Zechariah 13 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

Zechariah 13:1-9

The Lord Makes Israel Pure and “Clean”

1“At that time a fountain will be opened for the benefit of David’s family line. It will also bless the others who live in Jerusalem. It will wash away their sins. It will make them pure and ‘clean.’

2“On that day I will remove the names of other gods from the land. They will not even be remembered anymore,” announces the Lord who rules over all. “I will drive the evil prophets out of the land. I will get rid of the spirit that put lies in their mouths. 3Some people might still prophesy. But their own fathers and mothers will speak to them. They will tell them, ‘You must die. You have told lies in the Lord’s name.’ When they prophesy, their own parents will stab them.

4“At that time every prophet will be ashamed of the vision they see. They will no longer pretend to be a true prophet. They will not put on clothes that are made out of hair in order to trick people. 5In fact, each one will say, ‘I’m not really a prophet. I’m a farmer. I’ve farmed the land since I was young.’ 6Suppose someone asks, ‘What are these wounds on your body?’ Then they will answer, ‘I was given these wounds at the house of my friends.’

The Good Shepherd Is Killed and the Sheep Are Scattered

7“My sword, wake up! Attack my shepherd!

Attack the man who is close to me,”

announces the Lord who rules over all.

“Strike down the shepherd.

Then the sheep will be scattered.

And I will turn my hand against their little ones.

8Here is what will happen in the whole land,”

announces the Lord.

“Two-thirds of the people will be struck down and die.

But one-third will be left.

9I will put this third in the fire.

I will make them as pure as silver.

I will test them like gold.

They will call out to me.

And I will answer them.

I will say, ‘They are my people.’

And they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’ ”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

撒迦利亞書 13:1-9


2「到那天,我必剷除地上偶像的名號,使它們被人遺忘;我必除去地上的假先知和污穢的靈。這是萬軍之耶和華說的。 3若有人再說預言,他的親生父母必對他說,『你不得活命,因為你奉耶和華的名說謊。』他說預言的時候,他的親生父母必把他刺死。 4到那天,先知必因自己所講的異象而羞愧,不再穿著毛皮衣欺騙人。 5他必說,『我不是先知,我是農夫,我從小便以種田為生。』 6若有人問他,『你胸口上的傷是怎麼回事?13·6 異教的先知有用利器自割或自刺的習慣。』他必回答說,『是在我朋友家弄傷的。』」















