1大流士王执政第二年六月一日,耶和华借着先知哈该对撒拉铁的儿子犹大省长所罗巴伯和约撒答的儿子大祭司约书亚说: 2“万军之耶和华说,‘这些百姓说,重建耶和华殿的时候还没到。’” 3因此,耶和华借先知哈该说: 4“这殿还荒废时,你们却住在华丽的房子里吗? 5万军之耶和华说,你们要认真反省自己的行为。 6你们种多收少,吃不饱,喝不足,穿不暖,挣来的工钱却放在破漏口袋中。”
7万军之耶和华说:“你们要认真反省自己的行为。 8你们要上山伐木,重建这殿,好让我欢喜并得到尊崇。这是耶和华说的。 9你们盼望丰收,结果收的很少;你们把收成带回家,我却把它们吹走。这是什么缘故?万军之耶和华告诉你们,‘因为你们都忙于建自家的房子,任由我的殿荒废。 10所以,天不降露,地无出产。 11我让旱灾临到大地、群山、五谷、葡萄、橄榄等地里的出产和人畜,以及你们所劳碌的一切。’”
12撒拉铁的儿子犹大省长所罗巴伯、约撒答的儿子大祭司约书亚和所有的余民1:12 “余民”指“从流亡之地归回的人”。,听到他们的上帝耶和华派先知哈该所讲的话,都顺服耶和华的话。百姓都敬畏耶和华。 13耶和华的使者哈该向百姓传达耶和华的话,说:“耶和华说,‘我与你们同在。’” 14耶和华感动撒拉铁的儿子犹大省长所罗巴伯、约撒答的儿子大祭司约书亚和所有的余民,他们就动工建造他们的上帝——万军之耶和华的殿, 15时值大流士王执政第二年六月二十四日。
Haggai Tells His People to Rebuild the Lord’s Temple
1A message from the Lord came to Haggai the prophet. Haggai gave it to Zerubbabel and Joshua. Zerubbabel was governor of Judah and the son of Shealtiel. Joshua was high priest and the son of Jozadak. The message came on the first day of the sixth month of the second year that Darius was king of Persia. Here is what Haggai said.
2Here is what the Lord who rules over all says. “The people of Judah say, ‘It’s not yet time to rebuild the Lord’s temple.’ ”
3So the message from the Lord came to me. The Lord said, 4“My temple is still destroyed. But you are living in your houses that have beautiful wooden walls.”
5The Lord who rules over all says, “Think carefully about how you are living. 6You have planted many seeds. But the crops you have gathered are small. So you eat. But you never have enough. You drink. But you are never full. You put on your clothes. But you are not warm. You earn your pay. But it will not buy everything you need.”
7He continues, “Think carefully about how you are living. 8Go up into the mountains. Bring logs down. Use them to rebuild the temple, my house. Then I will enjoy it. And you will honor me,” says the Lord. 9“You expected a lot. But you can see what a small amount it turned out to be. I blew away what you brought home. I’ll tell you why,” announces the Lord who rules over all. “Because my temple is still destroyed. In spite of that, each one of you is busy with your own house. 10So because of what you have done, the heavens have held back the dew. And the earth has not produced its crops. 11I ordered the rain not to fall on the fields and mountains. Then the ground did not produce any grain. There were not enough grapes to make fresh wine. The trees did not bear enough olives to make oil. People and cattle suffered. All your hard work failed.”
12Zerubbabel was the son of Shealtiel. Joshua the high priest was the son of Jozadak. They obeyed the Lord their God. So did all the Lord’s people who were still left alive. The Lord had given his message to them through me. He had sent me to speak to them. And the people had respect for him.
13Haggai was the Lord’s messenger. So Haggai gave the Lord’s message to the people. He told them, “The Lord announces, ‘I am with you.’ ” 14So the Lord stirred up the spirits of Zerubbabel, the governor of Judah, and Joshua the high priest. The Lord also stirred up the rest of the people to help them. Then everyone began to work on the temple of the Lord who rules over all. He is their God. 15It was the 24th day of the sixth month.
The New Temple Will Be Beautiful
In the second year of King Darius,