Псалми 44 – NSP & NIRV

New Serbian Translation

Псалми 44:1-26

Псалам 44

За хоровођу. Поучна песма синова Корејевих.

1О, Боже, својим смо ушима чули,

наши нам преци рекоше,

за дело које ти учини у дане њихове,

у дане прадавне.

2Својом си руком изгнао народе, а њих посадио,

пуке си разбио, а њих умножио.

3Нису они земљу мачем освојили,

нити их је рука њихова избавила,

него твоја рука десница,

и светло твога лица, јер си их заволео.

4Ти си мој цар, Боже!

Нареди, и Јаков ће бити спасен.

5С тобом пробадамо душмане своје,

у име твоје газимо непријатеље своје.

6Јер ја се не уздам у лук свој,

мач мој мене не спасава.

7Јер ти нас избави од наших душмана,

ти осрамоти наше мрзитеље.

8Богом смо се хвалили поваздан,

име твоје славили поваздан.

9Но, ти си нас одбацио и понизио,

и не идеш у бој с војском нашом.

10Чиниш да се повлачимо пред душманином,

да нас пљачкају наши мрзитељи.

11Изручио си нас као овце за клање,

расејао нас међу народе.

12Продао си свој народ у бесцење,

а од продаје се ниси обогатио.

13Учинио си нас руглом нашим суседима,

на подсмех смо и ругање онима око нас.

14Учинио си нас ругалицом међу народима,

машу главом народи над нама.

15Срамота је моја стално преда мном,

стид ми је лице покрио

16од гласа ругача и подсмевача,

пред душманином, осветником.

17Све нас то снађе, ал’ нисмо те заборавили,

а ни савез твој нисмо изневерили.

18Срце нам се није одвратило,

нити су нам стопе с твог пута скренуле,

19кад си нас разбио у крају шакалском,

и у смртну нас таму завио.

20Ако заборавимо име Бога нашега,

и раширимо руке према туђем богу,

21неће ли Бог то открити,

кад познаје тајне срца?

22Јер због тебе нас убијају свагда,

сматрају нас овцама за клање.

23Пробуди се, зашто спаваш, Господе?

Устани, не одбацуј нас довека!

24Зашто кријеш своје лице?

Зашто заборављаш муку и потлаченост нашу?

25Јер душа наша лежи у прашини,

стомак нам се прилепио уз земљу.

26Устани, помози нам,

откупи нас због милости своје!

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 44:1-26

Psalm 44

For the director of music. A maskil of the Sons of Korah.

1God, we have heard what you did.

Those who came before us have told us

what you did in their days,

in days long ago.

2By your power you drove out the nations.

You gave our people homes in the land.

You crushed the people who were there.

And you made our people do well.

3They didn’t win the land with their swords.

They didn’t gain success by their own power.

Your powerful right hand and your mighty arm gave them victory.

You gave them success because you loved them.

4You are my King and my God.

You give victories to the people of Jacob.

5With your help we push back our enemies.

By your power we walk all over them.

6I put no trust in my bow.

My sword doesn’t bring me victory.

7But you give us victory over our enemies.

You put them to shame.

8All day long we talk about how great God is.

We will praise your name forever.

9But now you have turned your back on us and made us humble.

You don’t march out with our armies anymore.

10You made us turn and run from our enemies.

They have taken what belongs to us.

11You handed us over to be eaten up like sheep.

You have scattered us among the nations.

12You sold your people for very little.

You didn’t gain anything when you sold them.

13You have made us something that our neighbors laugh at.

Those who live around us make fun of us and tease us.

14The nations make jokes about us.

They shake their heads at us.

15All day long I have to live with my shame.

My face is covered with it.

16That’s because they laugh at me and attack me with their words.

They want to get even with me.

17All of this happened to us,

even though we had not forgotten you.

We had not broken the covenant you made with us.

18Our hearts had not turned away from you.

Our feet had not wandered from your path.

19But you crushed us and left us to the wild dogs.

You covered us over with deep darkness.

20We didn’t forget our God.

We didn’t spread out our hands in prayer to a false god.

21If we had, God would have discovered it.

He knows the secrets of our hearts.

22But because of you, we face death all day long.

We are considered as sheep to be killed.

23Lord, wake up! Why are you sleeping?

Get up! Don’t say no to us forever.

24Why do you turn your face away from us?

Why do you forget our pain and troubles?

25We are brought down to the dust.

Our bodies lie flat on the ground.

26Rise up and help us.

Save us because of your faithful love.