Josué 22 – OL & NIRV

O Livro

Josué 22:1-34

As tribos orientais regressam a Gileade

1Josué convocou as tropas das tribos de Rúben, Gad e da meia tribo de Manassés. 2E falou-lhes deste modo: “Vocês fizeram tudo conforme Moisés, o servo do Senhor, vos ordenou e obedeceram a cada mandamento que vos foi transmitido, a cada ordem dada pelo Senhor, vosso Deus. 3Não abandonaram as tribos vossas irmãs, mesmo tendo esta campanha durado tanto tempo. 4O Senhor, vosso Deus, deu repouso a vossos irmãos, como lhes tinha prometido. Por isso, regressem aos vossos lares, à terra que vos foi dada pelo servo do Senhor, Moisés, no lado de lá do Jordão. 5Não deixem de obedecer o mandamento e a Lei que Moisés, o servo do Senhor, vos mandou. Amem o Senhor, vosso Deus, e sigam o seu plano para as vossas vidas. Cheguem-se a ele e sirvam-no com zelo e entusiasmo.”

6Desta forma, Josué abençoou-os e mandou-os embora. 7(Eles regressaram à terra que Moisés lhes tinha atribuído; no que respeita à meia tribo de Manassés, a terra de Basã; a outra meia tribo recebeu igualmente terra, mas do lado ocidental do Jordão.) Josué, ao mandar regressar aquelas tropas, abençoou-as; 8disse-lhes também que repartissem os bens que tinham obtido do despojo dos combates com os seus irmãos que tinham ficado do outro lado; bens esses que consistiam em gado, prata, ouro, bronze, ferro e vestuário.

9Assim, as tropas de Rúben, de Gad e da meia tribo de Manassés deixaram o exército de Israel em Silo, em Canaã, e atravessaram de novo o Jordão, de volta aos seus lares, à terra de Gileade.

O Altar do Testemunho

10Contudo, antes de encetarem essa travessia, enquanto estavam ainda em Canaã, resolveram construir um grande monumento, bem visível a toda a gente, e com a forma de um altar.

11Quando o resto de Israel ouviu dizer o que eles estavam a fazer, 12mobilizaram imediatamente um exército em Silo e prepararam-se para combater aquelas tribos irmãs.

13No entanto, enviaram primeiro uma delegação chefiada por Fineias, filho do sacerdote Eleazar. Estes atravessaram o rio e vieram conferenciar com as tribos de Rúben e de Gad e com a meia tribo de Manassés. 14Nessa delegação havia dez oficiais de Israel, um de cada uma das dez tribos, um chefe por cada clã.

15Quando chegaram à terra de Gileade disseram às outras três tribos: 16“Toda a congregação do Senhor vos pede que lhe façam saber a razão por que estão a pecar contra o Deus de Israel, desviando-se dele e construindo um altar, sinal de rebelião contra o Senhor. 17Terá sido pouca coisa a rebelião de Peor, da qual ainda hoje não estamos completamente limpos, a despeito da praga que nos flagelou, 18e agora querem cair no mesmo erro? Sabem bem que se se revoltarem hoje contra o Senhor, amanhã estará contra todos nós. 19Se precisam desse altar por causa da terra estar impura, venham para a terra do Senhor, onde está o tabernáculo do Senhor; repartiremos a nossa terra convosco. Mas não se voltem contra o Senhor, construindo outro altar além do único altar verdadeiro do Senhor, nosso Deus. 20Não se lembram que quando Acã, o filho de Zera, pecou, ao apoderar-se das coisas condenadas à destruição, a nação inteira foi castigada? Além do mais não foi só ele a morrer devido ao seu pecado.”

21A resposta do povo de Rúben, de Gad e da meia tribo de Manassés àqueles oficiais foi a seguinte: 22“Nós juramos, pelo Senhor, o Deus dos deuses, que não construímos nenhum altar em rebelião contra o Senhor. Ele sabe bem, e que todo Israel o saiba igualmente, 23que não construímos um altar para nele realizar holocaustos, ofertas de cereais ou de paz. Que a maldição do Senhor recaia sobre nós se o fizermos. 24Edificámos este altar, porque tememos que no futuro os vossos filhos venham a dizer aos nossos: ‘Com que direito adoram o Senhor Deus de Israel? 25O Senhor colocou o rio Jordão como fronteira entre o nosso povo e o vosso. Vocês nada têm a ver com o Senhor!’ E assim os vossos descendentes seriam a causa dos nossos descendentes abandonarem o temor ao Senhor.

