Proverbs 25 – NIV & LCB

New International Version

Proverbs 25:1-28

More Proverbs of Solomon

1These are more proverbs of Solomon, compiled by the men of Hezekiah king of Judah:

2It is the glory of God to conceal a matter;

to search out a matter is the glory of kings.

3As the heavens are high and the earth is deep,

so the hearts of kings are unsearchable.

4Remove the dross from the silver,

and a silversmith can produce a vessel;

5remove wicked officials from the king’s presence,

and his throne will be established through righteousness.

6Do not exalt yourself in the king’s presence,

and do not claim a place among his great men;

7it is better for him to say to you, “Come up here,”

than for him to humiliate you before his nobles.

What you have seen with your eyes

8do not bring25:7,8 Or nobles / on whom you had set your eyes. / 8 Do not go hastily to court,

for what will you do in the end

if your neighbor puts you to shame?

9If you take your neighbor to court,

do not betray another’s confidence,

10or the one who hears it may shame you

and the charge against you will stand.

11Like apples25:11 Or possibly apricots of gold in settings of silver

is a ruling rightly given.

12Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold

is the rebuke of a wise judge to a listening ear.

13Like a snow-cooled drink at harvest time

is a trustworthy messenger to the one who sends him;

he refreshes the spirit of his master.

14Like clouds and wind without rain

is one who boasts of gifts never given.

15Through patience a ruler can be persuaded,

and a gentle tongue can break a bone.

16If you find honey, eat just enough—

too much of it, and you will vomit.

17Seldom set foot in your neighbor’s house—

too much of you, and they will hate you.

18Like a club or a sword or a sharp arrow

is one who gives false testimony against a neighbor.

19Like a broken tooth or a lame foot

is reliance on the unfaithful in a time of trouble.

20Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day,

or like vinegar poured on a wound,

is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.

21If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;

if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.

22In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,

and the Lord will reward you.

23Like a north wind that brings unexpected rain

is a sly tongue—which provokes a horrified look.

24Better to live on a corner of the roof

than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

25Like cold water to a weary soul

is good news from a distant land.

26Like a muddied spring or a polluted well

are the righteous who give way to the wicked.

27It is not good to eat too much honey,

nor is it honorable to search out matters that are too deep.

28Like a city whose walls are broken through

is a person who lacks self-control.

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Engero 25:1-28

Engero Endala Eza Sulemaani

125:1 a 1Bk 4:32 b Nge 1:1Zino nazo ngero za Sulemaani abasajja ba Keezeekiya kabaka wa Yuda ze baakoppolola.

225:2 Nge 16:10-15Okukisa ensonga kitiibwa kya Katonda,

naye okunoonyereza ensonga kitiibwa kya bakabaka.

3Ng’eggulu bwe lyewanise waggulu ennyo n’ensi bw’ekka ennyo wansi,

bwe gityo n’emitima gya bakabaka bwe gitategeerekeka.

4Effeeza giggyeemu ebisejja,

olyoke ofune omuweesi ky’anaakozesa.

525:5 a Nge 20:8 b 2Sa 7:13 c Nge 16:12; 29:14Ggyawo abakozi b’ebibi mu maaso ga kabaka,

entebe ye ey’obwakabaka eryoke enywezebwe mu butuukirivu.

6Teweekuzanga mu maaso ga kabaka,

wadde okwewa ekifo mu bantu ab’ekitiibwa.

725:7 Luk 14:7-10Kubanga okukugamba nti, “Jjangu wano mu maaso,”

kisingako okukuswaza mu maaso g’ow’ekitiibwa.

825:8 Mat 5:25-26Amaaso go bye galabye

tobyanguyirizanga kubireeta mu mbuga,

kubanga oluvannyuma onookola otya

munno bw’anaakuswaza?

9Bw’owozanga ne muliraanwa wo,

tobikkulanga kyama kya muntu mulala,

10akiwulira aleme okukuswaza;

n’onyoomebwa ebbanga lyonna.

1125:11 nny 12; Nge 15:23Ekigambo ekyogere nga bwe kisaanidde,

kiba kya muwendo nnyo nga zaabu gwe batonye mu bintu bye bakoze mu ffeeza.

1225:12 nny 11; Zab 141:5; Nge 13:18; 15:31Ng’empeta ey’omu kutu eya zaabu, oba akakomo aka zaabu ennungi,

bw’atyo omuntu ow’amagezi anenya, bw’abeera eri okutu okuwuliriza.

1325:13 Nge 10:26; 13:17Ng’obunnyogovu bw’omuzira bwe bubeera mu biseera eby’okukunguliramu,

bw’atyo bw’abeera omubaka omwesigwa eri abo abamutuma,

aweweeza emmeeme ya bakama be.

14Ng’ebire n’empewo omutali nkuba,

omuntu asuubiza ebirabo by’atagaba bw’abeera.

Muliraanwa n’Omulabe

1525:15 a Mub 10:4 b Nge 15:1Okugumiikiriza okungi kuyinza okukkirizisa omufuzi,

n’olulimi olw’eggonjebwa lumenya eggumba.

1625:16 nny 27Bw’ozuula omubisi gw’enjuki, lyako ogwo gwokka ogukumala,

si kulwa ng’ogukkuta nnyo n’ogusesema.

17Tokyalanga lunye ewa muliraanwa wo,

si kulwa ng’akwetamwa n’akukyawa.

1825:18 Zab 57:4; Nge 12:18Omuntu awa obujulizi obw’obulimba ku muliraanwa we,

ali ng’embuukuuli, oba ekitala, oba akasaale akoogi.

19Okwesiga omuntu ateesigika,

kiri ng’oli alina erinnyo eddwadde oba ekigere ekirema.

20Ng’omuntu eyeeyambula engoye mu kiseera eky’obutiti,

era ng’omwenge omukaatuufu bwe guteekebwako oluvu,

bw’atyo bw’abeera ayimbira oyo ali mu buyinike.

21Omulabe wo bw’aba alumwa enjala, muwe emmere alye,

bw’aba alumwa ennyonta muwe amazzi anywe.

2225:22 a Zab 18:8 b 2Sa 16:12; 2By 28:15; Mat 5:44; Bar 12:20*Kubanga oliba otuuma amanda g’omuliro ku mutwe gwe,

era Mukama alikuwa empeera.

23Ng’empewo ey’obukiikakkono bwereeta enkuba,

n’olulimi oluyomba bwe luleetera omuntu obusungu.

2425:24 Nge 21:9Okusulanga mu kasonda waggulu ku nnyumba,

kisinga okubeera n’omukazi omuyombi mu nnyumba.

2525:25 Nge 15:30Ng’amazzi amannyogovu bwe gaba eri emmeeme erumwa ennyonta,

bwe gatyo bwe gaba amawulire amalungi agava mu nsi ey’ewala.

26Ng’oluzzi olusiikuuse, oba ensulo eyonoonese,

bw’atyo bw’abeera omutuukirivu eyeewaayo eri omukozi w’ebibi.

2725:27 a nny 16 b Nge 27:2; Mat 23:12Si kirungi kulya mubisi gwa njuki mungi,

bwe kityo si kirungi omuntu okwenoonyeza ekitiibwa.

28Omuntu ateefuga

ali ng’ekibuga ekimenyeemenye ne kirekebwa nga tekirina bbugwe.