1太初,上帝创造了天地。 2那时,大地空虚混沌,黑暗笼罩着深渊,上帝的灵运行在水面上。 3上帝说:“要有光!”就有了光。 4上帝看光是好的,就把光和黑暗分开。 5上帝称光为昼,称黑暗为夜。晚上过去,早晨到来,这是第一日1:5 “这是第一日”或译“这是一日”。。 6上帝说:“水与水之间要有穹苍,把水分开。” 7果然如此。上帝造了穹苍,将穹苍之下的水和穹苍之上的水分开。 8上帝称穹苍为天空。晚上过去,早晨到来,这是第二日。
9上帝说:“天空下面的水要聚在一处,使干地露出来。”果然如此。 10上帝称干地为陆地,称汇聚的水为海洋。上帝看了,觉得美好。 11上帝说:“陆地要长出植物——各类结种子的菜蔬和结果子的树木,果子内都有籽。”果然如此, 12陆地长出了植物——各类结种子的菜蔬和结果子的树木,果子内都有籽。上帝看了,觉得美好。 13晚上过去,早晨到来,这是第三日。
14上帝说:“天空要有光体,以区分昼夜,作记号,定节令,计算年日, 15在天空发光,普照大地。”果然如此。 16上帝造了两个大光体,大的管昼,小的管夜,又造了星辰。 17上帝把这些光体摆列在天空,让它们发光普照大地, 18管理昼夜,分开光和黑暗。上帝看了,觉得美好。 19晚上过去,早晨到来,这是第四日。
20上帝说:“水中要充满各种动物,空中要有禽鸟飞翔。” 21上帝就创造了海中的大鱼等各类水族和各类禽鸟。上帝看了,觉得美好。 22上帝赐福给这一切生物,说:“水族要多多地生养繁衍,充满海洋,禽鸟也要在地上多多地繁衍。” 23晚上过去,早晨到来,这是第五日。 24上帝说:“大地要繁衍各类动物——各类的牲畜、爬虫和野兽。”果然如此。 25上帝造了地上的各类野兽、牲畜和爬虫。上帝看了,觉得美好。
26上帝说:“我们要照着我们的形象,按着我们的样式造人,让他们管理海里的鱼、空中的鸟和地上的牲畜及一切爬虫。” 27上帝就照着自己的形象造了人,祂照着自己的形象造了男人和女人。 28上帝赐福给他们,对他们说:“你们要生养众多,遍满地面,治理大地,管理海里的鱼、空中的鸟以及地上的各种动物。” 29上帝说:“看啊,我把地上所有结种子的谷蔬和所有树上有籽的果子都赐给你们作食物。 30我把绿色植物赐给所有地上的走兽、空中的飞鸟及地上的爬虫等有气息的动物作食物。”果然如此。 31上帝看了祂所造的一切,觉得非常美好。晚上过去,早晨到来,这是第六日。
The Beginning
1In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 2The earth didn’t have any shape. And it was empty. There was darkness over the surface of the waves. At that time, the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light. 4God saw that the light was good. He separated the light from the darkness. 5God called the light “day.” He called the darkness “night.” There was evening, and there was morning. It was day one.
6God said, “Let there be a huge space between the waters. Let it separate water from water.” 7And that’s exactly what happened. God made the huge space between the waters. He separated the water under the space from the water above it. 8God called the huge space “sky.” There was evening, and there was morning. It was day two.
9God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered into one place. Let dry ground appear.” And that’s exactly what happened. 10God called the dry ground “land.” He called all the water that was gathered together “seas.” And God saw that it was good.
11Then God said, “Let the land produce plants. Let them produce their own seeds. And let there be trees on the land that grow fruit with seeds in it. Let each kind of plant or tree have its own kind of seeds.” And that’s exactly what happened. 12So the land produced plants. Each kind of plant had its own kind of seeds. And the land produced trees that grew fruit with seeds in it. Each kind of tree had its own kind of seeds. God saw that it was good. 13There was evening, and there was morning. It was day three.
14God said, “Let there be lights in the huge space of the sky. Let them separate the day from the night. Let the lights set the times for the holy celebrations and the days and the years. 15Let them be lights in the huge space of the sky to give light on the earth.” And that’s exactly what happened. 16God made two great lights. He made the larger light to rule over the day and the smaller light to rule over the night. He also made the stars. 17God put the lights in the huge space of the sky to give light on the earth. 18He put them there to rule over the day and the night. He put them there to separate light from darkness. God saw that it was good. 19There was evening, and there was morning. It was day four.
20God said, “Let the seas be filled with living things. Let birds fly above the earth across the huge space of the sky.” 21So God created the great sea creatures. He created every kind of living thing that fills the seas and moves about in them. He created every kind of bird that flies. And God saw that it was good. 22God blessed them. He said, “Have little ones so that there will be many of you. Fill the water in the seas. Let there be more and more birds on the earth.” 23There was evening, and there was morning. It was day five.
24God said, “Let the land produce every kind of living creature. Let there be livestock, and creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals.” And that’s exactly what happened. 25God made every kind of wild animal. He made every kind of livestock. He made every kind of creature that moves along the ground. And God saw that it was good.
26Then God said, “Let us make human beings so that they are like us. Let them rule over the fish in the seas and the birds in the sky. Let them rule over the livestock and all the wild animals. And let them rule over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
27So God created human beings in his own likeness.
He created them to be like himself.
He created them as male and female.
28God blessed them. He said to them, “Have children so that there will be many of you. Fill the earth and bring it under your control. Rule over the fish in the seas and the birds in the sky. Rule over every living creature that moves along the ground.”
29Then God said, “I am giving you every plant on the face of the whole earth that produces its own seeds. I am giving you every tree that has fruit with seeds in it. All of them will be given to you for food. 30I am giving every green plant as food for all the land animals and for all the birds in the sky. I am also giving the plants to all the creatures that move along the ground. I am giving them to every living thing that breathes.” And that’s exactly what happened.
31God saw everything he had made. And it was very good. There was evening, and there was morning. It was day six.