Jeremías 5 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Jeremías 5:1-31

La corrupción de Jerusalén y de Judá

1«Recorran las calles de Jerusalén,

observen con cuidado,

busquen por las plazas.

Si encuentran una sola persona

que practique la justicia y busque la verdad,

yo perdonaré a esta ciudad.

2Aunque juran diciendo: “Tan cierto como que el Señor vive”,

de hecho, juran con falsedad».

3Señor, ¿acaso no buscan tus ojos la verdad?

Golpeaste a esa gente y no les dolió,

acabaste con ellos y no quisieron ser corregidos.

Endurecieron su rostro más que una roca

y no quisieron arrepentirse.

4Entonces pensé: «Ellos son pobres e ignorantes,

porque no conocen el camino del Señor

ni las demandas de su Dios.

5Me dirigiré a los líderes

y les hablaré;

porque ellos sí conocen el camino del Señor

y las demandas de su Dios».

Pero ellos también quebrantaron el yugo

y rompieron las ataduras.

6Por eso los herirá el león de la selva

y los despedazará el lobo del desierto;

frente a sus ciudades está el leopardo al acecho

y todo el que salga de ellas será despedazado,

pues son muchas sus rebeliones

y numerosas sus infidelidades.

7«¿Por qué habré de perdonarte?

Tus hijos me han abandonado,

han jurado por los que no son dioses.

Cuando suplí sus necesidades,

ellos cometieron adulterio

y en tropel se volcaron a los prostíbulos.

8Son como caballos bien alimentados y excitados;

todos relinchan por la mujer ajena.

9¿Y no los he de castigar por esto?

¿Acaso no he de vengarme de semejante nación?»,

afirma el Señor.

10«Suban por los surcos de esta viña

y arrásenla, pero no acaben con ella.

Arránquenle sus ramas,

porque no son del Señor.

11Pues las casas de Israel y de Judá

me han sido completamente infieles»,

afirma el Señor.

12Ellas han negado al Señor

y hasta dicen: «¡Dios no existe!

Ningún mal vendrá sobre nosotros,

no sufriremos guerras ni hambre».

13Los profetas son como el viento:

la palabra no está en ellos.

¡Que así les suceda!

14Por eso, así dice el Señor, el Dios de los Ejércitos:

«Por cuanto el pueblo ha hablado de esa forma,

mis palabras serán como fuego en tu boca,

y este pueblo, como un montón de leña.

Ese fuego los consumirá.

15Pueblo de Israel,

voy a traer contra ustedes una nación lejana,

una nación fuerte y antigua,

una nación cuyo idioma no conocen,

cuyo lenguaje no entienden»,

afirma el Señor.

16«Todos ellos son guerreros valientes;

su aljaba es como un sepulcro abierto.

17Acabarán con tu cosecha y tu alimento,

devorarán a tus hijos e hijas,

matarán a tus ovejas y vacas,

y destruirán tus viñas y tus higueras.

Tus ciudades fortificadas,

en las que pusiste tu confianza,

serán pasadas a filo de espada.

18»Sin embargo, aun en aquellos días no los destruiré por completo», afirma el Señor. 19«Y cuando te pregunten: “¿Por qué el Señor nuestro Dios nos ha hecho todo esto?”, tú responderás: “Así como ustedes me han abandonado y en su propia tierra han servido a dioses extranjeros, así también en tierra extraña servirán a gente extranjera”.

20»Anuncien esto en la casa de Jacob

y proclámenlo en Judá:

21Escucha esto, pueblo necio e insensible,

que tiene ojos, pero no ve,

que tiene oídos, pero no oye.

22¿Acaso has dejado de temerme?»,

afirma el Señor.

«¿No debieras temblar ante mí?

Yo puse la arena como límite del mar,

como frontera perpetua e infranqueable.

Aunque se agiten sus olas, no podrán prevalecer;

aunque bramen, no traspasarán esa frontera.

23Pero este pueblo tiene un corazón terco y rebelde;

me abandonó y se fue.

24No reflexionan ni dicen:

“Temamos al Señor nuestro Dios,

quien a su debido tiempo nos da lluvia,

las lluvias de otoño y primavera,

y nos asegura las semanas señaladas

para la cosecha”.

25Las iniquidades de ustedes les han quitado estos beneficios;

sus pecados los han privado de estas bendiciones.

26»Sin duda en mi pueblo hay malvados,

que están al acecho como cazadores de aves,

que ponen trampas para atrapar a la gente.

27Como jaulas llenas de pájaros,

llenas de engaño están sus casas;

por eso se han vuelto poderosos y ricos,

28gordos y elegantes.

Sus obras de maldad no tienen límite:

no hacen justicia al huérfano, para que su causa prospere;

ni defienden tampoco el derecho de los menesterosos.

29¿Y no los he de castigar por esto?

¿No he de vengarme de semejante nación?»,

afirma el Señor.

