Psalm 139 – NIRV & NSP

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 139:1-24

Psalm 139

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

1Lord, you have seen what is in my heart.

You know all about me.

2You know when I sit down and when I get up.

You know what I’m thinking even though you are far away.

3You know when I go out to work and when I come back home.

You know exactly how I live.

4Lord, even before I speak a word,

you know all about it.

5You are all around me, behind me and in front of me.

You hold me safe in your hand.

6I’m amazed at how well you know me.

It’s more than I can understand.

7How can I get away from your Spirit?

Where can I go to escape from you?

8If I go up to the heavens, you are there.

If I lie down in the deepest parts of the earth, you are also there.

9Suppose I were to rise with the sun in the east.

Suppose I travel to the west where it sinks into the ocean.

10Your hand would always be there to guide me.

Your right hand would still be holding me close.

11Suppose I were to say, “I’m sure the darkness will hide me.

The light around me will become as dark as night.”

12Even that darkness would not be dark to you.

The night would shine like the day,

because darkness is like light to you.

13You created the deepest parts of my being.

You put me together inside my mother’s body.

14How you made me is amazing and wonderful.

I praise you for that.

What you have done is wonderful.

I know that very well.

15None of my bones was hidden from you

when you made me inside my mother’s body.

That place was as dark as the deepest parts of the earth.

When you were putting me together there,

16your eyes saw my body even before it was formed.

You planned how many days I would live.

You wrote down the number of them in your book

before I had lived through even one of them.

17God, your thoughts about me are priceless.

No one can possibly add them all up.

18If I could count them,

they would be more than the grains of sand.

If I were to fall asleep counting and then wake up,

you would still be there with me.

19God, I wish you would kill the people who are evil!

I wish those murderers would get away from me!

20They are your enemies. They misuse your name.

They misuse it for their own evil purposes.

21Lord, I really hate those who hate you!

I really hate those who rise up against you!

22I have nothing but hatred for them.

I consider them to be my enemies.

23God, see what is in my heart.

Know what is there.

Test me.

Know what I’m thinking.

24See if there’s anything in my life you don’t like.

Help me live in the way that is always right.

New Serbian Translation

Псалми 139:1-24

Псалам 139

Хоровођи. Давидов Псалам.

1О, Господе, ти ме проничеш

и теби сам познат!

2Знаш ме и кад седим и кад стојим,

познајеш ми мисли издалека.

3Посматраш ме док ходам, док лежим,

и свестан си свих мојих путева.

4Елем, још ми речи на језику нема,

а ти, ето, о, Господе, познајеш баш сваку!

5Обухваташ ме и спреда и страга,

руку своју на мене полажеш.

6Чудесно ми је то сазнање, узвишено,

немоћан сам да га схватим!

7Од твог Духа где да одем?

Од твог лица куда да побегнем?

8Дигнем ли се до небеса – ти си тамо;

спустим ли се у Свет мртвих – и тамо си!

9Винем ли се зориним крилима

и преселим на крај мора;

10и тамо ме рука твоја води,

придржава ме десница твоја.

11Све и да кажем –

„Тама ће ме свакако прекрити,

светло око мене ко ноћ ће постати“ –

12од тебе ме ни тама не скрива

и ноћ попут дана сија,

јер и тама ти је као светло!

13Да, ти си ми нутрину створио,

саткао ме у утроби мајке моје!

14Хвалићу те што сам такав саздан,

запањујуће диван,

што су ти дела чудесна;

а душа је моја тога добро свесна.

15Моје кости теби нису сакривене биле,

док сам био стваран на тајноме месту;

док сам био обликован у дубини земље.

16Очи су ме твоје ко заметак гледале;

у твојој су књизи записани дани моји одређени,

а да још ни један од њих постојао није!

17И како су ми драгоцене твоје мисли, Боже!

Како их је много кад се зброје!

18Да их бројим,

више их је него песка;

а када се пробудим,

још увек сам са тобом.

19О, Боже, кад би хтео зликовца да смакнеш!

Одлазите од мене, крвници!

20Они против тебе сплеткаре,

лажи о теби шире твоји противници.

21О, Господе, зар да не мрзим те што тебе мрзе?

Богобораца се гнушам!

22Мржњом крајњом ја их мрзим!

Душмани су они моји!

23Проникни ме, о, Боже! Срце ми упознај,

окушај ме, забринуте мисли моје сазнај!

24Види да ли идем путем застрањења

и води ме путем из давнина.