Psalms 99 – NIV & CARSA

New International Version

Psalms 99:1-9

Psalm 99

1The Lord reigns,

let the nations tremble;

he sits enthroned between the cherubim,

let the earth shake.

2Great is the Lord in Zion;

he is exalted over all the nations.

3Let them praise your great and awesome name—

he is holy.

4The King is mighty, he loves justice—

you have established equity;

in Jacob you have done

what is just and right.

5Exalt the Lord our God

and worship at his footstool;

he is holy.

6Moses and Aaron were among his priests,

Samuel was among those who called on his name;

they called on the Lord

and he answered them.

7He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud;

they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them.

8Lord our God,

you answered them;

you were to Israel a forgiving God,

though you punished their misdeeds.99:8 Or God, / an avenger of the wrongs done to them

9Exalt the Lord our God

and worship at his holy mountain,

for the Lord our God is holy.

Священное Писание (Восточный перевод), версия с «Аллахом»

Забур 99:1-5

Песнь 99

Хвалебная песнь.

1Воскликни Вечному, вся земля!

2Служите Вечному с радостью,

с песнопением приходите к Нему.

3Знайте, что Вечный – Бог!

Он сотворил нас, и мы принадлежим Ему;

мы – народ Его и овцы Его стада.

4Входите в ворота Его с благодарением

и во дворы Его с хвалою;

благодарите Его и славьте имя Его.

5Ведь Вечный благ, милость Его – навеки,

и верность Его – во все поколения.