Êxodo 38 – OL & NIRV

O Livro

Êxodo 38:1-31

O altar do holocausto

(Êx 27.1-8)

1O altar dos holocaustos, foi igualmente construído em madeira de acácia, quadrado, com 2,5 metros de lado e 1,5 metros de altura. 2Tinha quatro chifres em cada canto, tudo de uma só peça com o resto. Este altar foi revestido de bronze. 3Depois fez em bronze os utensílios a serem usados no serviço do altar: as caldeiras, as pás, as bacias, os garfos e os braseiros. 4Seguidamente, fez uma grelha de bronze que ficou apoiada numa cercadura, na parte inferior, a meia altura. 5Foram feitas ainda quatro argolas para cada lado da grelha, para nelas se porem as varas para o transporte. 6Estas varas eram feitas de madeira de acácia, revestidas de bronze. 7Pôs também duas varas nas argolas nos lados do altar, a fim de ser transportado. Este altar, feito de pranchas, era oco por dentro.

A bacia de bronze

(Êx 30.18)

8A bacia de bronze e o seu pé, da mesma liga, foi feita com os espelhos das mulheres que se juntaram à entrada da tenda do encontro.

O pátio

(Êx 27.9-19)

9Em seguida, foi a vez do pátio. A parede do sul tinha 50 metros de comprimento e consistia em véus de linho fino retorcido. 10Havia vinte postes, para manter os véus, que assentavam em bases de bronze e tinham ganchos e hastes de prata. 11A parede no norte media, da mesma forma, 50 metros, com vinte colunas e bases de bronze, e também ganchos e hastes de prata. 12O lado ocidental ficou com 25 metros. Os véus foram suspensos em dez postes, com as suas bases, e com ganchos e hastes de prata. 13O lado oriental tinha igualmente 25 metros.

14-15Os véus de ambos os lados da entrada tinham 7,5 metros de comprimento com três postes e três bases. 16Todos os véus que formavam as paredes do pátio eram tecidos com linho fino retorcido. 17Cada poste tinha uma base de bronze e todos os ganchos e hastes foram feitos de prata maciça.

18Os véus da entrada do pátio foram feitos também em linho fino retorcido, artisticamente bordados em azul, púrpura e vermelho. Tinha essa entrada 10 metros de comprimento e 2,5 metros de altura, a largura do tecido, tal como a parede do pátio. 19Os véus desta porta eram sustentados por quatro colunas com quatro bases de bronze e com ganchos e hastes de prata. Os cimos dos postes eram de prata.

20Todas as estacas, tanto do tabernáculo como do pátio, eram de bronze.

Os materiais utilizados

21Esta é a enumeração do material empregado na construção do tabernáculo da aliança, registada por ordem de Moisés pelos levitas, sob direção de Itamar, filho de Aarão, o sacerdote. 22Bezalel, filho de Uri e neto de Hur, da tribo de Judá, executou tudo o que o Senhor tinha ordenado a Moisés; 23foi assistido por Aoliabe, filho de Aisamaque da tribo de Dan, que também era um hábil artífice e perito em trabalhos de gravação, de tecelagem e bordados em azul, púrpura e vermelho, e em tecidos de linho fino.

24Os donativos que o povo trouxe ascenderam a 1000 quilos de ouro; todo ele foi usado no tabernáculo.

25O montante da prata recolhida foi de mais de 3600 quilos, segundo o peso oficial do santuário, 26que vieram da taxa paga de 6 gramas de prata por todos os que estavam registados, segundo o censo do povo, de 20 anos para cima, num total de 603 550 homens. 27As bases para as tábuas das paredes do santuário e para os postes que sustentavam o véu requereram 3500 quilos de prata, ou seja, 34 quilos por cada base. 28O resto da prata foi usada nos postes e no revestimento dos seus cimos, assim como nos ganchos e hastes.

29O povo trouxe mais de 2500 quilos de bronze 30que foi usado na fundição das bases dos postes da entrada da tenda do encontro e na construção do altar de bronze, na sua grelha e seus utensílios, 31nas bases das colunas que suportam os véus da entrada do pátio e nas estacas usadas na montagem do tabernáculo e do pátio.

