Proverbs 18 – NIRV & NVI

New International Reader’s Version

Proverbs 18:1-24

1A person who isn’t friendly looks out only for themselves.

They oppose all good sense by starting fights.

2Foolish people don’t want to understand.

They take delight in saying only what they think.

3People hate it when evil comes.

And they refuse to honor those who bring shame.

4The words of a person’s mouth are like deep water.

But the fountain of wisdom is like a flowing stream.

5It isn’t good to favor those who do wrong.

That would keep justice from those who aren’t guilty.

6What foolish people say leads to arguing.

They are just asking for a beating.

7The words of foolish people drag them down.

They are trapped by what they say.

8The words of anyone who talks about others are like tasty bites of food.

They go deep down inside you.

9Anyone who doesn’t want to work

is like someone who destroys.

10The name of the Lord is like a strong tower.

Godly people run to it and are safe.

11The wealth of rich people is like a city that makes them feel safe.

They think of it as a city with walls that can’t be climbed.

12If a person’s heart is proud, they will be destroyed.

So don’t be proud if you want to be honored.

13To answer before listening

is foolish and shameful.

14A cheerful spirit gives strength even during sickness.

But you can’t keep going if you have a broken spirit.

15Those whose hearts understand what is right get knowledge.

That’s because the ears of those who are wise listen for it.

16A gift opens the door

and helps the giver meet important people.

17In court, the first one to speak seems right.

Then someone else comes forward and questions him.

18Casting lots will put a stop to arguing.

It will keep the strongest enemies apart.

19A broken friendship is harder to handle than a city with high walls around it.

And arguing is like the locked gates of a mighty city.

20Because of what they say a person can fill their stomach.

What their words produce can satisfy them.

21Your tongue has the power of life and death.

Those who love to talk will eat the fruit of their words.

22The one who finds a wife finds what is good.

He receives favor from the Lord.

23Poor people beg for mercy.

But rich people answer in a mean way.

24A person with unfaithful friends soon comes to ruin.

But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Nueva Versión Internacional

Proverbios 18:1-24

1El egoísta busca su propio bien;

contra todo sano juicio inicia un pleito.

2Al necio no le complace la inteligencia;

tan solo hace alarde de su propia opinión.

3Con la maldad viene el desprecio

y con la vergüenza llega la deshonra.

4Las palabras del hombre son aguas profundas,

arroyo de aguas vivas, fuente de sabiduría.

5No está bien favorecer al18:5 favorecer al. Lit. levantar el rostro del. malvado

y dejar de lado los derechos del justo.

6Los labios del necio son causa de contienda;

su boca incita a la riña.

7La boca del necio es su perdición;

sus labios son para él una trampa mortal.

8Los chismes son deliciosos manjares;

penetran hasta lo más íntimo del ser.

9El que es negligente en su trabajo

confraterniza con el que es destructivo.

10Torre fuerte es el nombre del Señor;

a ella corren los justos y se ponen a salvo.

11La riqueza del rico es su baluarte

y este cree que sus muros son inalcanzables.

12Tras el orgullo viene la destrucción;

y tras la humildad, el honor.

13Es necio y vergonzoso

responder antes de escuchar.

14En la enfermedad, el ánimo levanta al enfermo;

¿pero quién podrá levantar el ánimo al abatido?

15El corazón prudente adquiere conocimiento;

los oídos de los sabios procuran hallarlo.

16Con regalos se abren todas las puertas

y se llega a la presencia de gente importante.

17El primero en presentar su caso parece inocente,

hasta que llega la otra parte y lo refuta.

18El echar suertes pone fin a los litigios

y decide entre los poderosos.

19Más resiste el hermano ofendido que una ciudad amurallada;

los litigios son como cerrojos de una fortaleza.

20Cada uno se llena con lo que dice

y se sacia con lo que habla.

21En la lengua hay poder de vida y muerte;

quienes la aman comerán de su fruto.

22Quien halla esposa encuentra el bien

y recibe el favor del Señor.

23El pobre habla en tono suplicante;

el rico responde con aspereza.

24Hay amigos18:24 Hay amigos (LXX, Siríaca y Targum); Hombre de amigos (TM). que llevan a la ruina

y hay amigos más fieles que un hermano.