Psalm 21 – NIRV & BPH

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 21:1-13

Psalm 21

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

1Lord, the king is filled with joy because you are strong.

How great is his joy because you help him win his battles!

2You have given him what his heart wished for.

You haven’t kept back from him what his lips asked for.

3You came to greet him with rich blessings.

You placed a crown of pure gold on his head.

4He asked you for life, and you gave it to him.

You promised him days that would never end.

5His glory is great because you helped him win his battles.

You have honored him with glory and majesty.

6You have given him blessings that will never end.

You have made him glad and joyful because you are with him.

7The king trusts in the Lord.

The faithful love of the Most High God

will keep the king secure.

8You, the king, will capture all your enemies.

Your right hand will take hold of them.

9When you appear for battle,

you will burn them up like they were in a flaming furnace.

The Lord will swallow them up in his great anger.

His fire will burn them up.

10You will wipe their children from the face of the earth.

You will remove them from the human race.

11Your enemies make evil plans against you.

They think up evil things to do. But they can’t succeed.

12You will make them turn their backs and run away

when you aim your arrows at them.

13Lord, may you be honored because you are strong.

We will sing and praise your might.

Bibelen på hverdagsdansk

Salmernes Bog 21:1-14

Lovsang efter sejren

1Til korlederen: En sang af David.

2Herre, kongen glæder sig over din magt,

han råber af fryd over din sejr.

3Du har opfyldt hans hjertes ønske,

ikke nægtet ham, hvad han bad dig om.

4Du kom til ham med rige gaver.

Du satte en gylden krone på hans hoved.

5Han bad om din velsignelse over sit liv,

og du lovede ham et varigt dynasti.

6Du gav ham sejre og berømmelse,

du tildelte ham ære og værdighed.

7Din velsignelse følger ham altid,

dit nærvær fylder ham med usigelig glæde.

8Han stoler på Herren og skal aldrig snuble,

for den Almægtiges trofaste nåde bevarer ham.

9Du opsporer alle dine fjender,

tilintetgør enhver, som hader dig.

10Når du viser dig, brænder de op som i en ovn,

du opsluger dem i vrede, lader ild fortære dem.

11Du fjerner deres børn fra jordens overflade,

deres slægt dør fuldstændig ud.

12Selv om de sætter sig op imod dig,

vil deres onde planer ikke lykkes.

13De vender om og flygter,

når du sender dine pile.

14Rejs dig, Herre, i din vældige styrke.

Med sang og spil vil vi lovprise din magt.