Leviticus 15 – NIVUK & BPH

New International Version – UK

Leviticus 15:1-33

Discharges causing uncleanness

1The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, 2‘Speak to the Israelites and say to them: “When any man has an unusual bodily discharge, such a discharge is unclean. 3Whether it continues flowing from his body or is blocked, it will make him unclean. This is how his discharge will bring about uncleanness:

4‘ “Any bed the man with a discharge lies on will be unclean, and anything he sits on will be unclean. 5Anyone who touches his bed must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. 6Whoever sits on anything that the man with a discharge sat on must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

7‘ “Whoever touches the man who has a discharge must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

8‘ “If the man with the discharge spits on anyone who is clean, they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

9‘ “Everything the man sits on when riding will be unclean, 10and whoever touches any of the things that were under him will be unclean till evening; whoever picks up those things must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

11‘ “Anyone the man with a discharge touches without rinsing his hands with water must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

12‘ “A clay pot that the man touches must be broken, and any wooden article is to be rinsed with water.

13‘ “When a man is cleansed from his discharge, he is to count seven days for his ceremonial cleansing; he must wash his clothes and bathe himself with fresh water, and he will be clean. 14On the eighth day he must take two doves or two young pigeons and come before the Lord to the entrance to the tent of meeting and give them to the priest. 15The priest is to sacrifice them, the one for a sin offering15:15 Or purification offering; also in verse 30 and the other for a burnt offering. In this way he will make atonement before the Lord for the man because of his discharge.

16‘ “When a man has an emission of semen, he must bathe his whole body with water, and he will be unclean till evening. 17Any clothing or leather that has semen on it must be washed with water, and it will be unclean till evening. 18When a man has sexual relations with a woman and there is an emission of semen, both of them must bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

19‘ “When a woman has her regular flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.

20‘ “Anything she lies on during her period will be unclean, and anything she sits on will be unclean. 21Anyone who touches her bed will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. 22Anyone who touches anything she sits on will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening. 23Whether it is the bed or anything she was sitting on, when anyone touches it, they will be unclean till evening.

24‘ “If a man has sexual relations with her and her monthly flow touches him, he will be unclean for seven days; any bed he lies on will be unclean.

25‘ “When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days at a time other than her monthly period or has a discharge that continues beyond her period, she will be unclean as long as she has the discharge, just as in the days of her period. 26Any bed she lies on while her discharge continues will be unclean, as is her bed during her monthly period, and anything she sits on will be unclean, as during her period. 27Anyone who touches them will be unclean; they must wash their clothes and bathe with water, and they will be unclean till evening.

28‘ “When she is cleansed from her discharge, she must count seven days, and after that she will be ceremonially clean. 29On the eighth day she must take two doves or two young pigeons and bring them to the priest at the entrance to the tent of meeting. 30The priest is to sacrifice one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering. In this way he will make atonement for her before the Lord for the uncleanness of her discharge.

31‘ “You must keep the Israelites separate from things that make them unclean, so they will not die in their uncleanness for defiling my dwelling-place,15:31 Or my tabernacle which is among them.” ’

32These are the regulations for a man with a discharge, for anyone made unclean by an emission of semen, 33for a woman in her monthly period, for a man or a woman with a discharge, and for a man who has sexual relations with a woman who is ceremonially unclean.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

3. Mosebog 15:1-33

Regler vedrørende kønslig urenhed

1Herren befalede Moses og Aron at give Israels folk følgende instrukser:

2„Hvis en mand har udflåd fra sit kønsorgan, gør det ham uren. 3Det gælder, hvad enten udflåddet varer ved eller er kortvarigt. 4Alt, hvad han har ligget eller siddet på, skal regnes for urent, 5-6og enhver, som kommer i berøring med noget, han har ligget eller siddet på, er uren indtil aften og må sørge for at bade sig og vaske sit tøj. 7-8De samme regler gælder, hvis nogen kommer i fysisk berøring med manden, eller hvis manden kommer til at spytte på nogen. 9Hvis manden har siddet i en sadel, er sadlen uren, 10ja, hvad som helst, han har haft under sig, skal regnes for urent, og de, som rører derved, skal vaske deres tøj og bade, og de er så urene indtil aften. 11Hvis den urene mand rører ved en anden person uden først at have vasket hænder, er den anden person uren indtil aften og må vaske sit tøj og bade. 12Hvis den urene mand rører ved en lerkrukke, skal den knuses, og et redskab af træ, som han har været i berøring med, skal renses med vand.

13Når udflåddet er ophørt, skal han tælle syv dage frem og derefter vaske sit tøj og vaske sig grundigt i rent kildevand. 14På den ottende dag skal han tage to turtelduer eller to unge duer og komme frem for Herren ved åbenbaringsteltets indgang. Så skal han overrække offergaverne til præsten, 15og præsten skal ofre den ene due som syndoffer, og den anden som brændoffer og således skaffe soning for manden hos Herren.

16Når en mand har haft sædafgang, skal han vaske hele sin krop og regnes for uren indtil aften, 17og det tøj eller lagen, som sæden eventuelt har dryppet på, skal straks vaskes og regnes for urent indtil aften. 18Hvis en mand ligger sammen med sin kone, når det sker, skal hun også vaske sig og regnes for uren indtil aften.

19Når en kvinde menstruerer, skal hun regnes for uren i syv dage, og enhver, der rører hende i den periode, skal regnes for uren indtil aften. 20Også alt, hvad hun ligger på eller sidder på i den periode, skal regnes for urent. 21-23Og rører nogen ved sengen eller noget, hun har siddet på, skal den person vaske sit tøj og bade og regnes for uren indtil aften. 24Hvis en mand ligger sammen med sin kone og kommer i kontakt med hendes menstruationsblod, skal han også regnes for uren i syv dage, og en hvilken som helst seng, han ligger på i de syv dage, skal regnes for uren.

25Hvis menstruationen fortsætter ud over den normale tid, eller hvis kvinden bløder uden for den månedlige periode, gælder samme regler som nævnt ovenfor: 26Det, hun ligger på eller sidder på, skal regnes for urent. 27Det gælder på samme måde, at enhver, som kommer i berøring med noget, hun har siddet på, er uren. Vedkommende skal bade, vaske sit tøj og regnes for uren indtil aften. 28Men syv dage efter at hendes blødning er standset, skal hun ikke længere regnes for uren.

29På den ottende dag skal hun tage to turtelduer eller to unge duer og bringe dem til præsten ved indgangen til åbenbaringsteltet, 30og præsten skal ofre den ene due som syndoffer og den anden som brændoffer. På den måde skal han skaffe soning for hende hos Herren efter hendes blødning. 31Det er retningslinierne for, hvordan I skal rense Israels folk for urenhed, så de undgår at besmitte min bolig iblandt dem.”

32Sådan skal I udføre renselsesceremonien for en mand med udflåd eller sædafgang, 33for en kvinde, der menstruerer, eller en mand, der har ligget hos hende i den periode, hvor hun regnes for uren.