Deuteronômio 34 – NVI-PT & NIRV

Nova Versão Internacional

Deuteronômio 34:1-12

A Morte de Moisés

1Então, das campinas de Moabe Moisés subiu ao monte Nebo, ao topo do Pisga, em frente de Jericó. Ali o Senhor lhe mostrou a terra toda: de Gileade a Dã, 2toda a região de Naftali, o território de Efraim e Manassés, toda a terra de Judá até o mar ocidental34.2 Isto é, o mar Mediterrâneo., 3o Neguebe e toda a região que vai do vale de Jericó, a cidade das Palmeiras, até Zoar. 4E o Senhor lhe disse: “Esta é a terra que prometi sob juramento a Abraão, a Isaque e a Jacó, quando lhes disse: Eu a darei a seus descendentes. Permiti que você a visse com os seus próprios olhos, mas você não atravessará o rio, não entrará nela”.

5Moisés, o servo do Senhor, morreu ali, em Moabe, como o Senhor dissera. 6Ele o sepultou34.6 Ou Ele foi sepultado em Moabe, no vale que fica diante de Bete-Peor, mas até hoje ninguém sabe onde está localizado seu túmulo. 7Moisés tinha cento e vinte anos de idade quando morreu; todavia, nem os seus olhos nem o seu vigor tinham se enfraquecido. 8Os israelitas choraram Moisés nas campinas de Moabe durante trinta dias, até passar o período de pranto e luto.

9Ora, Josué, filho de Num, estava cheio do Espírito34.9 Ou cheio de sabedoria de sabedoria, porque Moisés tinha imposto as suas mãos sobre ele. De modo que os israelitas lhe obedeceram e fizeram o que o Senhor tinha ordenado a Moisés.

10Em Israel nunca mais se levantou profeta como Moisés, a quem o Senhor conheceu face a face, 11e que fez todos aqueles sinais e maravilhas que o Senhor o tinha enviado para fazer no Egito, contra o faraó, contra todos os seus servos e contra toda a sua terra. 12Pois ninguém jamais mostrou tamanho poder como Moisés nem executou os feitos temíveis que Moisés realizou aos olhos de todo o Israel.

New International Reader’s Version

Deuteronomy 34:1-12

Moses Dies

1Moses climbed Mount Nebo. He went up from the plains of Moab to the highest slopes of Pisgah. It’s across from Jericho. At Pisgah the Lord showed him the whole land from Gilead all the way to Dan. 2Moses saw the whole land of Naphtali. He saw the territory of Ephraim and Manasseh. The Lord showed him the whole land of Judah all the way to the Mediterranean Sea. 3Moses saw the Negev Desert. He saw the whole area from the Valley of Jericho all the way to Zoar. Jericho was also known as The City of Palm Trees. 4Then the Lord spoke to Moses. He said, “This is the land I promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I told them, ‘I will give this land to your children and their children.’ Moses, I have let you see it with your own eyes. But you will not go across the Jordan River to enter it.”

5Moses, the servant of the Lord, died there in Moab. It happened just as the Lord had said. 6The Lord buried the body of Moses in Moab. His grave is in the valley across from Beth Peor. But to this day no one knows where his grave is. 7Moses was 120 years old when he died. But his eyesight was still good. He was still very strong. 8The Israelites mourned over Moses on the plains of Moab for 30 days. They did it until their time for weeping and crying was over.

9Joshua, the son of Nun, was filled with wisdom. That’s because Moses had placed his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to Joshua. They did what the Lord had commanded Moses.

10Since then, Israel has never had a prophet like Moses. The Lord knew him face to face. 11Moses did many signs and amazing things. The Lord had sent him to do them in Egypt. Moses did them against Pharaoh, against all his officials and against his whole land. 12No one has ever had the mighty power Moses had. No one has ever done the wonderful acts he did in the sight of all the Israelites.