Genesis 10 – NIV & CCB

New International Version

Genesis 10:1-32

The Table of Nations

1This is the account of Shem, Ham and Japheth, Noah’s sons, who themselves had sons after the flood.

The Japhethites

2The sons10:2 Sons may mean descendants or successors or nations; also in verses 3, 4, 6, 7, 20-23, 29 and 31. of Japheth:

Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshek and Tiras.

3The sons of Gomer:

Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah.

4The sons of Javan:

Elishah, Tarshish, the Kittites and the Rodanites.10:4 Some manuscripts of the Masoretic Text and Samaritan Pentateuch (see also Septuagint and 1 Chron. 1:7); most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text Dodanites 5(From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.)

The Hamites

6The sons of Ham:

Cush, Egypt, Put and Canaan.

7The sons of Cush:

Seba, Havilah, Sabtah, Raamah and Sabteka.

The sons of Raamah:

Sheba and Dedan.

8Cush was the father10:8 Father may mean ancestor or predecessor or founder; also in verses 13, 15, 24 and 26. of Nimrod, who became a mighty warrior on the earth. 9He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; that is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.” 10The first centers of his kingdom were Babylon, Uruk, Akkad and Kalneh, in10:10 Or Uruk and Akkad—all of them in Shinar.10:10 That is, Babylonia 11From that land he went to Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir,10:11 Or Nineveh with its city squares Calah 12and Resen, which is between Nineveh and Calah—which is the great city.

13Egypt was the father of

the Ludites, Anamites, Lehabites, Naphtuhites, 14Pathrusites, Kasluhites (from whom the Philistines came) and Caphtorites.

15Canaan was the father of

Sidon his firstborn,10:15 Or of the Sidonians, the foremost and of the Hittites, 16Jebusites, Amorites, Girgashites, 17Hivites, Arkites, Sinites, 18Arvadites, Zemarites and Hamathites.

Later the Canaanite clans scattered 19and the borders of Canaan reached from Sidon toward Gerar as far as Gaza, and then toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboyim, as far as Lasha.

20These are the sons of Ham by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

The Semites

21Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was10:21 Or Shem, the older brother of Japheth; Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber.

22The sons of Shem:

Elam, Ashur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram.

23The sons of Aram:

Uz, Hul, Gether and Meshek.10:23 See Septuagint and 1 Chron. 1:17; Hebrew Mash.

24Arphaxad was the father of10:24 Hebrew; Septuagint father of Cainan, and Cainan was the father of Shelah,

and Shelah the father of Eber.

25Two sons were born to Eber:

One was named Peleg,10:25 Peleg means division. because in his time the earth was divided; his brother was named Joktan.

26Joktan was the father of

Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah, 27Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah, 28Obal, Abimael, Sheba, 29Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan.

30The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country.

31These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

32These are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

Chinese Contemporary Bible 2022 (Simplified)

创世记 10:1-32




6的儿子是古实麦西10:6 “麦西”希伯来文是Mizraim,就是“埃及”,13节亦同。迦南7古实的儿子是西巴哈腓拉撒弗他拉玛撒弗提迦拉玛的儿子是示巴底但

8古实也是宁录之父,宁录是世上第一位勇士, 9在耶和华眼中是个孔武有力的猎人,因此有俗话说:“要像宁录那样在耶和华眼中是个孔武有力的猎人。” 10他首先在示拿地区的巴别以力亚甲甲尼各地建国, 11后来扩展到亚述,在那里建立了尼尼微利河伯迦拉12以及尼尼微迦拉之间的利鲜大城。

13麦西的后代有路低人、亚拿米人、利哈比人、拿弗土希人、 14帕斯鲁细人、迦斯路希人和迦斐托人。非利士人是迦斐托人的后代。

15迦南生长子西顿和次子16他的后代还有耶布斯人、亚摩利人、革迦撒人、 17希未人、亚基人、西尼人、 18亚瓦底人、洗玛利人和哈马人。后来迦南各宗族散居在各地。 19迦南的疆域从西顿基拉耳延伸,远至迦萨,再向所多玛蛾摩拉押玛洗扁延伸,远至拉沙20以上记载的都是的子孙,他们根据自己的宗族、语言、国土和民族散居各处。

21雅弗的哥哥希伯子孙的祖先,他也生了儿子。 22的儿子是以拦亚述亚法撒路德亚兰23亚兰的儿子是乌斯户勒基帖玛施24亚法撒沙拉沙拉希伯25希伯有两个儿子,一个名叫法勒10:25 “法勒”意思是“分开”。,因为那时人们分地而居。法勒的兄弟叫约坍26约坍亚摩答沙列哈萨玛非耶拉27哈多兰乌萨德拉28俄巴路亚比玛利示巴29阿斐哈腓拉约巴。这些都是约坍的儿子。 30他们居住的地方,从米沙直到东边的西发山区。 31以上记载的都是的子孙,他们按着自己的宗族、语言、国土和民族散居各处。
