Ester 8 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Ester 8:1-17

Edicto real en favor de los judíos

1Ese mismo día el rey Asuero dio a la reina Ester las propiedades de Amán, el enemigo de los judíos. Mardoqueo se presentó ante el rey, porque Ester le había dicho cuál era su parentesco con ella. 2El rey se quitó el anillo con su sello, el cual había recuperado de Amán, y se lo obsequió a Mardoqueo. Ester, por su parte, lo designó administrador de las propiedades de Amán.

3Luego Ester volvió a interceder ante el rey. Se echó a sus pies y, con lágrimas en los ojos, suplicó que pusiera fin al malvado plan que Amán, el agagueo, había maquinado contra los judíos. 4El rey extendió a Ester el cetro de oro. Entonces ella se levantó y, permaneciendo de pie ante él, 5dijo:

—Si me he ganado el favor de Su Majestad, y si piensa que es correcto hacerlo y está contento conmigo, dígnese dar una contraorden que invalide los decretos para aniquilar a los judíos que están en todas las provincias del reino, los cuales fraguó y escribió Amán, hijo de Hamedata, el agagueo. 6Porque ¿cómo podría yo ver la calamidad que se cierne sobre mi pueblo? ¿Cómo podría ver impasible el exterminio de mi gente?

7El rey Asuero respondió entonces a la reina Ester y a Mardoqueo el judío:

—Debido a que Amán atentó contra los judíos, he dado sus propiedades a Ester y a él lo han colgado en la horca. 8Redacten ahora, en mi nombre, otro decreto en favor de los judíos, como mejor les parezca, y séllenlo con mi anillo real. Un documento escrito en mi nombre y sellado con mi anillo es imposible de revocar.

9De inmediato fueron convocados los secretarios del rey. Era el día veintitrés del mes tercero, el mes de siván. Se escribió todo lo que Mardoqueo ordenó a los judíos y a los sátrapas, gobernadores y nobles de las ciento veintisiete provincias que se extendían desde la India hasta Cus. Esas órdenes se promulgaron en la escritura de cada provincia y en el idioma de cada pueblo; también en la escritura e idioma propios de los judíos. 10Mardoqueo escribió los decretos en nombre del rey Asuero, los selló con el anillo real y los envió por medio de mensajeros del rey, que montaban veloces corceles de las caballerizas reales.

11El edicto del rey facultaba a los judíos de cada ciudad a reunirse y defenderse, a exterminar, matar y aniquilar a cualquier fuerza armada de otro pueblo o provincia que los atacara a ellos o a sus mujeres y niños; también a apoderarse de los bienes de sus enemigos. 12Para llevar esto a cabo en todas las provincias del rey Asuero, se fijó el día trece del mes doce, que es el mes de adar. 13En cada provincia se emitiría como ley una copia del texto del edicto y se daría a conocer a todos los pueblos. Así los judíos estarían preparados ese día para vengarse de sus enemigos.

14Los mensajeros, siguiendo las órdenes del rey, salieron de prisa montando veloces corceles. El edicto se publicó también en la ciudad de Susa.

15Mardoqueo salió de la presencia del rey vistiendo ropas reales de color azul y blanco, una gran corona de oro y un manto de hilo de lino fino color púrpura. La ciudad de Susa estalló en gritos de alegría. 16Para los judíos, aquel fue un tiempo de luz y de alegría, júbilo y honor. 17En cada provincia y ciudad adonde llegaban el edicto y la orden del rey había alegría y regocijo entre los judíos, con banquetes y festejos. Y muchas personas de otros pueblos se hicieron judíos por miedo a ellos.

New International Reader’s Version

Esther 8:1-17

The King Allows the Jews to Fight for Their Lives

1That same day King Xerxes gave Queen Esther everything Haman had owned. Haman had been the enemy of the Jews. Esther had told the king that Mordecai was her cousin. So Mordecai came to see the king. 2The king took his ring off. It had his royal mark on it. He had taken it back from Haman. Now he gave it to Mordecai. And Esther put Mordecai in charge of everything Haman had owned.

3Esther made another appeal to the king. She fell at his feet and wept. She begged him to put an end to the evil plan of Haman, the Agagite. He had decided to kill the Jews. 4The king reached out his gold scepter toward Esther. She got up and stood in front of him.

5She said, “King Xerxes, I hope you will think what I’m asking is the right thing to do. I hope you are pleased with me. If you are, and if it pleases you, let an order be written. Let it take the place of the messages Haman wrote. Haman was the son of Hammedatha, the Agagite. He planned to kill the Jews. He wrote orders to destroy us in all your territories. 6I couldn’t stand by and see the horrible trouble that would fall on my people! I couldn’t stand to see my family destroyed!”

7King Xerxes gave a reply to Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew. He said, “Haman attacked the Jews. So I’ve given Esther everything he owned. My men have stuck a pole through his dead body. And they’ve set it up where everyone can see it. 8Now write another order in my name. Do it for the benefit of the Jews. Do what seems best to you. Stamp the order with my royal mark. Nothing that is written in my name and stamped with my mark can ever be changed.”

9Right away the king sent for the royal secretaries. It was the 23rd day of the third month. That was the month of Sivan. They wrote down all Mordecai’s orders to the Jews. They also wrote them to the royal officials, the governors and the nobles of the 127 territories in his kingdom. The territories reached from India all the way to Cush. The orders were written down in the writing of each territory. They were written in the language of each nation. They were also written to the Jews in their own writing and language. 10Mordecai wrote the orders in the name of King Xerxes. He stamped them with the king’s royal mark. He sent them by messengers on horseback. They rode fast horses that were raised just for the king.

11The Jews in every city could now gather together and fight for their lives. The king’s order gave them that right. But suppose soldiers from any nation or territory attacked them, their women or children. Then the Jews could destroy, kill and wipe out those soldiers. They could also take the goods that belonged to their enemies. 12A day was appointed for the Jews to do that in all the king’s territories. It was the 13th day of the 12th month. That was the month of Adar. 13A copy of the order was sent out as law in every territory. It was announced to the people of every nation. So the Jews would be ready on that day. They could pay back their enemies.

14The messengers rode on the royal horses. They raced along. That’s what the king commanded them to do. The order was also sent out in the fort of Susa.

The Jews Win the Battle Over Their Enemies

15Mordecai left the king and went on his way. Mordecai was wearing royal clothes when he went. They were blue and white. He was also wearing a large gold crown. And he was wearing a purple coat. It was made out of fine linen. The city of Susa celebrated with great joy. 16The Jews were filled with joy and happiness. They were very glad because now they were being honored. 17They celebrated and enjoyed good food. They were glad and full of joy. That was true everywhere the king’s order came. It was true in every territory and every city. Many people from other nations announced that they had become Jews. That’s because they were so afraid of the Jews.