1. Timotejovi 2 – SNC & NIRV

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1. Timotejovi 2:1-15

Pokyny pro bohoslužbu

1Předně pamatuj na to, abyste v modlitbách prosili za své bližní a děkovali za vše, co Bůh pro ně učinil. 2-4Myslete tak zvlášť na vládnoucí osoby a na všechny, kteří rozhodují o závažných věcech, abychom žili v míru a klidu, abychom mohli bez překážek a důsledně vyznávat svou víru.

5Je totiž jenom jeden Bůh pro všechny lidi

a jednom jeden, který Boha a lidi navzájem spojuje,

člověk Ježíš Kristus.

6Ten dal svůj život za celé lidstvo.

Tuto zprávu Bůh ve vhodný čas oznámil světu.

7Já jsem byl vybrán, abych ji jako Boží posel věrně a pravdivě zvěstoval jiným národům.

8Chci tedy, aby se při bohoslužbě muži modlili k Bohu v čistotě srdce, bez hněvu a hádek. 9-10Také křesťanské ženy ať se oblékají slušně a zdobí se prostě a střízlivě; pozornost ať budí svou laskavostí a ne účesem, drahými šaty nebo šperky. 11Poučení ať přijímají tiše a pokorně.

12Ve shromážděních ať nemají rozhodující slovo ženy. Proč? 13Protože Bůh stvořil nejprve Adama, pak Evu. 14A nebyl to Adam, kdo první podlehl hříchu, ale žena, kterou je snadnější oklamat. 15Je jí však svěřena úloha matky. Musí ovšem setrvat ve víře, lásce, svatosti a kázni.

New International Reader’s Version

1 Timothy 2:1-15

Teachings About Worship

1First, I want you to pray for all people. Ask God to help and bless them. Give thanks for them. 2Pray for kings. Pray for everyone who is in authority. Pray that we can live peaceful and quiet lives. And pray that we will be godly and holy. 3This is good, and it pleases God our Savior. 4He wants all people to be saved. He wants them to come to know the truth. 5There is only one God. And there is only one go-between for God and human beings. He is the man Christ Jesus. 6He gave himself to pay for the sins of all people. We have been told this message at just the right time. 7I was appointed to be a messenger and an apostle to preach the good news. I am telling the truth. I’m not lying. God appointed me to be a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles.

8So I want the men in every place to pray. I want them to lift up holy hands. I don’t want them to be angry when they pray. I don’t want them to argue. 9In the same way, I want the women to be careful how they dress. They should wear clothes that are right and proper. They shouldn’t wear their hair in very fancy styles. They shouldn’t wear gold or pearls. They shouldn’t wear clothes that cost a lot of money. 10Instead, they should put on good works as if good works were their clothes. This is proper for women who claim to worship God.

11When a woman is learning, she should be quiet. She should follow her leaders in every way. 12I do not let women teach or take authority over a man. They must be quiet. 13That’s because Adam was made first. Then Eve was made. 14Adam was not the one who was tricked. The woman was tricked and became a sinner. 15Will women be saved by having children? Only if they keep on believing, loving, and leading a holy life in a proper way.