Zephaniah 3 – NIVUK & CCL

New International Version – UK

Zephaniah 3:1-20


1Woe to the city of oppressors,

rebellious and defiled!

2She obeys no-one,

she accepts no correction.

She does not trust in the Lord,

she does not draw near to her God.

3Her officials within her

are roaring lions;

her rulers are evening wolves,

who leave nothing for the morning.

4Her prophets are unprincipled;

they are treacherous people.

Her priests profane the sanctuary

and do violence to the law.

5The Lord within her is righteous;

he does no wrong.

Morning by morning he dispenses his justice,

and every new day he does not fail,

yet the unrighteous know no shame.

Jerusalem remains unrepentant

6‘I have destroyed nations;

their strongholds are demolished.

I have left their streets deserted,

with no-one passing through.

Their cities are laid waste;

they are deserted and empty.

7Of Jerusalem I thought,

“Surely you will fear me

and accept correction!”

Then her place of refuge3:7 Or her sanctuary would not be destroyed,

nor all my punishments come upon3:7 Or all those I appointed over her.

But they were still eager

to act corruptly in all they did.

8Therefore wait for me,’ declares the Lord,

‘for the day I will stand up to testify.3:8 Septuagint and Syriac; Hebrew will rise up to plunder

I have decided to assemble the nations,

to gather the kingdoms

and to pour out my wrath on them –

all my fierce anger.

The whole world will be consumed

by the fire of my jealous anger.

Restoration of Israel’s remnant

9‘Then I will purify the lips of the peoples,

that all of them may call on the name of the Lord

and serve him shoulder to shoulder.

10From beyond the rivers of Cush3:10 That is, the upper Nile region

my worshippers, my scattered people,

will bring me offerings.

11On that day you, Jerusalem, will not be put to shame

for all the wrongs you have done to me,

because I will remove from you

your arrogant boasters.

Never again will you be haughty

on my holy hill.

12But I will leave within you

the meek and humble.

The remnant of Israel

will trust in the name of the Lord.

13They will do no wrong;

they will tell no lies.

A deceitful tongue

will not be found in their mouths.

They will eat and lie down

and no-one will make them afraid.’

14Sing, Daughter Zion;

shout aloud, Israel!

Be glad and rejoice with all your heart,

Daughter Jerusalem!

15The Lord has taken away your punishment,

he has turned back your enemy.

The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you;

never again will you fear any harm.

16On that day

they will say to Jerusalem,

‘Do not fear, Zion;

do not let your hands hang limp.

17The Lord your God is with you,

the Mighty Warrior who saves.

He will take great delight in you;

in his love he will no longer rebuke you,

but will rejoice over you with singing.’

18‘I will remove from you

all who mourn over the loss of your appointed festivals,

which is a burden and reproach for you.

19At that time I will deal

with all who oppressed you.

I will rescue the lame;

I will gather the exiles.

I will give them praise and honour

in every land where they have suffered shame.

20At that time I will gather you;

at that time I will bring you home.

I will give you honour and praise

among all the peoples of the earth

when I restore your fortunes3:20 Or I bring back your captives

before your very eyes,’

says the Lord.

Mawu a Mulungu mu Chichewa Chalero

Zefaniya 3:1-20

Tsogolo la Yerusalemu

1Tsoka kwa mzinda wa anthu opondereza,

owukira ndi odetsedwa!

2Sumvera aliyense,

sulandira chidzudzulo.

Sumadalira Yehova,

suyandikira pafupi ndi Mulungu wake.

3Akuluakulu ake ali ngati mikango yobuma,

olamulira ake ndi olusa ngati mimbulu ya nthawi ya madzulo,

zimene pofika mmawa sizisiya chilichonse.

4Aneneri ake ndi odzikuza;

anthu achinyengo.

Ansembe ake amadetsa malo opatulika

ndipo amaphwanya lamulo.

5Yehova amene ali pakati pawo ndi wolungama;

Iye salakwa.

