2 Crônicas 3 – NVI-PT & NIRV

Nova Versão Internacional

2 Crônicas 3:1-17

A Construção do Templo

1Então Salomão começou a construir o templo do Senhor em Jerusalém, no monte Moriá, onde o Senhor havia aparecido a seu pai Davi, na eira de Araúna3.1 Hebraico: Ornã, variante de Araúna., o jebuseu, local que havia sido providenciado por Davi. 2Começou a construção no segundo dia do segundo mês do quarto ano de seu reinado.

3Os alicerces que Salomão lançou para o templo de Deus tinham vinte e sete metros de comprimento e nove metros de largura3.3 Hebraico: 60 côvados de comprimento e 20 côvados de largura. O côvado era uma medida linear de cerca de 45 centímetros., pela medida3.3 Hebraico: pelo côvado. antiga. 4O pórtico da entrada do templo tinha nove metros de largura e nove metros3.4 Conforme alguns manuscritos da Septuaginta e da Versão Siríaca. O Texto Massorético diz e 120 côvados. de altura. Ele revestiu de ouro puro o seu interior. 5Recobriu de pinho o átrio principal, revestiu-o de ouro puro e decorou-o com desenhos de tamareiras e correntes. 6Ornamentou o templo com pedras preciosas. O ouro utilizado era de Parvaim. 7Também revestiu de ouro as vigas do forro, os batentes, as paredes e as portas do templo, e esculpiu querubins nas paredes.

8Fez o Lugar Santíssimo, com nove metros de comprimento e nove metros de largura, igual à largura do templo. Revestiu o seu interior de vinte e uma toneladas3.8 Hebraico: 600 talentos. Um talento equivalia a 35 quilos. de ouro puro. 9Os pregos de ouro pesavam seiscentos gramas3.9 Hebraico: 50 siclos. Um siclo equivalia a 12 gramas.. Também revestiu de ouro as salas superiores.

10No Lugar Santíssimo esculpiu e revestiu de ouro dois querubins, 11os quais, de asas abertas, mediam juntos nove metros. Cada asa, de dois metros e vinte e cinco centímetros, tocava, de um lado, na parede do templo 12e, do outro lado, na asa do outro querubim. 13Assim os querubins, com asas que se estendiam por nove metros, estavam em pé, de frente para o átrio principal3.13 Ou pé, voltados para dentro.

14Ele fez o véu de tecido azul, roxo, vermelho e linho fino, com querubins desenhados nele.

15Fez na frente do templo duas colunas, que, juntas, tinham dezesseis metros, cada uma tendo em cima um capitel com dois metros e vinte e cinco centímetros. 16Fez correntes entrelaçadas3.16 Ou correntes no santuário interior e colocou-as no alto das colunas. Fez também cem romãs, colocando-as nas correntes. 17Depois levantou as colunas na frente do templo, uma ao sul, outra ao norte; à que ficava ao sul deu o nome de Jaquim3.17 Jaquim provavelmente significa ele firma. e à que ficava ao norte, Boaz3.17 Boaz provavelmente significa nele há força..

New International Reader’s Version

2 Chronicles 3:1-17

Solomon Builds the Temple

1Then Solomon began to build the temple of the Lord. He built it on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. That’s where the Lord had appeared to Solomon’s father David. The Lord had appeared at the threshing floor of Araunah. Araunah was from Jebus. David had provided the threshing floor. 2Solomon began building the temple on the second day of the second month. It was in the fourth year of his rule.

3Solomon laid the foundation for God’s temple. It was 90 feet long and 30 feet wide. Solomon’s men followed the standard measure used at that time. 4The porch in front of the temple was 30 feet across and 30 feet high.

Solomon covered the inside of the temple with pure gold. 5He covered the inside of the main hall with juniper boards. Then he covered the boards with fine gold. He decorated the hall with palm tree patterns and chain patterns. 6He decorated the temple with valuable jewels. The gold he used came from Parvaim. 7He covered the ceiling beams, doorframes, walls and doors of the temple with gold. He carved cherubim on the walls.

8He built the Most Holy Room. It was as long as the temple was wide. It was 30 feet long and 30 feet wide. He covered the inside of the Most Holy Room with 23 tons of fine gold. 9He also covered the upper parts with gold. The gold on the nails weighed 20 ounces.

10For the Most Holy Room, Solomon made a pair of carved cherubim. He covered them with gold. 11The total length of the cherubim’s wings from tip to tip was 30 feet. One wing of the first cherub was seven and a half feet long. Its tip touched the temple wall. The other wing was also seven and a half feet long. Its tip touched the wing tip of the other cherub. 12In the same way one wing of the second cherub was seven and a half feet long. Its tip touched the other temple wall. The other wing was also seven and a half feet long. Its tip touched the wing tip of the first cherub. 13So the total length of the wings of the two cherubim was 30 feet from tip to tip. The cherubim stood facing the main hall.

14Solomon made the curtain out of blue, purple and bright red yarn and fine linen. A skilled worker sewed cherubim into its pattern.

15For the front of the temple, Solomon made two pillars. Each pillar was 26 feet tall. Each had a decorated top seven and a half feet high. 16Solomon made chains that were linked together. He put them on top of the pillars. He also made 100 pomegranates. He fastened them to the chains. 17Solomon set the pillars up in front of the temple. One was on the south. The other was on the north. He named the one on the south Jakin. The one on the north he named Boaz.