Job 39 – NIV & NASV

New International Version

Job 39:1-30

1“Do you know when the mountain goats give birth?

Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn?

2Do you count the months till they bear?

Do you know the time they give birth?

3They crouch down and bring forth their young;

their labor pains are ended.

4Their young thrive and grow strong in the wilds;

they leave and do not return.

5“Who let the wild donkey go free?

Who untied its ropes?

6I gave it the wasteland as its home,

the salt flats as its habitat.

7It laughs at the commotion in the town;

it does not hear a driver’s shout.

8It ranges the hills for its pasture

and searches for any green thing.

9“Will the wild ox consent to serve you?

Will it stay by your manger at night?

10Can you hold it to the furrow with a harness?

Will it till the valleys behind you?

11Will you rely on it for its great strength?

Will you leave your heavy work to it?

12Can you trust it to haul in your grain

and bring it to your threshing floor?

13“The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully,

though they cannot compare

with the wings and feathers of the stork.

14She lays her eggs on the ground

and lets them warm in the sand,

15unmindful that a foot may crush them,

that some wild animal may trample them.

16She treats her young harshly, as if they were not hers;

she cares not that her labor was in vain,

17for God did not endow her with wisdom

or give her a share of good sense.

18Yet when she spreads her feathers to run,

she laughs at horse and rider.

19“Do you give the horse its strength

or clothe its neck with a flowing mane?

20Do you make it leap like a locust,

striking terror with its proud snorting?

21It paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength,

and charges into the fray.

22It laughs at fear, afraid of nothing;

it does not shy away from the sword.

23The quiver rattles against its side,

along with the flashing spear and lance.

24In frenzied excitement it eats up the ground;

it cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.

25At the blast of the trumpet it snorts, ‘Aha!’

It catches the scent of battle from afar,

the shout of commanders and the battle cry.

26“Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom

and spread its wings toward the south?

27Does the eagle soar at your command

and build its nest on high?

28It dwells on a cliff and stays there at night;

a rocky crag is its stronghold.

29From there it looks for food;

its eyes detect it from afar.

30Its young ones feast on blood,

and where the slain are, there it is.”

New Amharic Standard Version

ኢዮብ 39:1-30

1“የበረሓ ፍየል የምትወልድበትን ጊዜ ታውቃለህን?

ዋሊያ ስታምጥስ ተከታትለህ አይተሃል?

2የእርግዝናቸው ወራት ምን ያህል እንደ ሆነ ትቈጥራለህን?

የሚወልዱበትንስ ጊዜ ታውቃለህን?

3ተንበርክከው ይወልዳሉ፤

ከምጣቸውም ጣር ይገላገላሉ።

4ግልገሎቻቸውም ይጠነክራሉ፤ በሜዳም ያድጋሉ፤

ተለይተው ይሄዳሉ፤ ወደ እነርሱም አይመለሱም።

5“ለሜዳ አህያ ነጻነት የሰጠው ማን ነው?

እስራቱንስ ማን ፈታለት?

6ምድረ በዳውን መኖሪያው፣

የጨውንም ምድር ማደሪያው አድርጌ ሰጠሁት።

7በከተማ ውካታ ይሥቃል፤

የነጂውንም ጩኸት አይሰማም።

8በየተራራው ይሰማራል፤

ሐመልማሉንም ሁሉ ለማግኘት ይወጣል።

9“ጐሽ ያገለግልህ ዘንድ ይታዘዛልን?

በበረትህስ አጠገብ ያድራልን?

10እንዲያርስልህ ልትጠምደው ትችላለህ?

ወይስ እየተከተለህ ዕርሻህን ይጐለጕልልሃልን?

11ጕልበቱ ብርቱ ስለሆነ ትተማመንበታለህ?

ከባዱን ሥራህንስ ለእርሱ ትተዋለህ?

12እህልህን እንዲሰበስብልህ፣

በዐውድማህም ላይ እንዲያከማችልህ ታምነዋለህን?

13“ሰጎን ክንፎቿን በደስታ ታራግባለች፤

ነገር ግን እንደ ሽመላ ላባዎች ሊሆኑ አይችሉም።

14ዕንቍላሏን መሬት ላይ ትጥላለች፤

እንዲሞቅም በአሸዋ ውስጥ ትተወዋለች።

15እግር እንደሚሰብረው፤

የዱር አውሬም እንደሚረግጠው አታስብም።

16የእርሷ እንዳልሆኑ ሁሉ በልጆቿ ትጨክናለች፤

ድካሟም በከንቱ ቢቀር ደንታ የላትም፤

17እግዚአብሔር ጥበብ ነሥቷታልና፤

ማስተዋልንም አልሰጣትም።

18ለመሸምጠጥም ክንፎቿን ስትዘረጋ፣

በፈረስና በጋላቢው ትሥቃለች።

19“ለፈረስ ጕልበትን ትሰጠዋለህን?

ዐንገቱንስ ጋማ ታለብሰዋለህን?

20እንደ አንበጣ የምታስዘልለው አንተ ነህን?

የማንኰራፋቱም ገናናነት አስፈሪ ነው።

21በጕልበቱ እየተመካ በብርቱ ይጐደፍራል፤

ጦርነት ሊገጥም ይወጣል።

22ያለ አንዳች ሥጋት፣ በፍርሀት ላይ ይሥቃል፤

ሰይፍ ቢመዘዝበትም ወደ ኋላ አይልም።

23ከሚብረቀረቀው ጦርና ዐንካሴ ጋር፣

የፍላጻው ኰረጆ ጐኑ ላይ ይንኳኳል።

24በወኔ መሬቱን እየጐደፈረ ወደ ፊት ይሸመጥጣል፤

የመለከት ድምፅ ሲሰማ ያቅበጠብጠዋል።

25መለከቱ ሲያንባርቅ፣ ‘ዕሠይ’ ይላል፤

የአዛዦችን ጩኸትና የሰራዊቱን ውካታ፣

ጦርነትንም ከሩቅ ያሸትታል።

26“ጭልፊት የሚበርረው፣

ክንፎቹንም ወደ ደቡብ የሚዘረጋው፣ በአንተ ጥበብ ነውን?

27ንስር ወደ ላይ የሚመጥቀው፣

ጎጆውንም በከፍታ ላይ የሚሠራው፣

በአንተ ትእዛዝ ነውን?

28በገደል ላይ ይኖራል፤ በዚያም ያድራል፤

ምሽጉም የቋጥኝ ጫፍ ነው።

29እዚያ ሆኖ የሚነጥቀውን ይቃኛል፤

ዐይኑም ከሩቅ አጥርቶ ያያል።

30ጫጩቶቹ ደም ይጠጣሉ፤

እርሱም በድን ካለበት አይታጣም።”