Salmo 68 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Salmo 68:1-35

Salmo 68Sal 68 En el texto hebreo 68:1-35 se numera 68:2-36.

Al director musical. Salmo de David. Cántico.

1Que se levante Dios,

que sean dispersados sus enemigos,

que huyan de su presencia los que lo odian.

2Que desaparezcan del todo,

como humo que se disipa con el viento;

que perezcan ante Dios los malvados,

como cera que se derrite en el fuego.

3Pero que los justos se alegren y se regocijen;

que estén felices y alegres delante de Dios.

4Canten a Dios, canten salmos a su nombre;

aclamen a quien cabalga sobre las nubes,

y regocíjense en su presencia.

¡Su nombre es el Señor!

5Padre de huérfanos y defensor de viudas

es Dios en su morada santa.

6Dios da un hogar a los desamparados

y dicha a los cautivos que libera;

pero los rebeldes habitarán en el desierto.

7Cuando saliste, oh Dios, al frente de tu pueblo,

cuando a través del desierto marchaste, Selah

8la tierra se estremeció,

el cielo derramó su lluvia

delante de Dios, el Dios de Sinaí,

delante de Dios, el Dios de Israel.

9Tú, oh Dios, diste abundantes lluvias;

reanimaste a tu extenuada herencia.

10Tu familia se estableció en la tierra

que en tu bondad, oh Dios, preparaste para el pobre.

11El Señor ha emitido la palabra

y las mensajeras que la proclaman son una multitud poderosa:

12«Van huyendo los reyes y sus tropas;

en las casas, las mujeres se reparten el botín:

13alas de paloma cubiertas de plata,

con plumas de oro resplandeciente,

mientras ustedes se quedan a dormir entre los rebaños».

14Cuando el Todopoderoso puso en fuga a los reyes de la tierra,

parecían copos de nieve cayendo sobre la cumbre del Zalmón.

15Montañas de Basán, montañas imponentes;

montañas de Basán, montañas escarpadas:

16¿Por qué, montañas escarpadas, miran con envidia

al monte donde a Dios le place residir,

donde el Señor habitará por siempre?

17Los carros de guerra de Dios

se cuentan por millares;

del Sinaí vino en ellos el Señor

para entrar en su santuario.

18Cuando tú, Dios y Señor,

ascendiste a las alturas,

te llevaste contigo a los cautivos;

recibiste ofrendas entre los hombres,

aun de los rebeldes,

para establecer tu morada.

19Bendito sea el Señor, nuestro Dios y Salvador,

que día tras día sobrelleva nuestras cargas. Selah

20Nuestro Dios es un Dios que salva;

el Señor Soberano nos libra de la muerte.

21Dios aplastará la cabeza de sus enemigos,

la cabellera en forma de corona de los que persisten en pecar.

22El Señor dice: «De Basán los regresaré;

de las profundidades del mar los haré volver,

23para que se empapen tus pies en la sangre de sus enemigos;

para que al lamerla tus perros tengan también su parte».

24En el santuario pueden verse las procesiones de mi Dios,

las procesiones de mi Dios y Rey.

25Los cantores van al frente,

seguidos de los músicos de cuerda,

entre doncellas que tocan panderetas.

26Bendigan a Dios en la gran asamblea;

alaben al Señor, descendientes de Israel.

27Los guía la pequeña tribu de Benjamín,

seguida de los múltiples príncipes de Judá

y de los príncipes de Zabulón y Neftalí.

28Despliega tu poder, oh Dios;

haz gala, oh Dios, de tu poder,

que has manifestado en favor nuestro.

29Por causa de tu Templo en Jerusalén

los reyes te ofrecerán presentes.

30Reprende a esa bestia de los juncos,

a esa manada de toros bravos

entre naciones que parecen becerros.

Haz que, humillada, te lleve barras de plata;

dispersa a las naciones que se deleitan en la guerra.

31Egipto enviará embajadores,

y Cus presentará sus tributos a Dios.

