1 Crónicas 8 – OL & NIVUK

O Livro

1 Crónicas 8:1-40

Os descendentes de Benjamim


1Os filhos de Benjamim foram, de acordo com a ordem de nascimento:

Bela, o primeiro;

Asbel, o segundo; Aará, o terceiro;

2Noá, o quarto; Rafa, o quinto.

3Os filhos de Bela foram:

Adar, Gera, Abiude, 4Abisua, Naamã, Aoá, 5Gera, Sefufã e Hurão.

6Os filhos de Eude, chefes dos subclãs que viviam em Geba, foram feitos prisioneiros de guerra e exilados para Manaate.

7Eram eles: Naamã, Aías e Gera, também chamado Heglã, o pai de Uzá e de Aiude.

8Saaraim divorciou-se das suas mulheres Husim e Baara. 9Teve filhos na terra de Moabe, de Hodes, a sua outra mulher: Jobabe, Zibia, Mesa, Malcã, 10Jeuz, Saquia e Mirma. Todos estes filhos se tornaram cabeças de subclãs. 11A sua mulher Husim deu-lhe Abitube e Elpaal.

12Os filhos de Elpaal foram:

Eber, Misã, Semede, o qual construiu Ono e Lode, assim como as localidades ao redor. 13Os seus outros filhos foram Beria e Sema, chefes de subclãs, que viveram em Aijalom; estes expulsaram os habitantes de Gate.

14Os filhos de Elpaal incluíam também os seguintes nomes: Aiô, Sasaque, Jeremote. 15Os filhos de Beria foram: Zebadias, Arade, Eder, 16Micael, Ispa e Joá.

17Entre os filhos de Elpaal incluíam-se igualmente: Zebadias, Mesulão, Hizqui, Heber, 18Ismerai, Izlia e Jobabe.

19-21Os filhos de Simei foram: Jaquim Zicri, Zabdi, Elienai, Ziletai, Eliel, Adaías, Beraia e Simrate.

22Os filhos de Sasaque foram: Ispã, Eber, Eliel, 23Abdom, Zicri, Hanã, 24Hananias, Elão, Antotia, 25Ifdeia e Penuel.

26-27Os filhos de Jeroão foram: Samserai, Searia, Atalia, Jaaresia, Elias e Zicri.

28Estes foram os chefes dos subclãs que viviam em Jerusalém.

29Jeiel, o pai de Gibeão, vivia em Gibeão, e o nome de sua mulher foi Maacá. 30O seu filho mais velho chamava-se Abdom e foi seguido por: Zur, Cis, Baal, Nadabe, 31Gedor, Aiô, Zequer, 32e Miclote, o qual foi pai de Simeá. Todas estas famílias viviam juntas, perto de Jerusalém.

33Ner foi pai de Cis e Cis foi pai de Saul. Entre os filhos de Saul incluíam-se: Jónatas, Malquisua, Abinadabe e Esbaal.

34O filho de Jónatas foi Mefibosete. O filho de Mefibosete foi Mica.

35Os filhos de Mica foram:

Pitom, Meleque, Tarea e Acaz.

36Acaz foi pai de Jeoada. Jeoada foi pai de: Alemete, Azmavete e Zimri. O filho de Zimri foi Moza. 37Moza foi pai de Binea, cujos filhos foram: Rafa, Elasá e Azel.

38Azel teve seis filhos:

Azricão, Boqueru, Ismael, Searias, Obadias e Hanã.

39Eseque, irmão de Azel, teve três filhos:

Ulão, o primeiro; Jeús, o segundo; e Elifelete, o terceiro. 40Os filhos de Ulão foram valentes guerreiros e exímios atiradores de arco.

Estes homens tiveram 150 filhos e netos e eram todos da tribo de Benjamim.

New International Version – UK

1 Chronicles 8:1-40

The genealogy of Saul the Benjaminite

1Benjamin was the father of:

Bela his firstborn,

Ashbel the second son, Aharah the third,

2Nohah the fourth and Rapha the fifth.

3The sons of Bela were:

Addar, Gera, Abihud,8:3 Or Gera the father of Ehud 4Abishua, Naaman, Ahoah, 5Gera, Shephuphan and Huram.

6These were the descendants of Ehud, who were heads of families of those living in Geba and were deported to Manahath:

7Naaman, Ahijah, and Gera, who deported them and who was the father of Uzza and Ahihud.

8Sons were born to Shaharaim in Moab after he had divorced his wives Hushim and Baara. 9By his wife Hodesh he had Jobab, Zibia, Mesha, Malkam, 10Jeuz, Sakia and Mirmah. These were his sons, heads of families. 11By Hushim he had Abitub and Elpaal.

12The sons of Elpaal:

Eber, Misham, Shemed (who built Ono and Lod with its surrounding villages), 13and Beriah and Shema, who were heads of families of those living in Aijalon and who drove out the inhabitants of Gath.

14Ahio, Shashak, Jeremoth, 15Zebadiah, Arad, Eder, 16Michael, Ishpah and Joha were the sons of Beriah.

17Zebadiah, Meshullam, Hizki, Heber, 18Ishmerai, Izliah and Jobab were the sons of Elpaal.

19Jakim, Zikri, Zabdi, 20Elienai, Zillethai, Eliel, 21Adaiah, Beraiah and Shimrath were the sons of Shimei.

22Ishpan, Eber, Eliel, 23Abdon, Zikri, Hanan, 24Hananiah, Elam, Anthothijah, 25Iphdeiah and Penuel were the sons of Shashak.

26Shamsherai, Shehariah, Athaliah, 27Jaareshiah, Elijah and Zikri were the sons of Jeroham.

28All these were heads of families, chiefs as listed in their genealogy, and they lived in Jerusalem.

29Jeiel8:29 Some Septuagint manuscripts (see also 9:35); Hebrew does not have Jeiel. the father8:29 Father may mean civic leader or military leader. of Gibeon lived in Gibeon.

His wife’s name was Maakah, 30and his firstborn son was Abdon, followed by Zur, Kish, Baal, Ner,8:30 Some Septuagint manuscripts (see also 9:36); Hebrew does not have Ner. Nadab, 31Gedor, Ahio, Zeker 32and Mikloth, who was the father of Shimeah. They too lived near their relatives in Jerusalem.

33Ner was the father of Kish, Kish the father of Saul, and Saul the father of Jonathan, Malki-Shua, Abinadab and Esh-Baal.8:33 Also known as Ish-Bosheth

34The son of Jonathan:

Merib-Baal,8:34 Also known as Mephibosheth who was the father of Micah.

35The sons of Micah:

Pithon, Melek, Tarea and Ahaz.

36Ahaz was the father of Jehoaddah, Jehoaddah was the father of Alemeth, Azmaveth and Zimri, and Zimri was the father of Moza. 37Moza was the father of Binea; Raphah was his son, Eleasah his son and Azel his son.

38Azel had six sons, and these were their names:

Azrikam, Bokeru, Ishmael, Sheariah, Obadiah and Hanan. All these were the sons of Azel.

39The sons of his brother Eshek:

Ulam his firstborn, Jeush the second son and Eliphelet the third. 40The sons of Ulam were brave warriors who could handle the bow. They had many sons and grandsons – 150 in all.

All these were the descendants of Benjamin.