Tito 2 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Tito 2:1-15

Lo que se debe enseñar

1Tú, en cambio, predica lo que está de acuerdo con la sana doctrina. 2A los líderes de la iglesia, enséñales que sean moderados, respetables, sensatos, e íntegros en la fe, en el amor y en la constancia.

3A las ancianas, enséñales que sean reverentes en su conducta, y no calumniadoras ni adictas al mucho vino. Deben enseñar lo bueno 4y aconsejar a las jóvenes a amar a sus esposos y a sus hijos, 5a ser sensatas y puras, cuidadosas del hogar, bondadosas y sumisas a sus esposos, para que no se hable mal de la palabra de Dios.

6A los jóvenes, exhórtalos a ser sensatos. 7Con tus buenas obras, dales tú mismo ejemplo en todo. Cuando enseñes, hazlo con integridad y seriedad, 8y con un mensaje sano e intachable. Así se avergonzará cualquiera que se oponga, pues no podrá decir nada malo de nosotros.

9Enseña a los esclavos a someterse en todo a sus amos, a procurar agradarles y a no ser respondones. 10No deben robarles, sino demostrar que son dignos de toda confianza, para que en todo hagan honor a la enseñanza de Dios nuestro Salvador.

11En verdad, Dios ha manifestado a toda la humanidad su gracia, la cual trae salvación 12y nos enseña a rechazar la impiedad y las pasiones mundanas. Así podremos vivir en este mundo con dominio propio, justicia y devoción, 13mientras aguardamos la bendita esperanza, es decir, la gloriosa venida de nuestro gran Dios y Salvador Jesucristo. 14Él se entregó por nosotros para rescatarnos de toda maldad y purificar para sí un pueblo elegido, dedicado a hacer el bien.

15Esto es lo que debes enseñar. Exhorta y reprende con toda autoridad. Que nadie te menosprecie.

New International Reader’s Version

Titus 2:1-15

Doing Good Because of the Good News

1But what you teach must agree with true teaching. 2Tell the older men that in anything they do, they must not go too far. They must be worthy of respect. They must control themselves. They must have true faith. They must love others. They must not give up.

3In the same way, teach the older women to lead a holy life. They must not tell lies about others. They must not let wine control them. Instead, they must teach what is good. 4Then they can advise the younger women to love their husbands and children. 5The younger women must control themselves and be pure. They must take good care of their homes. They must be kind. They must follow the lead of their husbands. Then no one will be able to speak evil things against God’s word.

6In the same way, help the young men to control themselves. 7Do what is good. Set an example for them in everything. When you teach, be honest and serious. 8No one can question the truth. So teach what is true. Then those who oppose you will be ashamed. That’s because they will have nothing bad to say about us.

9Teach slaves to obey their masters in everything they do. Tell them to try to please their masters. They must not talk back to them. 10They must not steal from them. Instead, they must show that they can be trusted completely. Then they will make the teaching about God our Savior appealing in every way.

11God’s grace has now appeared. By his grace, God offers to save all people. 12His grace teaches us to say no to godless ways and sinful desires. We must control ourselves. We must do what is right. We must lead godly lives in today’s world. 13That’s how we should live as we wait for the blessed hope God has given us. We are waiting for Jesus Christ to appear in his glory. He is our great God and Savior. 14He gave himself for us. By doing that, he set us free from all evil. He wanted to make us pure. He wanted us to be his very own people. He wanted us to desire to do what is good.

15These are the things you should teach. Encourage people and give them hope. Correct them with full authority. Don’t let anyone look down on you.