Psalm 60 – NIRV & OL

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 60:1-12

Psalm 60

For the director of music. For teaching. A miktam of David when he fought against Aram Naharaim and Aram Zobah. That was when Joab returned and struck down 12,000 people from Edom in the Valley of Salt. To the tune of “The Lily of the Covenant.”

1God, you have turned away from us. You have attacked us.

You have been angry. Now turn back to us!

2You have shaken the land and torn it open.

Fix its cracks, because it is falling apart.

3You have shown your people hard times.

You have made us drink the wine of your anger.

Now we can’t even walk straight.

4But you lead into battle those who have respect for you.

You give them a flag to wave against the enemy’s weapons.

5Save us and help us by your power.

Do this so that those you love may be saved.

6God has spoken from his temple.

He has said, “I will win the battle.

Then I will divide up the land around Shechem.

I will divide up the Valley of Sukkoth.

7Gilead belongs to me.

So does the land of Manasseh.

Ephraim is the strongest tribe.

It is like a helmet for my head.

Judah is the royal tribe.

It is like a ruler’s scepter.

8Moab serves me like one who washes my feet.

I toss my sandal on Edom to show that I own it.

I shout to Philistia that I have won the battle.”

9Who will bring me to the city that has high walls around it?

Who will lead me to the land of Edom?

10God, isn’t it you, even though you have now turned away from us?

Isn’t it you, even though you don’t lead our armies into battle anymore?

11Help us against our enemies.

The help people give doesn’t amount to anything.

12With your help we will win the battle.

You will walk all over our enemies.

O Livro

Salmos 60:1-12

Salmo 60

(Sl 108.6-13)

Salmo de David. Segundo a melodia “Os lírios”. Poema de instrução. Quando David lutou contra os arameus da Mesopotâmia e os arameus de Zobá, e Joabe, ao regressar, matou no vale do Sal doze mil edomitas.

1Deus, tu rejeitaste-nos e dispersaste-nos;

tens estado zangado connosco,

mas volta-te de novo para nós.

2Fizeste tremer esta terra, dividiste-a em pedaços;

cura-a, pois está abalada até nos fundamentos.

3Fizeste-nos passar por coisas muito duras;

deste-nos a beber um vinho que enlouquece.

4Deste uma bandeira a todos os que te temem,

para que a levantem bem alto pela causa da verdade. (Pausa)

5Salva-nos, para que o povo que amas seja livre!

Ouve-nos e livra-nos pela força do teu braço!

6Deus jurou pela sua santidade:

“É justo que me encha de alegria;

hei de repartir Siquem e medir o vale de Sucote.

7Gileade e Manassés ainda são meus;

Efraim é o apoio da minha força

e Judá me dará governantes.

8Moabe é para mim uma bacia de lavar

e Edom como o sítio onde me descalço.

Sobre a Filisteia bradarei vitória.”

9Quem me conduzirá à cidade fortificada?

Quem me guiará até Edom?

10Deus o fará, ainda que nos tenha rejeitado

e nos tenha abandonado aos exércitos do inimigo.

11Auxilia-nos em tempos de aperto,

pois de nada vale o socorro humano!

12Com Deus faremos coisas formidáveis;

ele esmagará os nossos inimigos.