32Cántenle a Dios, oh reinos de la tierra,

cántenle salmos al Señor, Selah

33al que cabalga por los cielos,

los cielos antiguos,

al que hace oír su voz,

su voz poderosa.

34¡Reconozcan el poder de Dios!

Su majestad está sobre Israel,

su poder está en las alturas.

35En tu santuario, oh Dios, eres imponente;

¡el Dios de Israel da poder y fuerza a su pueblo!

¡Bendito sea Dios!

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 68:1-35

Psalm 68

For the director of music. A psalm of David. A song.

1May God rise up and scatter his enemies.

May they turn and run away from him.

2May you, God, blow them away like smoke.

As fire melts wax,

so may God destroy sinful people.

3But may those who do what is right be glad

and filled with joy when they are with him.

May they be happy and joyful.

4Sing to God, sing praise to his name.

Lift up a song to the God who rides on the clouds.

Be glad when you are with him.

His name is the Lord.

5God is in his holy temple.

He is a father to children whose fathers have died.

He takes care of women whose husbands have died.

6God gives lonely people a family.

He sets prisoners free, and they go out singing.

But those who refuse to obey him

live in a land that is baked by the sun.

7God, you led your people out.

You marched through the desert.

8The ground shook

when you, the God of Sinai, appeared.

The heavens poured down rain

when you, the God of Israel, appeared.

9God, you gave us plenty of rain.

You renewed your worn-out land.

10God, your people made their homes in it.

From all your riches, you provided for those who were poor.

11The Lord gives the message.

The women who make it known are a huge group.

12They said, “Kings and armies are running away.

The women at home are dividing up

the things the army took from their enemies.

13Even while the soldiers sleep near the sheep pens,

God wins the battle for them.

He gives the enemy’s silver and gold

to Israel, his dove.”

14The Mighty One has scattered the kings around the land.

It was like snow falling on Mount Zalmon.

15Mount Bashan is a majestic mountain.

Mount Bashan is a very rocky mountain.

16Why are you jealous of Mount Zion, you rocky mountain?

That’s where God chooses to rule.

That’s where the Lord himself will live forever.

17God has come with tens of thousands of his chariots.

He has come with thousands and thousands of them.

The Lord has come from Mount Sinai.

He has entered his holy place.

18When he went up to his place on high,

he took many prisoners.

He received gifts from people,

even from those who refused to obey him.

The Lord God went up to live on Mount Zion.

19Give praise to the Lord. Give praise to God our Savior.

He carries our heavy loads day after day.

20Our God is a God who saves.

He is the King and the Lord. He saves us from death.

21God will certainly smash the heads of his enemies.

He will break the hairy heads of those who keep on sinning.

22The Lord says, “I will bring your enemies from Bashan.

I will bring them up from the bottom of the sea.

23Then your feet can wade in their blood.

The tongues of your dogs can lick up all the blood they want.”

24God, those who worship you come marching into view.

My God and King, those who follow you have entered the sacred tent.

25The singers are walking in front.

Next come the musicians.

Young women playing tambourines are with them.

26The leaders sing, “Praise God among all those who worship him.

Praise the Lord in the community of Israel.”

27The little tribe of Benjamin leads the worshipers.

Next comes the great crowd of Judah’s princes.

Then come the princes of Zebulun and the princes of Naphtali.

28God, show us your power.

Show us your strength.

God, do as you have done before.

29Do it from your temple at Jerusalem,

where kings will bring you gifts.

30Give a strong warning to Egypt, that beast among the tall grass.

It is like a herd of bulls among the calves.

May that beast bow down before you with gifts of silver.

Scatter the nations who like to make war.

31Messengers will come from Egypt.

The people of Cush will be quick to bring gifts to you.

32Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth.

Sing praise to the Lord.

33He rides across the highest places in heaven.

He rides across the ancient skies above.

He thunders with his mighty voice.

34Tell how powerful God is.

He rules as king over Israel.

The skies show how powerful he is.

35How wonderful is God in his holy place!

The God of Israel gives power and strength to his people.

Give praise to God!