Salmo 51 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Salmo 51:1-19

Salmo 51Sal 51 En el texto hebreo 51:1-19 se numera 51:3-21.

Al director musical. Salmo de David, cuando el profeta Natán fue a verlo por haber cometido David adulterio con Betsabé.

1Ten piedad de mí, oh Dios,

conforme a tu gran amor;

conforme a tu misericordia,

borra mis transgresiones.

2Lávame de toda mi maldad

y límpiame de mi pecado.

3Yo reconozco mis transgresiones;

siempre tengo presente mi pecado.

4Contra ti he pecado, solo contra ti,

y he hecho lo que es malo ante tus ojos;

por eso, tu sentencia es justa

y tu juicio, irreprochable.

5Yo sé que soy pecador de nacimiento;

pecador, desde que me concibió mi madre.

6Yo sé que tú amas la verdad en lo íntimo;

en lo secreto me has enseñado sabiduría.

7Purifícame con hisopo y quedaré limpio;

lávame y quedaré más blanco que la nieve.

8Anúnciame gozo y alegría;

infunde gozo en estos huesos que has quebrantado.

9Aparta tu rostro de mis pecados

y borra toda mi maldad.

10Crea en mí, oh Dios, un corazón limpio

y renueva un espíritu firme dentro de mí.

11No me alejes de tu presencia

ni me quites tu Santo Espíritu.

12Devuélveme la alegría de tu salvación;

que un espíritu de obediencia me sostenga.

13Así enseñaré a los transgresores tus caminos,

y los pecadores se volverán a ti.

14Dios mío, Dios de mi salvación,

líbrame de derramar sangre

y mi lengua alabará tu justicia.

15Abre, Señor, mis labios

y mi boca proclamará tu alabanza.

16Tú no te deleitas en los sacrificios

ni te complacen los holocaustos;

de lo contrario, te los ofrecería.

17El sacrificio que te agrada

es un espíritu quebrantado;

tú, oh Dios, no desprecias

al corazón quebrantado y arrepentido.

18En tu buena voluntad, haz que prospere Sión;

levanta los muros de Jerusalén.

19Entonces te agradarán los sacrificios de justicia,

los holocaustos del todo quemados,

y sobre tu altar se ofrecerán novillos.

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 51:1-19

Psalm 51

For the director of music. A psalm of David when the prophet Nathan came to him. Nathan came to him after David had committed adultery with Bathsheba.

1God, have mercy on me

according to your faithful love.

Because your love is so tender and kind,

wipe out my lawless acts.

2Wash away all the evil things I’ve done.

Make me pure from my sin.

3I know the lawless acts I’ve committed.

I can’t forget my sin.

4You are the one I’ve really sinned against.

I’ve done what is evil in your sight.

So you are right when you sentence me.

You are fair when you judge me.

5I know I’ve been a sinner ever since I was born.

I’ve been a sinner ever since my mother became pregnant with me.

6I know that you wanted faithfulness even when I was in my mother’s body.

You taught me wisdom in that secret place.

7Sprinkle me with hyssop, then I will be clean.

Wash me, then I will be whiter than snow.

8Let me hear you say, “Your sins are forgiven.”

That will bring me joy and gladness.

Let the body you have broken be glad.

9Take away all my sins.

Wipe away all the evil things I’ve done.

10God, create a pure heart in me.

Give me a new spirit that is faithful to you.

11Don’t send me away from you.

Don’t take your Holy Spirit away from me.

12Give me back the joy that comes from being saved by you.

Give me a spirit that obeys you so that I will keep going.

13Then I will teach your ways to those who commit lawless acts.

And sinners will turn back to you.

14You are the God who saves me.

I have committed murder.

God, take away my guilt.

Then my tongue will sing about how right you are

no matter what you do.

15Lord, open my lips so that I can speak.

Then my mouth will praise you.

16You don’t take delight in sacrifice.

If you did, I would bring it.

You don’t take pleasure in burnt offerings.

17The greatest sacrifice you want is a broken spirit.

God, you will gladly accept a heart

that is broken because of sadness over sin.

18May you be pleased to give Zion success.

May it please you to build up the walls of Jerusalem.

19Then you will delight in the sacrifices of those who do what is right.

Whole burnt offerings will bring delight to you.

And bulls will be offered on your altar.