Psalm 114 – NIRV & NSP

New International Reader’s Version

Psalm 114:1-8

Psalm 114

1The people of Israel came out of Egypt.

The people of Jacob left a land where a different language was spoken.

2Then Judah became the holy place where God lived.

Israel became the land he ruled over.

3The Red Sea saw him and parted.

The Jordan River stopped flowing.

4The mountains leaped like rams.

The hills skipped like lambs.

5Red Sea, why did you part?

Jordan River, why did you stop flowing?

6Why did you mountains leap like rams?

Why did you hills skip like lambs?

7Earth, tremble with fear when the Lord comes.

Tremble when the God of Jacob is near.

8He turned the rock into a pool.

He turned the hard rock into springs of water.

New Serbian Translation

Псалми 114:1-8

Псалам 114

1Када је из Египта изашао Израиљ,

дом Јаковљев из народа туђинског језика,

2Јуда је постао његово Светилиште

и Израиљ царство његово.

3Видело то море, па устукну,

а и Јордан потече уназад.

4Ко овнови поскакаше горе

и брежуљци попут јагањаца.

5Море, што си утекло?

Јордане, што си уназад потекао?

6Горе, што скачете ко овнови

и ви, брежуљци, попут јагањаца?

7Пред Господом потреси се, земљо,

пред Јаковљевим Богом;

8што претвара стену у језеро,

кремен-камен у свој извор воде.