Revelation 9 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

Revelation 9:1-21

1The fifth angel blew his trumpet. Then I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the tunnel leading down into a bottomless pit. The pit was called the Abyss. 2The star opened the Abyss. Then smoke rose up from it like the smoke from a huge furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. 3Out of the smoke came locusts. They came down on the earth. They were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. 4They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree. They were supposed to harm only the people without God’s official seal on their foreheads. 5The locusts were not allowed to kill these people. But the locusts could hurt them over and over for five months. The pain the people suffered was like the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. 6In those days, people will look for a way to die but won’t find it. They will want to die, but death will escape them.

7The locusts looked like horses ready for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold. Their faces looked like human faces. 8Their hair was like women’s hair. Their teeth were like lions’ teeth. 9Their chests were covered with something that looked like armor made out of iron. The sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. 10They had tails that could sting people like scorpions do. And in their tails they had power to hurt people over and over for five months. 11Their king was the angel of the Abyss. In the Hebrew language his name is Abaddon. In Greek it is Apollyon. His name means Destroyer.

12The first terrible judgment is past. Two others are still coming.

13The sixth angel blew his trumpet. Then I heard a voice coming from the four corners of the golden altar. The altar stands in front of God. 14The voice spoke to the sixth angel who had the trumpet. The voice said, “Set the four angels free who are held at the great river Euphrates.” 15The four angels had been ready for this very hour and day and month and year. They were set free to kill a third of all people. 16The number of troops on horseback was 200,000,000. I heard how many there were.

17The horses and riders I saw in my vision had armor on their chests. It was red like fire, dark blue, and yellow like sulfur. The heads of the horses looked like lions’ heads. Out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur. 18A third of all people were killed by the three plagues of fire, smoke and sulfur that came out of the horses’ mouths. 19The power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails. The tails were like snakes whose heads could bite.

20There were people who were not killed by these plagues. But they still didn’t turn away from what they had been doing. They did not stop worshiping demons. They kept worshiping statues of gods made out of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood. These statues can’t see or hear or walk. 21The people also did not turn away from their murders, witchcraft, sexual sins and stealing.

O Livro

Apocalipse 9:1-21

1Tocou então a sua trombeta o quinto anjo. E vi uma estrela que caíra do céu sobre a Terra e foi-lhe dada a chave do abismo insondável. 2E quando o abriu, saiu dali fumo, como se fosse de uma imensa fornalha, a ponto de escurecer completamente o ar e o Sol.

3E saíram gafanhotos, do meio daquele grande fumo, que desceram sobre a Terra. E deram-lhes poder para ferroar como os escorpiões. 4Foi-lhes dito que poupassem a vegetação da Terra, a erva, os arbustos, as árvores, e que atacassem somente as pessoas que não tinham nas suas testas a marca de Deus. 5Não deviam matá-las, mas sim torturá-las, durante cinco meses, com um sofrimento semelhante ao que provoca a picada do escorpião. 6Durante esse tempo os homens hão de querer morrer, procurando matar-se e não serão capazes de o fazer: a morte não lhes virá, fugirá deles!

7Esses gafanhotos pareciam cavalos aparelhados para a guerra. Traziam na cabeça algo como coroas de ouro e o seu focinho assemelhava-se ao rosto de homens. 8Tinham na cabeça cabelos compridos, como as mulheres, e viam-se-lhes dentes como de leão. 9Traziam o peito protegido por uma couraça de ferro e quando batiam as asas faziam barulho como um batalhão de carros de combate avançando para a guerra. 10Tinham caudas armadas de um ferrão, tal como os escorpiões, e era com isso que podiam ferir as pessoas, durante cinco meses, como lhes tinha sido ordenado. 11O seu comandante é o anjo do abismo profundo, cujo nome em hebraico é Abadom, e em grego é Apolion, que quer dizer “Destruidor”.

12Assim terminou o primeiro “ai”, mas ainda hão de vir mais dois.

13O sexto anjo tocou a sua trombeta e ouvi uma voz que falava a partir dos quatro chifres do altar de ouro diante de Deus. 14Dirigia-se ao sexto anjo que tinha a trombeta, dizendo: “Solta os quatro anjos que estão amarrados junto do grande rio Eufrates.” 15Eles tinham sido mantidos prontos para aquele momento exato, precisamente para aquela hora, dia, mês e ano. Foram então soltos para que matassem uma terça parte da humanidade. 16E dirigiam um exército de 200 milhões de militares, segundo o número que ouvi anunciar.

17Os cavalos desse exército eram montados por cavaleiros com couraças cor de fogo umas, e outras azuis e amarelas. As cabeças dos cavalos assemelhavam-se às de leões, e saía fogo, enxofre incandescente e fumo das suas bocas. 18Assim mataram uma terça parte de toda a humanidade. 19O poder que tinham para matar estava nas suas bocas e também nas caudas, porque estas eram semelhantes a cabeças de serpentes que podiam ferir mortalmente.

20E os seres humanos que não foram mortos por essas pragas, mesmo assim não se arrependeram das suas obras más! Não quiseram abandonar o culto aos demónios, nem deixar os ídolos de ouro, prata, bronze, pedra e madeira, que não podem ver, nem ouvir, nem andar! 21Não quiseram arrepender-se dos seus assassínios, das suas bruxarias, dos seus atos de imoralidade sexual e dos seus roubos.