Deuteronómio 31 – OL & NIRV

O Livro

Deuteronómio 31:1-30

Josué sucessor de Moisés

1Depois de Moisés ter declarado todas estas coisas ao povo de Israel, disse-lhes: 2“Tenho já 120 anos. Não posso mais conduzir-vos, pois o Senhor me disse que não hei de atravessar o rio Jordão. 3O Senhor, vosso Deus, ele mesmo, vos conduzirá e destruirá as nações que lá vivem e as vencerão. Josué será o vosso novo comandante, segundo as instruções do Senhor. 4O Senhor destruirá as nações que vivem na terra, como já destruiu Siom e Ogue, reis dos amorreus. 5Ele vos entregará o povo que lá vive e vocês os aniquilarão, de acordo com o que vos tenho dito. 6Sejam fortes! Sejam corajosos! Não tenham medo deles! Porque o Senhor, vosso Deus, está convosco. Não vos deixará nem abandonará.”

7Então Moisés chamou Josué e disse-lhe, ali na presença de todo Israel: “Sê forte! Tem coragem! Pois conduzirás este povo para a terra prometida pelo Senhor aos seus antepassados. Tu os levarás a conquistá-la. 8Não estejas temeroso, porque o Senhor irá na tua frente e estará contigo. Ele não te deixará nem te abandonará.”

A leitura da Lei

9Então Moisés escreveu esta Lei que tinha entregado ao povo e deu-a aos sacerdotes, os filhos de Levi, que transportam a arca da aliança do Senhor. Moisés deu igualmente cópias desta Lei aos anciãos de Israel. 10-11Moisés mandou que esta Lei fosse lida a todo o povo ao fim de todos os sete anos, no ano da remissão, aquando do festival dos tabernáculos, na altura em que Israel se reúne perante o Senhor, seu Deus, no lugar que ele tiver escolhido. 12“Chama-os a todos para que se juntem”, instruiu Moisés, “homens, mulheres, crianças e estrangeiros que estejam vivendo no vosso meio, para que ouçam a Lei de Deus e aprendam a fazer a sua vontade, para que todos temam o Senhor, vosso Deus, e obedeçam à sua Lei. 13Façam isto para que os vossos netos e descendentes, que não conhecerem esta Lei, a escutem e aprendam a temer o Senhor, vosso Deus, todo o tempo que viverem na terra, quando atravessarem o rio Jordão.”

A sucessão de Moisés

14Então o Senhor disse a Moisés: “Chegou o tempo em que terás de morrer. Convoca Josué e venham os dois à tenda do encontro para que lhe dê instruções.” Assim fez Moisés e foi apresentar-se com Josué diante da tenda do encontro.

15O Senhor apareceu-lhes numa grande nuvem em forma de coluna, à entrada do tabernáculo. 16E disse a Moisés: “Tu morrerás e irás ter com os teus antepassados. Depois disso, este povo começará a adorar deuses estranhos na terra prometida. Esquecer-se-ão de mim e da aliança que fiz com eles. 17Então a minha ira se inflamará contra eles e abandoná-los-ei, escondendo deles o meu rosto, e serão destruídos. Tremenda perturbação cairá sobre eles e exclamarão: ‘Deus já não está mais connosco!’ 18Afastar-me-ei deles por causa dos seus pecados, por terem adorado outros deuses.

19Escreverás agora as palavras deste cântico, para as ensinares ao povo de Israel, como um aviso que lhes faço. 20Quando os trouxer para a terra que prometi aos seus antepassados, uma terra onde brotam o leite e o mel, quando se tiverem tornado fartos e prósperos e começarem a adorar outros deuses, a desprezar-me e a quebrar a minha aliança, 21trazendo dessa forma grandes calamidades sobre eles, este cântico lembrar-lhes-á a razão dos seus infortúnios. Porque este cântico perdurará de geração em geração. Eu já sei, mesmo antes de entrarem na terra, qual é a natureza deste povo.”

22Naquele mesmo dia Moisés escreveu as palavras desse cântico e as ensinou aos israelitas. 23Depois encorajou Josué, filho de Num, dizendo-lhe: “Sê forte e corajoso, porque tu é que conduzirás o povo de Israel para a terra que, sob juramento, lhes prometi; e eu estarei contigo.”

24Quando Moisés acabou de escrever toda a Lei aqui registada, 25deu instruções aos levitas que levavam a arca da aliança do Senhor: 26“Ponham este livro da Lei ao lado da arca da aliança do Senhor, vosso Deus, para que seja um solene aviso para o povo de Israel. 27Porque eu sei como vocês são rebeldes e obstinados. Se mesmo atualmente, enquanto aqui estou convosco, vocês são rebeldes contra o Senhor, quanto mais depois da minha morte! 28Agora chamem todos os anciãos e os oficiais das vossas tribos para que possa falar-lhes e invocar como testemunhas contra eles o céu e a Terra. 29Eu sei que depois da minha morte se hão de corromper e desviar de Deus e dos seus mandamentos; e que nos dias vindouros o mal vos esmagará, porque fazem aquilo que o Senhor diz que é mau, levando-o a encolerizar-se.”