Tsiku ndi tsiku amaweruza molungama,

ndipo tsiku lililonse salephera,

komabe ochita zoyipa sachita manyazi nʼkomwe.

6“Ndachotseratu mitundu ya anthu;

ndagwetsa malinga awo.

Ndipo sindinasiye ndi mmodzi yemwe mʼmisewu mwawo,

popanda aliyense wodutsa.

Mizinda yawo yawonongedwa;

palibe aliyense adzatsalemo.


‘Ndithudi, anthu a mu mzindawu adzandiopa

ndi kumvera kudzudzula kwanga!’

Ndipo sindidzawononga nyumba zawo,

kapena kuwalanganso.

Koma iwo anali okonzeka

kuchita mwachinyengo zinthu zonse zimene amachita.

8Choncho mundidikire,” akutero Yehova,

“chifukwa cha tsiku limene ndidzaperekera umboni.

Ndatsimikiza kusonkhanitsa pamodzi mitundu ya anthu,

kusonkhanitsa maufumu

ndi kutsanulira ukali wanga pa iwo;

mkwiyo wanga wonse woopsa.

Dziko lonse lidzatenthedwa

ndi moto wa mkwiyo wa nsanje yanga.

9“Pamenepo ndidzayeretsa milomo ya anthu a mitundu yonse

kuti anthu onsewo ayitane dzina la Yehova

ndi kumutumikira Iye pamodzi.

10Kuchokera kutsidya kwa mitsinje ya ku Kusi

anthu anga ondipembedza, omwazikana,

adzandibweretsera zopereka.

11Tsiku limenelo simudzachita manyazi

chifukwa cha zoyipa zonse munandichitira,

popeza ndidzachotsa onse mu mzinda uwu

amene amakondwera chifukwa cha kunyada kwawo.

Simudzakhalanso odzikuza

mʼphiri langa lopatulika.

12Koma ndidzasiya pakati panu

anthu ofatsa ndi odzichepetsa,

amene amadalira dzina la Yehova.

13Aisraeli otsala sadzachitanso zolakwika;

sadzayankhulanso zonama,

ngakhale chinyengo sichidzatuluka mʼkamwa mwawo.

Adzadya ndi kugona

ndipo palibe amene adzawachititse mantha.”

14Imba, iwe mwana wamkazi wa Ziyoni;

fuwula mokweza, iwe Israeli!

Sangalala ndi kukondwera ndi mtima wako wonse,

iwe mwana wamkazi wa Yerusalemu!

15Yehova wachotsa chilango chako,

wabweza mdani wako.

Yehova, Mfumu ya Israeli, ali pakati pako;

sudzaopanso chilichonse.

16Pa tsiku limenelo adzanena kwa Yerusalemu kuti,

“Usaope, iwe Ziyoni;


17Yehova Mulungu wako ali pakati pako,

ali ndi mphamvu yopulumutsa.

Adzakondwera kwambiri mwa iwe,

adzakukhalitsa chete ndi chikondi chake,

adzayimba mokondwera chifukwa cha iwe.”

18“Ndidzakuchotserani zowawa

za pa zikondwerero zoyikika;

nʼzolemetsa ndi zochititsa manyazi.

19Taonani, nthawi imeneyo ndidzathana ndi

onse amene anakuponderezani;

ndidzapulumutsa olumala

ndi kusonkhanitsa amene anamwazika.

Ndidzawayamikira ndi kuwachitira ulemu

mʼdziko lililonse mmene anachititsidwa manyazi.

20Pa nthawi imeneyo ndidzakusonkhanitsani;

pa nthawi imeneyo ndidzakubweretsani ku mudzi kwanu.

Ndidzakuyamikirani ndi kukuchitirani ulemu

pakati pa mitundu ya anthu a dziko lapansi

pamene ndidzabwezeretsa mtendere wanu

inu mukuona,”

akutero Yehova.