Psalm 41 – NIRV & LCB

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 41:1-13

Psalm 41

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

1Blessed are those who care about weak people.

When they are in trouble, the Lord saves them.

2The Lord guards them and keeps them alive.

They are counted among those who are blessed in the land.

The Lord won’t hand them over to the wishes of their enemies.

3The Lord will take care of them when they are lying sick in bed.

He will make them well again.

4I said, “Lord, have mercy on me.

Heal me, because I have sinned against you.”

5My enemies are saying bad things about me.

They say, “When will he die and his name be forgotten?”

6When one of them comes to see me,

he says things that aren’t true.

At the same time, he thinks up lies to tell against me.

Then he goes out and spreads those lies around.

7All my enemies whisper to each other about me.

They want something terrible to happen to me.

8They say, “He is sick and will die very soon.

He will never get up from his bed again.”

9Even my close friend, someone I trusted, has failed me.

I even shared my bread with him.

10But Lord, may you have mercy on me.

Make me well, so I can pay them back.

11Then I will know that you are pleased with me,

because my enemies haven’t won the battle over me.

12You will take good care of me because I’ve been honest.

You will let me be with you forever.

13Give praise to the Lord, the God of Israel,

for ever and ever.

Amen and Amen.

Luganda Contemporary Bible

Zabbuli 41:1-13

Zabbuli 41

Ya Mukulu wa Bayimbi. Zabbuli ya Dawudi.

141:1 Zab 82:3-4; Nge 14:21Alina omukisa asaasira omunaku;

Mukama amulokola ku lunaku olw’akabi.

241:2 a Zab 37:22 b Zab 27:12Mukama anaamukuumanga anaawonyanga obulamu bwe,

era anaamuwanga omukisa mu nsi;

n’atamuwaayo eri okwegomba kw’abalabe be.

3Mukama anaamujjanjabanga nga mulwadde;

n’amuwonya mu bulumi.

441:4 a Zab 6:2 b Zab 51:4Nayogera nti, “Ayi Mukama onsaasire omponye; kubanga nnyonoonye mu maaso go.”

541:5 Zab 38:12Abalabe bange boogeza obukyayi nti,

“Alifa ddi n’okwerabirwa ne yeerabirwa?”

641:6 a Zab 12:2 b Nge 26:24Bwe bajja okundaba beefuula mikwano gyange;

naye munda yaabwe bankyawa era basanyuka okulaba nga ngalamidde awo nnumwa.

Bwe bansiibula bagenda beesekera nga bwe baduula.

741:7 Zab 56:5; 71:10-11Abalabe bange bonna abo bateesa mu kaama;

nga banjogerako ebitali birungi.

8Boogera nti, “Endwadde emukutte mbi nnyo,

emukubye wansi tayinza kuwona.”

941:9 a 2Sa 15:12; Zab 55:12 b Yob 19:19; Zab 55:20; Mat 26:23; Yk 13:18*Era ne mukwano gwange gwe neesiganga

bwe twalyanga,


1041:10 Zab 3:3Naye ggwe, Ayi Mukama, onsaasire,

onzizeemu amaanyi ndyoke nneesasuze.

1141:11 a Zab 147:11 b Zab 25:2Mmanyi ng’onsanyukira,

kubanga omulabe wange tampangudde.

1241:12 a Zab 37:17 b Yob 36:7Onnywezezza mu bwesimbu bwange,

ne mbeera mu maaso go ennaku zonna.

1341:13 a Zab 72:18 b Zab 89:52; 106:48Atenderezebwenga Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri,

oyo eyabaawo okuva edda n’edda lyonna n’okutuusa emirembe gyonna.

Amiina era Amiina.