New International Reader’s Version

Exodus 38:1-31

The Altar for Burnt Offerings

1The workers built the altar for burnt offerings out of acacia wood. It was four feet six inches high and seven feet six inches square. 2They made a horn stick out from each of its four upper corners. They covered the altar with bronze. 3They made all its tools out of bronze. They made its pots, shovels, sprinkling bowls, meat forks, and pans for carrying ashes. 4They made a bronze grate for the altar. They put the grate halfway up the altar on the inside. 5They made a bronze ring for each of the four corners of the grate. 6They made poles out of acacia wood. They covered them with bronze. 7They put the poles through the rings. The poles were on two sides of the altar for carrying it. The workers made the altar out of boards. They left it hollow.

The Large Bowl for Washing

8The workers made the large bronze bowl and its bronze stand. They made them out of bronze mirrors. The mirrors belonged to the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

The Courtyard

9Next, the workers made the courtyard. The south side was 150 feet long. It had curtains made out of finely twisted linen. 10The curtains had 20 posts and 20 bronze bases. The posts had silver hooks and bands on them. 11The north side was also 150 feet long. Its curtains had 20 posts and 20 bronze bases. The posts had silver hooks and bands on them.

12The west end was 75 feet wide. It had curtains with ten posts and ten bases. The posts had silver hooks and bands on them. 13The east end, toward the sunrise, was also 75 feet wide. 14Curtains 22 feet six inches long were on one side of the entrance to the courtyard. They were hung on three posts. Each post had a base. 15Curtains 22 feet six inches long were also on the other side of the entrance. They were hung on three posts. Each post had a base. 16All the curtains around the courtyard were made out of finely twisted linen. 17The bases for the posts were made out of bronze. The hooks and bands on the posts were made out of silver. Their tops were covered with silver. So all the posts of the courtyard had silver bands.

18The curtain for the courtyard entrance was made out of blue, purple and bright red yarn and finely twisted linen. A person who sewed skillfully made it. It was 30 feet long. Like the curtains of the courtyard, it was seven feet six inches high. 19It had four posts and four bronze bases. Their hooks and bands were made out of silver. Their tops were covered with silver. 20All the tent stakes of the holy tent were made out of bronze. So were all the stakes of the courtyard around it.

The Amounts of the Metals Used

21Here are the amounts of the metals used for the holy tent, where the tablets of the covenant law were kept. Moses commanded the Levites to record the amounts. The Levites did the work under the direction of Ithamar. Ithamar was the son of Aaron the priest. 22Bezalel, the son of Uri, made everything the Lord had commanded Moses. Uri was the son of Hur. Bezalel was from the tribe of Judah. 23Oholiab, the son of Ahisamak, helped Bezalel. Oholiab was from the tribe of Dan. He could carve things and make patterns. And he could sew skillfully with blue, purple and bright red yarn and on fine linen. 24The total weight of the gold from the wave offering was more than a ton. It was weighed out in keeping with the standard weights used in the sacred tent. The gold was used for all the work done in connection with the sacred tent.

25The silver received from the men in the community who were listed and counted weighed almost four tons. It was weighed out in keeping with the weights used in the sacred tent. 26It amounted to a fifth of an ounce for each person. It was weighed out in keeping with the weights used in the sacred tent. The silver was received from the men who had been listed and counted. All of them were 20 years old or more. Their total number was 603,550. 27The four tons of silver were used to make the bases for the holy tent and for the curtain. The 100 bases were made from the four tons. Each base used more than 75 pounds of silver. 28The workers used 45 pounds to make the hooks for the posts, to cover the tops of the posts, and to make their bands.

29The bronze from the wave offering weighed two and a half tons. 30The workers used some of it to make the bases for the entrance to the tent of meeting. They used some for the bronze altar for burnt offerings and its bronze grate and all its tools. 31They used some for the bases for the courtyard around the holy tent. They used some for the bases for the courtyard entrance. And they used the rest to make all the tent stakes for the holy tent and the courtyard around it.