O cântico de Moisés

30Então Moisés apresentou este cântico a toda a assembleia de Israel:

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 31:1-30

Joshua Becomes the New Leader

1Here are the words Moses spoke to all the Israelites. 2He said, “I am now 120 years old. I’m not able to lead you anymore. The Lord has said to me, ‘You will not go across the Jordan River.’ 3The Lord your God himself will go across ahead of you. He’ll destroy the nations there in order to make room for you. You will take over their land. Joshua will also go across ahead of you, just as the Lord said he would. 4The Lord will do to those nations what he did to Sihon and Og. He destroyed those Amorite kings along with their land. 5The Lord will hand those nations over to you. Then you must do to them everything I’ve commanded you to do. 6Be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid of them. Don’t be terrified because of them. The Lord your God will go with you. He will never leave you. He’ll never desert you.”

7Then Moses sent for Joshua. Moses spoke to him in front of all the Israelites. He said, “Be strong and brave. You must go with these people. They are going into the land the Lord promised to give to their people of long ago. You must divide it up among them. They will each receive their share. 8The Lord himself will go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will never leave you. He’ll never desert you. So don’t be afraid. Don’t lose hope.”

The Law Must Be Read to the People

9Moses wrote down this law. He gave it to the priests, who are sons of Levi. They carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord. He also gave the law to all the elders of Israel. 10Then Moses commanded them, “You must read this law at the end of every seven years. Do it in the year when you forgive people what they owe. Read it during the Feast of Booths. 11That’s when all the Israelites come to appear in front of the Lord your God at the holy tent. It will be at the place he will choose. You must read this law to them. 12Gather the people together. Gather the men, women and children. Also bring together the outsiders living in your towns. Then they can listen and learn to have respect for the Lord your God. And they’ll be careful to obey all the words of this law. 13Their children must hear it read too. They don’t know this law yet. They too must learn to have respect for the Lord your God. They must honor him as long as you live in the land. You are about to go across the Jordan River and take that land as your very own.”

The Israelites Will Refuse to Obey the Lord

14The Lord said to Moses, “The day when you will die is near. Have Joshua go to the tent of meeting. Join him there. That is where I will appoint him as the new leader.” So Joshua and Moses went to the tent of meeting.

15Then the Lord appeared at the tent in a pillar of cloud. It stood over the entrance to the tent. 16The Lord spoke to Moses. He said, “You are going to join the members of your family who have already died. The Israelites will not be faithful to me. They will soon join themselves to the false gods that are worshiped in the land they are entering. The people will desert me. They will break the covenant I made with them. 17In that day I will become angry with them. I will desert them. I will turn my face away from them. And they will be destroyed. Many horrible troubles and hard times will come on them. On that day they will say, ‘Trouble has come on us. Our God isn’t with us!’ 18I will certainly turn away from them on that day. I will do it because they did a very evil thing when they turned to other gods.

19“I want you to write down a song and teach it to the Israelites. Have them sing it. It will be my witness against them. 20I will bring them into a land that has plenty of milk and honey. I promised the land to their people of long ago. In that land they will eat until they have had enough. They will get fat. When they do, they will turn to other gods and worship them. They will turn their backs on me. They will break my covenant. 21Many horrible troubles and hard times will come on them. Then the song I am giving you will be a witness against them. That is because the song will not be forgotten by their children and their children’s children. I know what they are likely to do. I know it even before I bring them into the land I promised them.” 22So that day Moses wrote the song down. And Moses taught it to the Israelites.

23The Lord gave a command to Joshua, the son of Nun. He said, “Be strong and brave. You will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them. I myself will be with you.”

24Moses finished writing the words of this law in a book. He wrote them down from beginning to end. 25Then he gave a command to the Levites who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord. Moses said, 26“Take this Book of the Law. Place it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God. It will remain there as a witness against you. 27I know how you refuse to obey the Lord. I know how stubborn you are. You have refused to obey him while I’ve been living among you. So you will certainly refuse to obey him after I’m dead! 28Gather together all the elders of your tribes and all your officials. Bring them to me. Then I can speak these words to them. I can call for the heavens and the earth to be witnesses against them. 29I know that after I’m dead you will certainly become very sinful. You will turn away from the path I’ve commanded you to take. In days to come, trouble will fall on you. That’s because you will do what is evil in the sight of the Lord. You will make him very angry because of the statues of gods your hands have made.”

The Song of Moses

30Moses spoke the words of this song from beginning to end. The whole community of Israel heard them. Here is what he said.