Псалми 149 – NSP & NIRV

New Serbian Translation

Псалми 149:1-9

Псалам 149

1Славите Господа!

Нову песму запевајте Господу

и његове хвалоспеве у збору верника.

2Нек Израиљ радује се своме Створитељу!

Нека кличе своме Цару народ са Сиона!

3Нек му име славе играјући коло,

нек му засвирају на бубњу и лири.

4Јер Господу је његов народ мио,

он понизне овенчава спасењем.

5Нека народ верни ликује у части!

Нека кличу са лежаја својих!

6У грлима нек им буду хвалоспеви Божији,

у рукама им мач с обе стране оштар;

7да се освете народима

и донесу казну туђинцима;

8да ланцима цареве им свежу

и окују гвожђем њихове племиће;

9да на њима изврше записану пресуду,

што је на част свих његових верних.

Славите Господа!

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 149:1-9

Psalm 149

1Praise the Lord.

Sing a new song to the Lord.

Sing praise to him in the assembly of his faithful people.

2Let Israel be filled with joy because God is their Maker.

Let the people of Zion be glad because he is their King.

3Let them praise his name with dancing.

Let them make music to him with harps and tambourines.

4The Lord takes delight in his people.

He awards with victory those who are humble.

5Let his faithful people be filled with joy because of that honor.

Let them sing for joy even when they are lying in bed.

6May they praise God with their mouths.

May they hold in their hands a sword that has two edges.

7Let them pay the nations back.

Let them punish the people of the earth.

8Let them put the kings of those nations in chains.

Let them put their nobles in iron chains.

9Let them carry out God’s sentence against those nations.

This will bring glory to all his faithful people.

Praise the Lord.