Неемия 12 – NRT & NIRV

New Russian Translation

Неемия 12:1-47

Список священников и левитов

1Вот священники и левиты, которые вернулись с Зоровавелем, сыном Шеалтиила, и с Иисусом:

Серая, Иеремия, Ездра,

2Амария, Маллух, Хаттуш,

3Шекания, Рехум, Меремоф,

4Иддо, Гиннефон12:4 Евр.: «Гиннефой». См. 12:16., Авия,

5Миямин12:5 Вариант имени Миниамин., Маадия, Вилга,

6Шемая, Иоиарив, Иедаия,

7Саллу, Амок, Хелкия и Иедаия.

Это вожди священников и их собратьев во дни Иисуса.

8Из левитов были Иисус, Биннуй, Кадмиил, Шеревия, Иуда, а еще Маттания, который со своими собратьями отвечал за песни благодарения. 9Бакбукия и Унний, их собратья, стояли во время служений напротив них.

10Иисус был отцом Иоакима, Иоаким – отцом Элиашива, Элиашив – отцом Иоиады, 11Иоиада – отцом Ионафана12:11 В ст. 22-23 он назван Иохананом., а Ионафан – отцом Иаддуя.

12Во дни Иоакима главами священнических семейств были:

из семьи Сераи – Мерая;

из семьи Иеремии – Ханания;

13из семьи Ездры – Мешуллам;

из семьи Амарии – Иоханан;

14из семьи Мелиху – Ионафан;

из семьи Шекании12:14 Так во многих рукописях древнееврейского текста и в одном из древних переводов; в большинстве рукописей: «Шевании». См. 12:3. – Иосиф;

15из семьи Харима – Адна;

из семьи Мераиофа – Хелкия;

16из семьи Иддо – Захария;

из семьи Гиннефона – Мешуллам;

17из семьи Авии – Зихрий;

из семей Миниамина и Моадии – Пилтай;

18из семьи Вилги – Шаммуа;

из семьи Шемаи – Ионафан;

19Из семьи Иоиарива – Матнай;

из семьи Иедаии – Уззий;

20из семьи Саллая – Каллай;

из семьи Амока – Евер,

21из семьи Хелкии – Хашавия;

из семьи Иедаии – Нафанаил.

22Главы семейств левитов были переписаны в дни Элиашива, Иоиады, Иоханана и Иаддуя, а священники – во время царствования Дария Персидского12:22 Дарий II Нот правил Персидской империей с 424 по 404 гг. до н. э.. 23Главы семейств из потомков Левия были записаны в летописи до времени Иоханана, внука Элиашива. 24А вождями левитов были Хашавия, Шеревия, Иисус, сын Кадмиила, и их собратья, которые стояли напротив них, чтобы воздавать хвалу и благодарения, – один хор напротив другого, как предписано Божьим человеком Давидом.

25Маттания, Бакбукия, Авдий, Мешуллам, Талмон и Аккув были привратниками, которые стерегли хранилища при воротах. 26Они несли свою службу во дни Иоакима, сына Иисусова, сына Иоседека, и во дни наместника Неемии и священника и книжника Ездры.

Освящение иерусалимской стены

27На освящение иерусалимской стены из всех местностей, где они жили, были вызваны и приведены в Иерусалим левиты, чтобы радостно отпраздновать освящение с песнями благодарения, под музыку тарелок, лир и арф. 28Певцы также собрались из окрестностей Иерусалима, и из селений нетофитян, 29из Бет-Гилгала, и из области Гевы и Азмавета, ведь певцы построили себе поселения вокруг Иерусалима. 30Когда священники и левиты ритуально очистились, они очистили и народ, и ворота, и стену.

31Я возвел вождей Иудеи на стену и назначил два больших хора, чтобы они возносили хвалу и шли в шествии. Один из них пошел по правой стороне стены, к Навозным воротам. 32За ними пошел Гошая, а с ним – половина вождей Иудеи, 33и Азария, Ездра, Мешуллам, 34Иуда, Вениамин, Шемая, Иеремия, 35и еще несколько молодых священников с трубами: Захария, сын Ионафана, сына Шемаи, сына Маттании, сына Михая, сына Заккура, сына Асафа, 36и его собратья – Шемая, Азариил, Милалай, Гилалай, Маай, Нафанаил, Иуда и Ханани – с музыкальными инструментами, которые были определены Давидом, человеком Бога. Возглавлял шествие книжник Ездра. 37У ворот Источника – прямо перед ними – они поднялись по ступеням Города Давида на возвышение стены, прошли над домом Давида и далее, до Водных ворот на востоке.

