Juízes 12 – OL & KJV

O Livro

Juízes 12:1-15

Efraim contra Jefté

1Então a tribo de Efraim mobilizou a sua tropa, reuniu-a em Zafom e mandou uma nota a Jefté: “Porque não nos chamaste para te ajudarmos quando foste combater contra os amonitas? Por isso, agora vamos queimar a tua casa contigo dentro!”

2“Eu convoquei-vos, mas vocês recusaram-se a vir!”, retorquiu Jefté. “Foram vocês que se recusaram vir ajudar-nos quando precisávamos. 3Por essa razão, coloquei a minha vida em risco, indo combater sem vocês, e o Senhor ajudou-me a derrotar os adversários. Há alguma justificação para que agora venham contra mim?”

4Então Jefté, reuniu os homens de Gileade e atacou os de Efraim, por eles terem dito que os das tribos de Efraim e Manassés, que viviam em Gileade, eram desertores de Efraim. E Jefté derrotou-os. 5Ocupou os baixios do Jordão na sua retaguarda e quando algum fugitivo de Efraim tentava escapar através do rio, a sentinela de Gileade perguntava-lhe: “És membro da tribo de Efraim?” Se respondia que não, 6então mandavam-o dizer a palavra “Chibolete”. Se ele dizia “Sibolete”, porque não era capaz de a pronunciar corretamente, pegavam nele e matavam-no. Ao todo morreram 42 000 pessoas de Efraim nessa ocasião.

7Jefté foi juiz em Israel durante 6 anos. Quando morreu enterraram-no numa das cidades de Gileade.

Ibzã, Elom e Abdom

8O juiz seguinte chamava-se Ibzã e vivia em Belém. 9Tinha 60 filhos; 30 rapazes e 30 meninas. As raparigas, casou-as fora do seu clã, e trouxe 30 moças para casarem com os filhos. Chefiou Israel durante 7 anos. 10Na sua morte foi enterrado em Belém.

11Depois seguiu-se Elom de Zebulão. Governou Israel durante 10 anos. 12Está enterrado em Aijalom na terra de Zebulão.

13Sudeceu-lhe Abdom, filho de Hilel, de Piraton. 14Tinha 40 filhos e 30 netos que se deslocavam montados em 70 jumentos. Foi juiz em Israel durante 8 anos. 15Está sepultado em Piraton, em Efraim, nas colinas dos amalequitas.

King James Version

Judges 12:1-15

1And the men of Ephraim gathered themselves together, and went northward, and said unto Jephthah, Wherefore passedst thou over to fight against the children of Ammon, and didst not call us to go with thee? we will burn thine house upon thee with fire.12.1 gathered…: Heb. were called 2And Jephthah said unto them, I and my people were at great strife with the children of Ammon; and when I called you, ye delivered me not out of their hands. 3And when I saw that ye delivered me not, I put my life in my hands, and passed over against the children of Ammon, and the LORD delivered them into my hand: wherefore then are ye come up unto me this day, to fight against me? 4Then Jephthah gathered together all the men of Gilead, and fought with Ephraim: and the men of Gilead smote Ephraim, because they said, Ye Gileadites are fugitives of Ephraim among the Ephraimites, and among the Manassites. 5And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay; 6Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand. 7And Jephthah judged Israel six years. Then died Jephthah the Gileadite, and was buried in one of the cities of Gilead.

8¶ And after him Ibzan of Beth-lehem judged Israel. 9And he had thirty sons, and thirty daughters, whom he sent abroad, and took in thirty daughters from abroad for his sons. And he judged Israel seven years. 10Then died Ibzan, and was buried at Beth-lehem.

11¶ And after him Elon, a Zebulonite, judged Israel; and he judged Israel ten years. 12And Elon the Zebulonite died, and was buried in Aijalon in the country of Zebulun.

13¶ And after him Abdon the son of Hillel, a Pirathonite, judged Israel. 14And he had forty sons and thirty nephews, that rode on threescore and ten ass colts: and he judged Israel eight years.12.14 nephews: Heb. sons’ sons 15And Abdon the son of Hillel the Pirathonite died, and was buried in Pirathon in the land of Ephraim, in the mount of the Amalekites.