Psalms 99 – NIV & BPH

New International Version

Psalms 99:1-9

Psalm 99

1The Lord reigns,

let the nations tremble;

he sits enthroned between the cherubim,

let the earth shake.

2Great is the Lord in Zion;

he is exalted over all the nations.

3Let them praise your great and awesome name—

he is holy.

4The King is mighty, he loves justice—

you have established equity;

in Jacob you have done

what is just and right.

5Exalt the Lord our God

and worship at his footstool;

he is holy.

6Moses and Aaron were among his priests,

Samuel was among those who called on his name;

they called on the Lord

and he answered them.

7He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud;

they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them.

8Lord our God,

you answered them;

you were to Israel a forgiving God,

though you punished their misdeeds.99:8 Or God, / an avenger of the wrongs done to them

9Exalt the Lord our God

and worship at his holy mountain,

for the Lord our God is holy.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Salmernes Bog 99:1-9

Herren er en god og retfærdig konge

1Herren er konge, og alle folkeslag bæver.

Han sidder på en trone af keruber,

og hele jorden skælver.

2Han sidder som konge på Zions bjerg,

han hersker over alle jordens folkeslag.

3De skal ære hans store og herlige navn.

Hans navn er helligt.

4Du store konge, som elsker retfærdighed,

du har sørget for lighed og retfærdighed i Israel.

5Lovpris Herren, vor hellige Gud,

bøj jer ned for hans fødder,

for han er hellig.

6Moses og Aron var hans præster,

Samuel en profet, der bad til Gud.

De påkaldte Herren, og han svarede dem.

7Han talte til dem fra skysøjlen,

og de fulgte den vejledning, han gav dem,

adlød hans bud og befalinger.

8Herre, vor Gud, du svarede dem og var villig til at tilgive,

selv om du måtte straffe dem for deres synder.

9Lovpris Herren, vor Gud,

tilbed ham på hans hellige bjerg.

Hellig er Herren.