Jeremias 21 – OL & NIRV

O Livro

Jeremias 21:1-14

Deus rejeita o pedido de Zedequias

1Então o rei Zedequias enviou Pasur, filho de Malquias, acompanhado do sacerdote Sofonias, filho de Maaseias, junto de Jeremias a rogar-lhe: 2“Pede ao Senhor que nos ajude, pois Nabucodonozor, o rei da Babilónia, declarou-nos guerra! Talvez o Senhor tenha compaixão de nós e faça um poderoso milagre, como nos tempos passados, e force Nabucodonozor a retirar as suas forças militares.”

3Jeremias respondeu: “Digam ao rei Zedequias 4que o Senhor, o Deus de Israel, lhe comunica o seguinte: ‘Tornarei inútil todo o teu armamento contra o rei da Babilónia e contra os caldeus que te sitiam. Com efeito, trarei os teus inimigos até ao coração da cidade. 5Serei eu próprio quem combaterá contra vocês, porque a minha cólera é grande. 6Mandarei uma terrível praga a esta cidade e todos morrerão, tanto homens como animais. 7Por fim, entregarei o próprio Zedequias e todos os que tiverem ficado na cidade, após aquela calamidade, para serem mortos, sem piedade nem misericórdia, às mãos do rei Nabucodonozor da Babilónia.

8Diz a este povo que o Senhor lhes comunica isto: Ponho na vossa frente dois caminhos, o da vida e o da morte. 9Ficarem aqui em Jerusalém e morrerem, abatidos pelos vossos inimigos, mortos pela fome e pela doença, ou saírem e entregarem-se ao exército caldeu e viverem. 10Porque me virei contra esta cidade; serei seu inimigo e não seu defensor, diz o Senhor. Será cativa do rei da Babilónia, o qual a reduzirá a cinzas.

11E ao rei de Judá, diz o Senhor: Ouçam a palavra do Senhor, ó descendência de David! 12Depressa! Façam justiça a quem estão a julgar! Libertem o oprimido da mão que o subjuga, antes que a minha ira se acenda como um fogo que ninguém será capaz de extinguir, por causa da maldade das vossas ações. 13Lutarei contra esta cidade de Jerusalém, que domina os vales como um altivo rochedo, diz o Senhor, e que se gaba, dizendo: “Estamos seguros! Ninguém ousará tocar-nos aqui!” 14Serei eu próprio quem vos destruirá, por causa dos vossos pecados, diz o Senhor. Acenderei um fogo nos bosques que queimará tudo em redor.’ ”

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 21:1-14

The Lord Refuses Zedekiah’s Appeal

1A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. It came when King Zedekiah sent Pashhur to Jeremiah. Pashhur was the son of Malkijah. Zedekiah sent Zephaniah the priest along with him. Zephaniah was the son of Maaseiah. They said to Jeremiah, 2“Ask the Lord to help us. Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon is attacking us. In the past the Lord did wonderful things for us. Maybe he’ll do them again. Then Nebuchadnezzar will pull his armies back from us.”

3But Jeremiah answered them, “Tell Zedekiah and his people, 4‘The Lord is the God of Israel. He says, “The king of Babylon and his armies are all around this city. They are getting ready to attack you. You have weapons of war in your hands to fight against them. But I am about to turn your weapons against you. And I will bring your enemies inside this city. 5I myself will fight against you. I will reach out my powerful hand and mighty arm. I will come against you with all my great anger. 6I will strike down those who live in this city. I will kill people and animals alike. They will die of a terrible plague. 7After that, I will hand you over to your enemies. They want to kill you,” announces the Lord. “I will hand over Zedekiah, the king of Judah, and his officials. I will also hand over the people in this city who live through the plague, war and hunger. All of them will be handed over to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. He will kill them with swords. He will show them no mercy. He will not feel sorry for them. In fact, he will not have any concern for them at all.” ’

8“Tell the people, ‘The Lord says, “I am offering you a choice. You can choose the way that leads to life. Or you can choose the way that leads to death. 9Those who stay in this city will die of war, hunger or plague. But suppose some go out and give themselves up to the Babylonians attacking you. They will live. They will escape with their lives. 10I have decided to do this city harm and not good,” announces the Lord. “It will be handed over to the king of Babylon. And he will destroy it with fire.” ’

11“Also speak to Judah’s royal family. Tell them, ‘Listen to the Lord’s message. 12Here is what the Lord says to you who belong to David’s royal house.

“ ‘ “Every morning do what is right and fair.

Save those who have been robbed.

Set them free from the people who have treated them badly.

If you do not, my anger will blaze out against you.

It will burn like fire because of the evil things you have done.

No one will be able to put it out.

13Jerusalem, I am against you,”

announces the Lord.

“You live above this valley.

You are on a high, rocky plain.

And you say, ‘Who can come against us?

Who can enter our place of safety?’

14But I will punish you in keeping with what you have done,”

announces the Lord.

“I will start a fire in your forests.

It will burn down everything around you.” ’ ”