Leviticus 27 – NIVUK & JCB

New International Version – UK

Leviticus 27:1-34

Redeeming what is the Lord’s

1The Lord said to Moses, 2‘Speak to the Israelites and say to them: “If anyone makes a special vow to dedicate a person to the Lord by giving the equivalent value, 3set the value of a male between the ages of twenty and sixty at fifty shekels27:3 That is, about 575 grams; also in verse 16 of silver, according to the sanctuary shekel27:3 That is, about 12 grams; also in verse 25; 4for a female, set her value at thirty shekels27:4 That is, about 345 grams; 5for a person between the ages of five and twenty, set the value of a male at twenty shekels27:5 That is, about 230 grams and of a female at ten shekels27:5 That is, about 115 grams; also in verse 7; 6for a person between one month and five years, set the value of a male at five shekels27:6 That is, about 58 grams of silver and that of a female at three shekels27:6 That is, about 35 grams of silver; 7for a person sixty years old or more, set the value of a male at fifteen shekels27:7 That is, about 175 grams and of a female at ten shekels. 8If anyone making the vow is too poor to pay the specified amount, the person being dedicated is to be presented to the priest, who will set the value according to what the one making the vow can afford.

9‘ “If what they vowed is an animal that is acceptable as an offering to the Lord, such an animal given to the Lord becomes holy. 10They must not exchange it or substitute a good one for a bad one, or a bad one for a good one; if they should substitute one animal for another, both it and the substitute become holy. 11If what they vowed is a ceremonially unclean animal – one that is not acceptable as an offering to the Lord – the animal must be presented to the priest, 12who will judge its quality as good or bad. Whatever value the priest then sets, that is what it will be. 13If the owner wishes to redeem the animal, a fifth must be added to its value.

14‘ “If anyone dedicates their house as something holy to the Lord, the priest will judge its quality as good or bad. Whatever value the priest then sets, so it will remain. 15If the one who dedicates their house wishes to redeem it, they must add a fifth to its value, and the house will again become theirs.

16‘ “If anyone dedicates to the Lord part of their family land, its value is to be set according to the amount of seed required for it – fifty shekels of silver to a homer27:16 That is, probably about 135 kilograms of barley seed. 17If they dedicate a field during the Year of Jubilee, the value that has been set remains. 18But if they dedicate a field after the Jubilee, the priest will determine the value according to the number of years that remain until the next Year of Jubilee, and its set value will be reduced. 19If the one who dedicates the field wishes to redeem it, they must add a fifth to its value, and the field will again become theirs. 20If, however, they do not redeem the field, or if they have sold it to someone else, it can never be redeemed. 21When the field is released in the Jubilee, it will become holy, like a field devoted to the Lord; it will become priestly property.

22‘ “If anyone dedicates to the Lord a field they have bought, which is not part of their family land, 23the priest will determine its value up to the Year of Jubilee, and the owner must pay its value on that day as something holy to the Lord. 24In the Year of Jubilee the field will revert to the person from whom it was bought, the one whose land it was. 25Every value is to be set according to the sanctuary shekel, twenty gerahs to the shekel.

26‘ “No-one, however, may dedicate the firstborn of an animal, since the firstborn already belongs to the Lord; whether an ox27:26 The Hebrew word can include both male and female. or a sheep, it is the Lord’s. 27If it is one of the unclean animals, it may be bought back at its set value, adding a fifth of the value to it. If it is not redeemed, it is to be sold at its set value.

28‘ “But nothing that a person owns and devotes27:28 The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the Lord. to the Lord – whether a human being or an animal or family land – may be sold or redeemed; everything so devoted is most holy to the Lord.

29‘ “No-one devoted to destruction27:29 The Hebrew term refers to the irrevocable giving over of things or persons to the Lord, often by totally destroying them. may be ransomed; they are to be put to death.

30‘ “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord. 31Whoever would redeem any of their tithe must add a fifth of the value to it. 32Every tithe of the herd and flock – every tenth animal that passes under the shepherd’s rod – will be holy to the Lord. 33No-one may pick out the good from the bad or make any substitution. If anyone does make a substitution, both the animal and its substitute become holy and cannot be redeemed.” ’

34These are the commands the Lord gave Moses at Mount Sinai for the Israelites.

Japanese Contemporary Bible

レビ記 27:1-34



1-2主はまた、モーセに命じました。「人々に言いなさい。主に身をささげるという誓願を立てる者は、その代価として次の額を納める。 3-4二十歳から六十歳までの男子は銀五十シェケル(一シェケルは十一・四グラム)、女子は三十シェケル。 5五歳から二十歳までの少年は二十シェケル、少女は十シェケル。 6一か月から五歳までの男児は五シェケル、女児は三シェケル。 7六十歳以上の男子は十五シェケル、女子は十シェケル。 8貧しくて全額を払いきれない者は祭司に申し出ること。事情を話し合ったうえで、祭司が決めた額を払えばよい。

9主にささげると誓ったいけにえの家畜は、そのとおりささげなければならない。 10一度誓った以上、むやみに変えてはいけない。良い家畜を悪いものに取り替えることはもちろん、悪いものを良いものに取り替えるのもいけない。もしそうするなら、両方とも主のものになる。 11-12ささげ物がいけにえにできない汚れた家畜の場合、持ち主は祭司に申し出て適当な値をつけてもらい、その金額を代わりに支払う。 13いけにえにできる家畜の場合でも、買い戻したいときは、祭司がつけた値の二割増しを支払えばよい。


16畑の一部を主にささげるときは、まく種の量で評価する。大麦の種二三〇リットルをまける広さの土地は、銀五十シェケル。 17ヨベルの年に畑をささげる場合は、評価額の全額を支払う。 18ヨベルの年以後は、次のヨベルの年まであと何年あるかによって決める。 19買い戻したいときは、祭司が決めた評価額の二割増しを支払う。それでまた自分のものになる。 20ただし買い戻さないと決めるか、すでに人手に渡っている場合はもう取り戻せない。 21その畑はヨベルの年に、主にささげられた土地として祭司のものになる。

22もともとの所有地でなく、買った土地の一部を主にささげる場合は、 23祭司が決めたヨベルの年までの評価額を直ちに支払わなければならない。 24ヨベルの年には、土地は元の持ち主に戻る。 25代金はすべて通貨で支払う。

26牛や羊の初子をささげてはならない。初めから主のものだからだ。 27いけにえにできない家畜の初子の場合は、祭司がつけた評価額の二割増しを支払う。持ち主に買い戻すつもりがないなら、祭司はほかの者に売ってかまわない。

28しかし、人であれ家畜であれ畑であれ、主に完全にささげたものは、売ることも買い戻すこともできない。それは主のもので、最も神聖なものだからだ。 29死刑を宣告された者は、代わりに罰金を支払って免れることはできない。必ず死刑となる。

30穀物でも果実でも、農産物の十分の一は主のもので、神聖なものである。 31十分の一の穀物や果実を買い戻したいときは、評価額の二割増しを支払わなければならない。 32牛であれ羊であれ、家畜はすべて十頭ずつ数え、十頭目が主のものとなる。 33質の良し悪しで選んではならない。取り替えてもいけない。取り替えた場合は両方とも主のものになる。もちろん買い戻すこともできない。」