26Por isso, decidimos construir este altar, não para oferecer holocaustos de animais nem quaisquer sacrifícios, 27mas como um testemunho, para mostrar aos nossos e aos vossos descendentes que nós, cá deste lado, também adoramos o Senhor, oferecendo-lhe holocaustos, ofertas de paz e sacrifícios. Assim, os vossos filhos não poderão vir a dizer para os nossos: ‘Nada têm a ver com o Senhor, nosso Deus.’ 28No caso de virem a dizê-lo, os nossos poderão responder-lhes. ‘Vejam o altar do Senhor que os nossos pais construíram, de acordo com o modelo do altar do Senhor. Não servirá para oferecer holocaustos ou sacrifícios; será apenas um símbolo do relacionamento que nós e vocês temos com o Senhor.’

29Longe de nós pretendermos afastar-nos do Senhor ou insurgirmo-nos contra ele, construindo um altar para oferecermos os nossos holocaustos, ofertas de paz e sacrifícios. Só o altar que está defronte do tabernáculo pode ser usado para isso.”

30Quando Fineias, o sacerdote, e os outros delegados ouviram esta explicação da parte das tribos de Rúben, Gad e Manassés, ficaram muito satisfeitos. 31Fineias replicou-lhes: “Continuamos a verificar que o Senhor tem estado no nosso meio; vocês não pecaram contra o Senhor, como tínhamos pensado, e com essas palavras conseguiram evitar que vos destruíssemos!”

32Fineias e os outros dez embaixadores regressaram para junto do povo de Israel, relatando o seu encontro com os rubenitas e os gaditas em Gileade. 33Todo o Israel se alegrou e louvou a Deus, não se tendo falado mais de guerra contra Rúben e Gad. 34O povo destas tribos chamou ao monumento que tinham levantado Altar do Testemunho: “É um testemunho entre nós e eles em como o Senhor é também o nosso Deus!”

New International Reader’s Version

Joshua 22:1-34

The Eastern Tribes Return Home

1Joshua sent for the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh. 2He said to them, “You have done everything that Moses, the servant of the Lord, commanded. You have also obeyed everything I commanded. 3For a long time now you haven’t deserted the other Israelites. Instead, you have done what the Lord your God sent you to do. You have obeyed him right up to this day. 4Now the Lord your God has given the other tribes peace and rest. That’s what he promised to do. So return to your homes. They are in the land that Moses, the servant of the Lord, gave you. It’s on the east side of the Jordan River. 5Be very careful to obey the law that Moses, the servant of the Lord, gave you. He commanded you to love the Lord your God. He told you to live exactly as the Lord wants you to. He told you to obey the Lord’s commands. He told you to remain faithful to the Lord. And he told you to serve the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul.”

6Joshua gave the eastern tribes his blessing. Then he sent them home. So they went. 7Moses had given land in Bashan to half of the tribe of Manasseh. Joshua had given land to the other half of the tribe. He had given it to them along with the other tribes on the west side of the Jordan River. When Joshua sent them home, he blessed them. 8He said, “Return to your homes. Take your great wealth with you. Return with your large herds of livestock. Take your silver, gold, bronze and iron with you. Return with all the extra clothes you acquired. Divide up the things you have taken from your enemies. Share them with your people.”

9So the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh went home. They left the other Israelites at Shiloh in Canaan. They returned to Gilead. That was their own land. They had acquired it according to the Lord’s command through Moses.

10The tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh came to Geliloth. It was near the Jordan River in the land of Canaan. They built a large altar there by the Jordan. 11The rest of the Israelites heard that the eastern tribes had built the altar. They heard that it had been built on the border of Canaan at Geliloth. It was near the Jordan River on the west side. 12So the whole community of Israel gathered together at Shiloh. They decided to go to war against the eastern tribes.

