Category: Discover Truth

What’s Your View?

I recently shared some thoughts on biblical hospitality and the opportunity it provides to live the gospel. Gospel-living isn’t always easy. It’s sacrificial, it can be messy and scary, but it can also be life-giving to both the giver and the receiver. 1 Peter 4:9 says, “Offer hospitality to one

The deeper wisdom of humble faith

Lauren is a talented interior designer, and she knows it. That’s why she hates it when an outsider tries to teach her something in her field of expertise. It happened just recently again when Mary and Bob gave her advice on how to use color to accent a room. That

How can we move from fear to faith?

It’s been a long weekend for Jessica, and she’s glad to be back home. She’s dirty, sweaty, smelly, and exhausted. The family went camping—the kids had been begging for months, and her husband had gotten new gear, including a comfortable sleeping pad for her. He knew how much she values

Loving the Stranger

As the light at the end of the COVID tunnel seems to be approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about what life will be like when we are fully “open” again. I imagine it will be slow going for many of us as we respect the varying comfort levels we

The Lure of Misplaced Hope.

Brian has a charming, magnetic personality. He is extremely pleasant in public company, and able to make fascinating conversation. This is due partly to his vast intelligence, and partly to his self-reliance and ability to perform well. He has cultivated his many talents in eclectic ways and has become accustomed

What is Wisdom?

Wisdom. Most of us would say we possess some measure of it. And yet, we would probably all sign up for more, if it didn’t prove so, well… elusive? Unattainable? Reserved for the “truly spiritual”?  What if our desire for wisdom led us to look for the right answers in

Running in Faith

Twenty-five miles down. My legs were tired but still carrying me. The crowd had grown. The cheers were louder and the cowbells increased in number. Every sign, including my watch, indicated I was close to the finish. I looked ahead and the pavement was rising. A hill? Ugh, okay, I