38Второй хор пошел напротив них, я пошел по стене за ними, а со мной половина народа – над Печной башней, к Широкой стене 39и над воротами Ефрема мимо Старых ворот, Рыбных ворот, башни Хананела и башни Сотни к Овечьим воротам. У ворот Стражи они остановились.

40Затем два хора, которые возносили хвалу, заняли свои места в доме Божьем, а с ними и я вместе с половиной начальствующих 41и священниками – Элиакимом, Маасеей, Миниамином, Михаей, Элиоэнаем, Захарией и Хананией с их трубами, – 42а еще с Маасеей, Шемаей, Элеазаром, Уззием, Иохананом, Малхией, Еламом и Эзером. Хоры пели под руководством Израхии. 43В тот день они принесли великие жертвы и радовались, потому что Бог даровал им великую радость. Женщины и дети тоже радовались. Крики радости в Иерусалиме были слышны далеко вокруг.

Пожертвования для священников и левитов

44В тот же день были назначены люди, чьей заботе были вверены хранилища для пожертвований, первых плодов и десятин. С полей вокруг городов они должны были собирать в хранилища доли, назначенные Законом для священников и левитов, ведь иудеи были довольны их служением. 45Они совершали служение своему Богу и служение очищения, как делали певцы и привратники – по повелениям Давида и его сына Соломона. 46Ведь издавна, со дней Давида и Асафа, были распорядители над певцами, которые пели песни хвалы и благодарения Богу. 47И во дни Зоровавеля и Неемии весь Израиль давал ежедневные доли для певцов и привратников. Еще они отделяли часть для остальных левитов, а левиты отделяли часть для потомков Аарона.

New International Reader’s Version

Nehemiah 12:1-47

The Priests and Levites Who Returned to Judah

1Some priests and Levites returned to Judah with Zerubbabel and Joshua. Zerubbabel was the son of Shealtiel. Here are the names of those priests and Levites.

Seraiah, Jeremiah, Ezra,

2Amariah, Malluk, Hattush,

3Shekaniah, Rehum, Meremoth,

4Iddo, Ginnethon, Abijah,

5Mijamin, Moadiah, Bilgah,

6Shemaiah, Joiarib, Jedaiah,

7Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, Jedaiah

All of them were the leaders of the priests and those who helped them. They lived in the days of Joshua.

8The Levites were Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah and Judah. There were also Mattaniah and those who helped him. They were in charge of the songs for giving thanks. 9Bakbukiah and Unni helped them. They stood and sang across from them during the services.

10Joshua was the father of Joiakim.

Joiakim was the father of Eliashib.

Eliashib was the father of Joiada.

11Joiada was the father of Jonathan.

And Jonathan was the father of Jaddua.

12Here are the names of the family leaders of the priests. They were the leaders in the days of Joiakim.

Meraiah was from Seraiah’s family.

Hananiah was from Jeremiah’s family.

13Meshullam was from Ezra’s family.

Jehohanan was from Amariah’s family.

14Jonathan was from Malluk’s family.

Joseph was from Shekaniah’s family.

15Adna was from Harim’s family.

Helkai was from Meremoth’s family.

16Zechariah was from Iddo’s family.

Meshullam was from Ginnethon’s family.

17Zikri was from Abijah’s family.

Piltai was from Miniamin’s and Moadiah’s family.

18Shammua was from Bilgah’s family.

Jehonathan was from Shemaiah’s family.

19Mattenai was from Joiarib’s family.

Uzzi was from Jedaiah’s family.

20Kallai was from Sallu’s family.

Eber was from Amok’s family.

21Hashabiah was from Hilkiah’s family.

And Nethanel was from Jedaiah’s family.

22The names of the family leaders of the Levites in the days of Eliashib, Joiada, Johanan and Jaddua were written down. So were the names of the family leaders of the priests. That happened while Darius ruled over Persia. 23The names of the leaders in Levi’s family line up to the time of Johanan were written down. They were written in the official records. Johanan was the son of Eliashib. 24The leaders of the Levites were Hashabiah, Sherebiah and Jeshua. Jeshua was the son of Kadmiel. Those who helped them stood across from them to sing praises and give thanks. One group would sing back to the other. That’s what David, the man of God, had ordered.

