Salmo 41 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Salmo 41:1-13

Salmo 41Sal 41 En el texto hebreo 41:1-13 se numera 41:2-14.

Al director musical. Salmo de David.

1Dichoso el que piensa en el débil;

el Señor lo librará en el día de la desgracia.

2El Señor lo protegerá y lo mantendrá con vida;

lo hará dichoso en la tierra

y no lo entregará al capricho de sus enemigos.

3El Señor lo sostendrá en el lecho del dolor;

cuando caiga enfermo lo restaurará.

4Yo he dicho:

«Señor, ten piedad de mí;

sáname, pues contra ti he pecado».

5Mis enemigos hablan males contra mí:

«¿Cuándo morirá?

¿Cuándo su nombre pasará al olvido?».

6Si alguno viene a verme, me dice mentiras;

su corazón acumula maldad

y luego al salir lo cuenta.

7Todos mis enemigos se juntan y murmuran contra mí;

me hacen responsable de mi mal. Dicen:

8«Le ha afligido un mal devastador;

de esa cama no volverá a levantarse».

9Hasta mi amigo cercano,

en quien yo confiaba

y que compartía el pan conmigo,

se ha vuelto contra mí.

10Pero tú, Señor, ten piedad de mí;

haz que vuelva a levantarme para darles su merecido.

11En esto conozco que te he agradado:

en que mi enemigo no triunfe sobre mí.

12Por mi integridad me sostienes

y en tu presencia me mantendrás para siempre.

13Bendito sea el Señor, el Dios de Israel,

por los siglos de los siglos.

Amén y amén.

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 41:1-13

Psalm 41

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

1Blessed are those who care about weak people.

When they are in trouble, the Lord saves them.

2The Lord guards them and keeps them alive.

They are counted among those who are blessed in the land.

The Lord won’t hand them over to the wishes of their enemies.

3The Lord will take care of them when they are lying sick in bed.

He will make them well again.

4I said, “Lord, have mercy on me.

Heal me, because I have sinned against you.”

5My enemies are saying bad things about me.

They say, “When will he die and his name be forgotten?”

6When one of them comes to see me,

he says things that aren’t true.

At the same time, he thinks up lies to tell against me.

Then he goes out and spreads those lies around.

7All my enemies whisper to each other about me.

They want something terrible to happen to me.

8They say, “He is sick and will die very soon.

He will never get up from his bed again.”

9Even my close friend, someone I trusted, has failed me.

I even shared my bread with him.

10But Lord, may you have mercy on me.

Make me well, so I can pay them back.

11Then I will know that you are pleased with me,

because my enemies haven’t won the battle over me.

12You will take good care of me because I’ve been honest.

You will let me be with you forever.

13Give praise to the Lord, the God of Israel,

for ever and ever.

Amen and Amen.