Psalm 89 – NIRV & CST

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 89:1-52

Psalm 89

A maskil of Ethan the Ezrahite.

1Lord, I will sing about your great love forever.

For all time to come, I will tell how faithful you are.

2I will tell everyone that your love stands firm forever.

I will tell them that you are always faithful, even in heaven itself.

3You said, “Here is the covenant I have made with my chosen one.

Here is the promise I have made to my servant David.

4‘I will make your family line continue forever.

I will make your kingdom secure for all time to come.’ ”

5Lord, the heavens praise you for your wonderful deeds.

When your holy angels gather together,

they praise you for how faithful you are.

6Who in the skies above can compare with the Lord?

Who among the angels is like the Lord?

7God is highly respected among his holy angels.

He’s more wonderful than all those who are around him.

8Lord God who rules over all, who is like you?

Lord, you are mighty. You are faithful in everything you do.

9You rule over the stormy sea.

When its waves rise up, you calm them down.

10You crushed Egypt and killed her people.

With your powerful arm you scattered your enemies.

11The heavens belong to you. The earth is yours also.

You made the world and everything that is in it.

12You created everything from north to south.

Mount Tabor and Mount Hermon sing to you with joy.

13Your arm is powerful.

Your hand is strong.

Your right hand is mighty.

14Your kingdom is built on what is right and fair.

Your faithful love leads the way in front of you.

15Blessed are those who have learned to shout praise to you.

Lord, they live in the light of your kindness.

16All day long they are full of joy because of who you are.

They celebrate the fact that you do what is right.

17You bring them glory and give them strength.

You are pleased to honor our king.

18Our king is like a shield that keeps us safe.

He belongs to the Lord.

He belongs to the Holy One of Israel.

19You once spoke to your faithful people in a vision.

You said, “I have given strength to a soldier.

I have raised up a young man from among the people.

20I have found my servant David.

I have poured my sacred oil on his head.

21My powerful hand will keep him going.

My mighty arm will give him strength.

22No enemy will have the victory over him.

No evil person will treat him badly.

23I will crush the king’s enemies.

I will completely destroy them.

24I will love him and be faithful to him.

Because of me his power will increase.

25I will give him a great kingdom.

It will reach from the Mediterranean Sea to the Euphrates River.

26He will call out to me, ‘You are my Father.

You are my God. You are my Rock and Savior.’

27I will also make him my oldest son.

Among all the kings of the earth, he will be the most important one.

28I will continue to love him forever.

I will never break my covenant with him.

29I will make his family line continue forever.

His kingdom will last as long as the heavens.

30“What if his sons turn away from my laws

and do not follow them?

31What if they disobey my orders

and fail to keep my commands?

32Then I will punish them for their sins.

I will strike them with a rod.

I will whip them for their evil acts.

33But I will not stop loving David.

I will always be faithful to him.

34I will not break my covenant.

I will not go back on my word.

35Once and for all, I have made a promise.

It is based on my holiness.

And I will not lie to David.

36His family line will continue forever.

His kingdom will last as long as the sun.

37It will last forever like the moon,

that faithful witness in the sky.”

38But you have turned your back on your anointed king.

You have been very angry with him.

39You have broken the covenant you made with him.

You have thrown your servant’s crown into the dirt.

40You have broken through the walls around his city.

You have completely destroyed his secure places.

41All those who pass by have carried off what belonged to him.

His neighbors make fun of him.

42You have made his enemies strong.

You have made all of them happy.

43You have made his sword useless.

You have not helped him in battle.

44You have put an end to his glory.

You have knocked his throne to the ground.

45You have cut short the days of his life.

You have covered him with shame.

46Lord, how long will you hide yourself? Will it be forever?

How long will your anger burn like fire?

47Remember how short my life is.

You have created all people for such a useless purpose!

48Who can live and not die?

Who can escape the power of the grave?

49Lord, where is the great love you used to have?

You faithfully promised it to David.

50Lord, remember how my enemies have made fun of me.

I’ve had to put up with mean words from all the nations.

51Lord, your enemies have said mean things.

They have laughed at everything your anointed king has done.

52Give praise to the Lord forever!

Amen and Amen.

Nueva Versión Internacional (Castilian)

Salmo 89:1-52

Salmo 89

Masquil de Etán el ezraíta.

1Oh Señor, por siempre cantaré

la grandeza de tu amor;

por todas las generaciones

proclamará mi boca tu fidelidad.

2Declararé que tu amor permanece firme para siempre,

que has afirmado en el cielo tu fidelidad.

3Dijiste: «He hecho un pacto con mi escogido;

le he jurado a David mi siervo:

4“Estableceré tu dinastía para siempre,

y afirmaré tu trono por todas las generaciones”». Selah

5Los cielos, Señor, celebran tus maravillas,

y tu fidelidad la asamblea de los santos.

