 11從廢除日常獻的祭、設立帶來毀滅的可憎之物算起,必經過一千二百九十天。 12能等候一千三百三十五天的人有福了! 13你要堅持到底。你必得到安息,到了末後的日子,你必起來承受你的產業。」

New International Reader’s Version

Daniel 12:1-13

The Time of the End

1“At that time Michael will appear. He is the great prince of the angels. He guards your people. There will be a time of terrible suffering. Things will be worse than at any time since nations began. But at that time of suffering your people will be saved. Their names are written in the book of life. 2Many people who lie dead in their graves will wake up. Some will rise up to life that will never end. Others will rise up to shame that will never end. 3Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the sky. Those who lead many others to do what is right will be like the stars for ever and ever. 4But I want you to roll up this scroll, Daniel. Seal it until the time of the end. Many people will go here and there to increase their knowledge.”

5Then I looked up and saw two other angels. One was on this side of the Tigris River. And one was on the other side. 6The man who was dressed in linen was above the waters of the river. One of the angels spoke to him. He asked, “How long will it be before these amazing things come true?”

7The man raised both hands toward heaven. I heard him make a promise in the name of the God who lives forever. He answered me, “Three and a half years. Then the power of the holy people will finally be broken. And all these things will come true.”

8I heard what he said. But I didn’t understand it. So I asked, “My master, what will come of all this?”

9He answered, “Go on your way, Daniel. The scroll is rolled up. It is sealed until the time of the end. 10Many people will be made pure in the fire. They will be made spotless. But sinful people will continue to be evil. Not one sinful person will understand. But those who are wise will.

11“The daily sacrifices will be stopped. And the hated thing that destroys will be set up. After that, there will be 1,290 days. 12Blessed are those who wait for the 1,335 days and reach the end of them.

13“Daniel, go on your way until the end. Your body will rest in the grave. Then at the end of the days you will rise from the dead. And you will receive what God has appointed for you.”