13The Israelites sent Phinehas the priest to the land of Gilead. Phinehas was the son of Eleazar. They sent him to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh. 14They sent ten of their leaders with him. There was one from each of the tribes of Israel. Each man was the leader of a family group among the larger family groups of Israel.

15Those leaders went to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh. Those tribes were in the land of Gilead. The leaders said to them, 16“We’re speaking for the Lord’s whole community. How could you disobey the God of Israel like this? How could you turn away from the Lord? How could you disobey him by building an altar for yourselves? 17Don’t you remember how we sinned at Peor? The Lord struck us with a plague because of what we did. Up to this day we’re still suffering because of that sin. 18Are you turning away from the Lord now?

“Suppose you disobey the Lord today. If you do, he’ll be angry with the whole community of Israel tomorrow. 19If your own land is ‘unclean,’ come over to the Lord’s land. It’s where his holy tent stands. Share our land with us. But don’t disobey the Lord. Don’t turn against us by building an altar for yourselves. Don’t build any altar other than the altar of the Lord our God. 20Remember what happened to Achan, the son of Zerah. Achan wasn’t faithful to the Lord. He took the things that had been set apart to the Lord in a special way to be destroyed. Didn’t the whole community of Israel experience the Lord’s anger? Achan wasn’t the only one who died because of his sin.”

21Then the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh replied. They answered the leaders of the family groups of Israel. 22They said, “The Mighty One, God, the Lord! The Mighty One, God, the Lord! He knows! And we want Israel to know! Have we opposed the Lord? Have we refused to obey him? If we have, don’t spare us today. 23Have we built our own altar so we can turn away from the Lord? Have we built it to offer burnt offerings and grain offerings on it? Have we built it to sacrifice friendship offerings on it? If we have, may the Lord himself hold us accountable.

24“No! We built it because we were afraid. Someday your children might speak to our children. We were afraid they might say, ‘What do you have to do with the Lord? What do you have to do with the God of Israel? 25The Lord has made the Jordan River a border between us and you. You people of Reuben! You people of Gad! You don’t have anything to do with the Lord.’ If your children say that, they might cause our children to stop worshiping the Lord.

26“That’s why we said to ourselves, ‘Let’s get ready and build an altar. But let’s not build it to offer burnt offerings or sacrifices on it.’ 27So just the opposite is true. The altar will be a witness between us and you. It will be a witness between our children and yours after us. It will also be a witness that we will worship the Lord at his sacred tent. We’ll worship him there with our burnt offerings, sacrifices and friendship offerings. Then in days to come your children won’t be able to say to ours, ‘You don’t have anything to do with the Lord.’

28“So we said to ourselves, ‘Suppose they say that to us sometime. Or suppose they say it to our children after us. Then we’ll answer, “Look at this altar. It’s exactly like the Lord’s altar. Our people built it. They didn’t build it to offer burnt offerings and sacrifices on it. Instead, they built it to be a witness between us and you.” ’

29“We would never refuse to obey the Lord. We would never turn away from him now. We wouldn’t build an altar to offer burnt offerings, grain offerings and sacrifices on it. We wouldn’t use any altar other than the altar of the Lord our God. That altar stands in front of his holy tent.”

30Phinehas the priest heard what the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh had to say. The leaders of the family groups of the community of Israel heard it too. All of them were pleased with what they heard. 31Phinehas the priest spoke to the tribes of Reuben, Gad and Manasseh. Phinehas was the son of Eleazar. He said, “Today we know that the Lord is with us. That’s because you have been faithful to him in this matter. Now you have saved the Israelites from the Lord’s anger against them.”

32Then Phinehas the priest, the son of Eleazar, returned to Canaan. So did the leaders. All of them went back from their meeting with the tribes of Reuben and Gad in Gilead. They brought a report back to the Israelites. 33The people were glad to hear the report. They praised God. They didn’t talk anymore about going to war against the eastern tribes. And they didn’t talk anymore about destroying the country where the tribes of Reuben and Gad lived.

34The tribes of Reuben and Gad gave the altar a name. They called it A Witness Between Us that the Lord is God.