6¿Quién en los cielos es comparable al Señor?

¿Quién como él entre los seres celestiales?

7Dios es muy temido en la asamblea de los santos;

grande y portentoso sobre cuantos lo rodean.

8¿Quién como tú, Señor Dios Todopoderoso,

rodeado de poder y de fidelidad?

9Tú gobiernas sobre el mar embravecido;

tú apaciguas sus encrespadas olas.

10Aplastaste a Rahab como a un cadáver;

con tu brazo poderoso dispersaste a tus enemigos.

11Tuyo es el cielo, y tuya la tierra;

tú fundaste el mundo y todo lo que contiene.

12Por ti fueron creados el norte y el sur;

el Tabor y el Hermón cantan alegres a tu nombre.

13Tu brazo es capaz de grandes proezas;

fuerte es tu mano, exaltada tu diestra.

14La justicia y el derecho son el fundamento de tu trono,

y tus heraldos, el amor y la verdad.

15Dichosos los que saben aclamarte, Señor,

y caminan a la luz de tu presencia;

16los que todo el día se alegran en tu nombre

y se regocijan en tu justicia.

17Porque tú eres su gloria y su poder;

por tu buena voluntad aumentas nuestra fuerza.89:17 aumentas nuestra fuerza. Lit. levantas nuestro cuerno.

18Tú, Señor, eres nuestro escudo;

tú, Santo de Israel, eres nuestro rey.

19Una vez hablaste en una visión,

y le dijiste a tu pueblo fiel:

«Le he brindado mi ayuda a un valiente;

al mejor hombre del pueblo lo he exaltado.

20He encontrado a David, mi siervo,

y lo he ungido con mi aceite santo.

21Mi mano siempre lo sostendrá;

mi brazo lo fortalecerá.

22Ningún enemigo lo someterá a tributo;

ningún inicuo lo oprimirá.

23Aplastaré a quienes se le enfrenten

y derribaré a quienes lo aborrezcan.

24La fidelidad de mi amor lo acompañará,

y por mi nombre será exaltada su fuerza.89:24 su fuerza. Lit. su cuerno.

25Le daré poder sobre el mar89:25 el mar. Probable referencia al mar Mediterráneo.

y dominio sobre los ríos.89:25 los ríos. Probable referencia a Mesopotamia.

26Él me dirá: “Tú eres mi Padre,

mi Dios, la roca de mi salvación”.

27Yo le daré los derechos de primogenitura,

la primacía sobre los reyes de la tierra.

28Mi amor por él será siempre constante,

y mi pacto con él se mantendrá fiel.

29Afirmaré su dinastía y su trono

para siempre, mientras el cielo exista.

30»Pero, si sus hijos se apartan de mi ley

y no viven según mis decretos,

31si violan mis estatutos

y no observan mis mandamientos,

32con vara castigaré sus transgresiones

y con azotes su iniquidad.

33Con todo, jamás le negaré mi amor,

ni mi fidelidad le faltará.

34No violaré mi pacto

ni me retractaré de mis palabras.

35Una sola vez he jurado por mi santidad,

y no voy a mentirle a David:

36Su descendencia vivirá para siempre;

su trono durará como el sol en mi presencia.

37Como la luna, fiel testigo en el cielo,

será establecido para siempre». Selah

38Pero tú has desechado, has rechazado a tu ungido;

te has enfurecido contra él en gran manera.

39Has revocado el pacto con tu siervo;

has arrastrado por los suelos su corona.

40Has derribado todas sus murallas

y dejado en ruinas sus fortalezas.

41Todos los que pasan lo saquean;

¡es motivo de burla para sus vecinos!

42Has exaltado el poder de sus adversarios

y llenado de gozo a sus enemigos.

43Le has quitado el filo a su espada,

y no lo has apoyado en la batalla.

44Has puesto fin a su esplendor

al derribar por tierra su trono.

45Has acortado los días de su juventud;

lo has cubierto con un manto de vergüenza. Selah

46¿Hasta cuándo, Señor, te seguirás escondiendo?

¿Va a arder tu ira para siempre, como el fuego?

47¡Recuerda cuán efímera es mi vida!89:47 Véase 39:4.

Al fin y al cabo, ¿para qué creaste a los mortales?

48¿Quién hay que viva y no muera jamás,

o que pueda escapar del poder del sepulcro? Selah

49¿Dónde está, Señor, tu amor de antaño,

que en tu fidelidad juraste a David?

50Recuerda, Señor, que se burlan de tus siervos;

que llevo en mi pecho los insultos de muchos pueblos.

51Tus enemigos, Señor, nos ultrajan;

a cada paso ofenden a tu ungido.

52¡Bendito sea el Señor por siempre!

Amén y amén.