2那時,我但以理悲傷了三個星期, 3期間沒有吃過美味,沒有嘗過酒肉,沒有抹過膏油。 4一月二十四日,我站在底格里斯大河邊, 5舉目觀看,看見有一個人身穿細麻衣,腰束烏法純金帶, 6身體如碧玉,面貌如閃電,眼睛如火炬,四肢如明亮的銅,聲音如眾人的呼喊。 7只有我但以理看見了這異象,跟我在一起的人都沒有看見,但他們極其恐懼,紛紛逃匿, 8只剩下我一人觀看這奇異的景象。我渾身無力,臉色蒼白,精疲力盡。 9接著,我聽見他說話的聲音,一聽見他的聲音,我便俯伏在地上昏睡過去。 10忽然有一隻手輕拍我,扶我用膝和手掌支撐起身體。 11他對我說:「倍受眷愛的但以理啊,要留心聽我說,站起來吧,因為我是奉命到你這裡來的。」他說完這話,我便戰戰兢兢地站起來。 12他說:「但以理啊,不要害怕,從你在上帝面前謙卑地立志要明白這異象的第一天,你的禱告已蒙垂聽。我是來答覆你的。 13波斯國的守護者攔阻我二十一日。由於我滯留在波斯諸王那裡,天使長米迦勒便來幫助我。 14我來是要使你明白將來你同胞的遭遇,因為這異象是關於將來的事。」 15他對我說話時,我臉伏於地,說不出話。 16後來,有一位樣子像人的用手摸我的嘴唇,我便開口對站在我面前的說:「我主啊,因為這異象,我痛苦不堪,毫無氣力。 17僕人我怎能跟我主說話?我現在渾身無力,沒有氣息。」
18於是,那位樣子像人的再次摸我,使我有力量。 19他對我說:「倍受眷愛的人啊,不要害怕,願你平安!要剛強勇敢。」他和我說話時,我便有了力量,就說:「我主啊,請說,因為你使我有了力量。」 20他說:「你知道我為什麼要到你這裡來嗎?現在我要回去與波斯的守護者爭戰。我離開後,希臘的守護者就會來。 21除了你們的守護天使米迦勒以外,誰也沒有幫助我抵擋他們。我來是要把記錄在真理書上的事告訴你。
Daniel Has a Vision About What Will Happen to Israel
1It was the third year that Cyrus, the king of Persia, ruled over Babylon. At that time I was living in Babylon. There the people called me Belteshazzar. A message from God came to me. It was true. It was about a great war. I had a vision that showed me what it meant.
2At that time I was very sad for three weeks. 3I didn’t eat any rich food. No meat or wine touched my lips. I didn’t use any lotions at all until the three weeks were over.
4I was standing on the bank of the great Tigris River. It was the 24th day of the first month. 5I looked up and saw a man dressed in linen clothes. He had a belt around his waist. It was made out of fine gold from Uphaz. 6His body gleamed like topaz. His face shone like lightning. His eyes were like flaming torches. His arms and legs were as bright as polished bronze. And his voice was like the sound of a large crowd.
7I was the only one who saw the vision. The people who were there with me didn’t see it. But they were so terrified that they ran and hid. 8So I was left alone as I was watching this great vision. I felt very weak. My face turned as pale as death. And I was helpless. 9Then I heard the man speak. As I listened to him, I fell sound asleep. My face was toward the ground.
10A hand touched me. It pulled me up on my hands and knees. I began to tremble with fear. 11The man said, “Daniel, you are highly respected. Think carefully about what I am going to say to you. And stand up. God has sent me to you.” When he said that, I trembled as I stood up.
12He continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. You decided to get more understanding. You made yourself humble as you worshiped your God. Since the first day you did those things, your words were heard. I have come to give you an answer. 13But the prince of Persia opposed me for 21 days. Then Michael came to help me. He is one of the leaders of the angels. He helped me win the battle over the king of Persia. 14Now I have come to explain the vision to you. I will tell you what will happen to your people. The vision shows what will take place in days to come.”
15While he was telling me these things, I bowed with my face toward the ground. I wasn’t able to speak. 16Then someone who looked like a man touched my lips. I opened my mouth. I began to speak to the one who was standing in front of me. I said, “My master, I’m greatly troubled because of the vision I’ve seen. And I feel very weak. 17How can I talk with you? My strength is gone. In fact, I can hardly breathe.”
18The one who looked like a man touched me again. He gave me strength. 19“Do not be afraid,” he said. “You are highly respected. May peace be with you! Be strong now. Be strong.”
When he spoke to me, I became stronger. I said, “Speak, my master. You have given me strength.”
20So he said, “Do you know why I have come to you? Soon I will return to fight against the prince of Persia. When I go, the prince of Greece will come. 21But first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. No one gives me any help against those princes except Michael. He is your leader.