25Mattaniah, Bakbukiah, Obadiah, Meshullam, Talmon and Akkub stood at the gates of the temple. They guarded the storerooms at the gates. 26They served in the days of Joiakim. He was the son of Joshua. Joshua was the son of Jozadak. They also served in the days of Nehemiah and Ezra. Nehemiah was the governor. Ezra was a priest and the teacher of the Law.

The Wall of Jerusalem Is Set Apart to God

27The wall of Jerusalem was set apart to God. For that occasion, the Levites were gathered together from where they lived. They were brought to Jerusalem to celebrate that happy occasion. They celebrated the fact that the wall was being set apart to God. They did it by singing and giving their thanks to him. They celebrated by playing music on cymbals, harps and lyres. 28The musicians were also brought together. Some of them came in from the area around Jerusalem. Others came from the villages where the people of Netophah lived. 29Others came from Beth Gilgal. Still others came from the area of Geba and Azmaveth. The musicians had built villages for themselves around Jerusalem. 30The priests and Levites made themselves pure. Then they made the people, the gates and the wall pure and “clean.”

31I, Nehemiah, had the leaders of Judah go up on top of the wall. I also appointed two large choirs to sing and give thanks. I told one of them to walk south on top of the wall. That was toward the Dung Gate. 32Hoshaiah and half of the leaders of Judah followed them. 33Azariah, Ezra, Meshullam, 34Judah, Benjamin, Shemaiah and Jeremiah also followed them. 35Some priests who had trumpets followed them. So did Zechariah. He was the son of Jonathan. Jonathan was the son of Shemaiah. Shemaiah was the son of Mattaniah. Mattaniah was the son of Micaiah. Micaiah was the son of Zakkur. Zakkur was the son of Asaph. 36Those who helped Zechariah also marched along. They were Shemaiah, Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, Judah and Hanani. They brought musical instruments with them. That’s what David, the man of God, had ordered. Ezra led the group that was marching south. He was the teacher of the Law. 37At the Fountain Gate they continued straight up the steps of the City of David. The steps went up to the wall. Then the group passed above the place where David’s palace had been. They continued on to the Water Gate on the east.

38The second choir went north. I followed them on top of the wall. Half of the people went with me. They went past the Tower of the Ovens. They went to the Broad Wall. 39They marched over the Gate of Ephraim. They went over the Jeshanah Gate and the Fish Gate. They went past the Tower of Hananel and the Tower of the Hundred. They continued on to the Sheep Gate. At the Gate of the Guard they stopped.

40Then the two choirs that sang and gave thanks took their places in God’s house. So did I. So did half of the officials. 41And so did the priests. They were Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin, Micaiah, Elioenai, Zechariah and Hananiah. They had their trumpets with them. 42Maaseiah, Shemaiah, Eleazar, Uzzi, Jehohanan, Malkijah, Elam and Ezer were also there. The choirs sang under the direction of Jezrahiah. 43On that day large numbers of sacrifices were offered. The people were glad because God had given them great joy. The women and children were also very happy. The joyful sound in Jerusalem could be heard far away.

Nehemiah Makes Some Final Changes

44At that time some men were put in charge of the storerooms. That’s where all the gifts the people brought were placed. Those gifts included the first shares of their crops. They also included a tenth of everything the Law required. Crops were harvested from the fields around the towns. The people had to bring the shares of those crops that were required by the Law. They gave them to the priests and Levites. That’s because the people of Judah were pleased with the priests and Levites who were serving God. 45The priests and Levites did everything their God wanted them to do. They made things pure and “clean.” The musicians and the men who guarded the temple gates also served God. Everything was done just as David and his son Solomon had commanded. 46A long time ago there had been directors for the musicians. There had also been directors for the songs for giving thanks and praise to God. It was in the time of David and Asaph. 47So now in the days of Zerubbabel and Nehemiah, all the people of Israel brought their gifts. They gave the musicians and the men who guarded the gates what they were supposed to give them every day. They also set apart the shares for the other Levites. And the Levites set apart the shares for the priests in the family line of Aaron.