30«Algo espantoso y terrible

ha ocurrido en este país.

31Los profetas profieren mentiras,

los sacerdotes gobiernan a su antojo,

¡y mi pueblo tan campante!

Pero ¿qué van a hacer ustedes cuando todo haya terminado?

New International Reader’s Version

Jeremiah 5:1-31

No One Is Honest

1The Lord says, “Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem.

Look around.

Think about what you see.

Search through the market.

See if you can find one honest person who tries to be truthful.

If you can, I will forgive this city.

2They make their promises in my name.

They say, ‘You can be sure that the Lord is alive.’

But their promises can’t be trusted.”

3Lord, don’t your eyes look for truth?

You struck down your people.

But they didn’t feel any pain.

You crushed them.

But they refused to be corrected.

They made their faces harder than stone.

They refused to turn away from their sins.

4I thought, “The people of

Jerusalem are foolish.

They don’t know how the Lord wants them to live.

They don’t know what their God requires of them.

5So I will go to the leaders.

I’ll speak to them.

They should know how the Lord wants them to live.

They must know what their God requires of them.”

But all of them had broken off the yoke the Lord had put on them.

They had torn off the ropes he had tied them up with.

6So a lion from the forest will attack them.

A wolf from the desert will destroy them.

A leopard will hide and wait near their towns.

It will tear to pieces anyone who dares to go out.

Again and again they have refused to obey the Lord.

They have turned away from him many times.

7The Lord says, “Jerusalem, why should I forgive you?

Your people have deserted me.

They have made their promises in the names of gods

that are not really gods at all.

I supplied everything they needed.

But they committed adultery.

Large crowds went to the houses of prostitutes.

8Your people are like stallions that have plenty to eat.

Their sinful desires are out of control.

Each of them goes after another man’s wife.

9Shouldn’t I punish them for this?”

announces the Lord.

“Shouldn’t I pay back the nation

that does these things?

10“Armies of Babylon, go through their vineyards and destroy them.

But do not destroy them completely.

Strip off their branches.

These people do not belong to me.

11The people of Israel and the people of Judah

have not been faithful to me at all,”

announces the Lord.

12They have told lies about the Lord.

They said, “He won’t do anything!

No harm will come to us.

We will never see war or be hungry.

13The prophets are nothing but wind.

Their message doesn’t come from the Lord.

So let what they say will happen be done to them.”

14The Lord God rules over all. He says to me,

“The people have spoken these words.

So my words will be like fire in your mouth.

I will make the people like wood.

And the fire will burn them up.”

15“People of Israel, listen to me,”

announces the Lord.

“I am bringing against you

a nation from far away.

It is an old nation. And it will last for a long time.

Its people speak a language you do not know.

You can’t understand what they are saying.

16The bags they carry their arrows in are like an open grave.

All their soldiers are mighty.

17They will eat up your crops and your food.

They will strike down your sons and daughters.

They will kill your sheep and cattle.

They will destroy your vines and fig trees.

You trust in your cities that have high walls around them.

But the people in them will be killed by swords.

18“In spite of that, even in those days I will not destroy you completely,” announces the Lord. 19“ ‘Jeremiah,’ the people will ask, ‘Why has the Lord our God done all this to us?’ Then you will tell them, ‘You have deserted the Lord. You have served other gods in your own land. So now you will serve another nation in a land that is not your own.’

20“Here is what I want you to announce

to the people of Jacob.

Tell it in Judah.

Tell them I say,

21‘Listen to this, you foolish people,

who do not have any sense.

You have eyes, but you do not see.

You have ears, but you do not hear.

22Shouldn’t you have respect for me?’

announces the Lord.

‘Shouldn’t you tremble with fear in front of me?

I made the sand to hold the ocean back.

It will do that forever.

The ocean can’t go past it.

The waves might roll, but they can’t sweep over it.

They might roar, but they can’t go across it.

23But you people have stubborn hearts.

You refuse to obey me.

You have turned away from me.

You have gone astray.

24You do not say to yourselves,

“Let us have respect for the Lord our God.

He sends rain in the fall and the spring.

He promises us that the harvest will come

at the same time each year.”

25But the things you have done wrong

have robbed you of these gifts.

Your sins have kept these good things

far away from you.’

26“Jeremiah, some of my people are evil.

They hide and wait just as people hide to catch birds.

They set traps for people.

27A hunter uses tricks to fill his cage with birds.

And my people have filled their houses with a lot of goods.

They have become rich and powerful.

28They have grown fat and heavy.

There is no limit to the evil things they do.

In court they do not seek justice.

They don’t protect the rights of children whose fathers have died.

They do not stand up for poor people.

29Shouldn’t I punish them for this?”

announces the Lord.

“Shouldn’t I pay back the

nation that does these things?

30“Something horrible and shocking

has happened in the land.

31The prophets prophesy lies.

The priests rule by their own authority.

And my people love it this way.

But what will you do in the end?”