Isaías 32 – NVI & NIRV

Nueva Versión Internacional

Isaías 32:1-20

El reino de justicia

1Miren, un rey reinará con rectitud

y los gobernantes gobernarán con justicia.

2Cada uno será como un refugio contra el viento,

como un resguardo contra la tormenta;

como arroyos de agua en tierra seca,

como la sombra de un peñasco en el desierto.

3No se nublarán los ojos de los que ven;

prestarán atención los oídos de los que oyen.

4La mente impulsiva comprenderá y entenderá,

la lengua tartamuda hablará con fluidez y claridad.

5Ya no se llamará noble al necio

ni será respetado el canalla.

6Porque el necio profiere necedades

y su corazón está inclinado al mal;

practica la impiedad,

y habla falsedades contra el Señor;

deja con hambre al hambriento

y niega el agua al sediento.

7El canalla recurre a artimañas malignas

y trama designios infames;

destruye a los pobres con mentiras,

aunque el necesitado reclama justicia.

8El noble, por el contrario, concibe nobles planes

y en sus nobles acciones se afirma.

Las mujeres de Jerusalén

9Mujeres indolentes,

¡levántense y escúchenme!

Hijas que se sienten tan confiadas,

¡presten atención a lo que voy a decirles!

10Ustedes, que se sienten tan confiadas,

en poco más de un año temblarán;

porque fallará la vendimia,

y no llegará la cosecha.

11¡Tiemblen, mujeres indolentes!

Ustedes, que se sienten tan confiadas, ¡estremézcanse!

Desvístanse, desnúdense;

pónganse ropa de luto.

12Golpéense el pecho,

por los campos agradables,

por los viñedos fértiles,

13por el suelo de mi pueblo

cubierto de espinos y de zarzas,

por todas las casas donde hay alegría

y por esta ciudad donde hay diversión.

14La fortaleza será abandonada,

y desamparada la ciudad populosa;

para siempre convertidas en cuevas quedarán la torre y la fortaleza;

convertidas en deleite de asnos salvajes, en pastizal de rebaños,

15hasta que desde lo alto el Espíritu sea derramado sobre nosotros.

Entonces el desierto se volverá un campo fértil,

y el campo fértil se convertirá en bosque.

16La justicia morará en el desierto

y en la tierra fructífera habitará la rectitud.

17El producto de la justicia será la paz;

tranquilidad y seguridad perpetuas serán su fruto.

18Mi pueblo habitará en un lugar de paz,

en moradas seguras,

en serenos lugares de reposo.

19Aunque el granizo arrase con el bosque

y la ciudad sea completamente allanada,

20¡dichosos ustedes,

los que siembran junto al agua

y dejan sueltos al buey y al asno!

New International Reader’s Version

Isaiah 32:1-20

The King Who Will Do What Is Right

1A king will come who will do what is right.

His officials will govern fairly.

2Each official will be like a place to get out of the wind.

He will be like a place to hide from storms.

He’ll be like streams of water flowing in the desert.

He’ll be like the shadow of a huge rock in a dry and thirsty land.

3Then the eyes of those who see won’t be closed anymore.

The ears of those who hear will listen to the truth.

4People who are afraid will know and understand.

Tongues that stutter will speak clearly.

5Foolish people won’t be considered noble anymore.

Those who are worthless won’t be highly respected.

6Foolish people say foolish things.

Their minds are set on doing evil things.

They don’t do what is right.

They tell lies about the Lord.

They don’t give hungry people any food.

They don’t let thirsty people have any water.

7Those who are worthless use sinful methods.

They make evil plans against poor people.

They destroy them with their lies.

They do it even when those people are right.

8But those who are noble make noble plans.

And by doing noble things they succeed.

The Sinful Women in Jerusalem

9You women who are so contented,

pay attention to me.

You who feel so secure,

listen to what I have to say.

10You feel secure now.

But in a little over a year you will tremble with fear.

The grape harvest will fail.

There won’t be any fruit.

11So tremble, you contented women.

Tremble with fear, you who feel so secure.

Take off your fine clothes.

Wrap yourselves in rags.

12Beat your chests to show how sad you are.

The pleasant fields have been destroyed.

The fruitful vines have dried up.

13My people’s land is overgrown with thorns and bushes.

Mourn for all the houses that were once filled with joy.

Cry over this city that used to be full of wild parties.

14The royal palace will be left empty.

The noisy city will be deserted.

The fort and lookout tower will become

a dry and empty desert forever.

Donkeys will enjoy being there.

Flocks will eat there.

15That will continue until the Holy Spirit

is poured out on us from heaven.

Then the desert will be turned into rich farm lands.

The rich farm lands will seem like a forest.

16In the desert, the Lord will make sure people do what is right.

In the rich farm lands he will make sure they treat one another fairly.

17Doing what is right will bring peace and rest.

When my people do that, they will stay calm

and trust in the Lord forever.

18They will live in a peaceful land.

Their homes will be secure.

They will enjoy peace and quiet.

19Hail might strip the forests bare.

Cities might be completely destroyed.

20But how blessed you people will be!

You will plant your seeds by every stream.

You will let your cattle and donkeys

wander anywhere they want to.