Numbers 15 – NIRV & CCBT

New International Reader’s Version

Numbers 15:1-41

Other Offerings

1Here is what the Lord said to Moses. 2“Say to the Israelites, ‘You are going to enter the land I am giving you as a home. 3When you do, you will present food offerings to the Lord. The animals must come from your herd or flock. The smell of the offerings will please the Lord. They can be either burnt offerings or sacrifices. They can be either for special promises or for feast offerings. Or they can be for offerings you choose to give. 4With each of the offerings, the person who brings it must present to the Lord a grain offering. It must be eight cups of the finest flour. It must be mixed with a quart of olive oil. 5Also prepare a quart of wine as a drink offering. You must present it with each lamb that you bring for the burnt offering or the sacrifice.

6“ ‘Prepare a grain offering to present along with a ram. The grain offering must be 16 cups of the finest flour. It must be mixed with two and a half pints of olive oil. 7You must bring two and a half pints of wine as a drink offering. Offer everything as a smell that pleases the Lord.

8“ ‘Suppose you prepare a young bull as a burnt offering or sacrifice. You prepare it to keep a special promise to the Lord. Or you prepare it to present as a friendship offering. 9Then bring a grain offering with the bull. The grain offering must be 24 cups of the finest flour. It must be mixed with two quarts of olive oil. 10Also bring two quarts of wine as a drink offering. It will be a food offering. Its smell will please the Lord. 11Each bull or ram must be prepared in the same way. Each lamb or young goat must also be prepared in that way. 12Do it for each animal. Do it for as many animals as you prepare.

13“ ‘Everyone in Israel must do those things in that way. He must do them when he presents a food offering. The smell of offerings like that pleases the Lord. 14Everyone must always do what the law requires. It does not matter whether they are an outsider or anyone else living among you. They must do exactly as you do when they present a food offering. The smell of offerings like that pleases the Lord. 15The community must have the same rules for you and for any outsider living among you. This law will last for all time to come. In the sight of the Lord, the law applies both to you and any outsider. 16The same laws and rules will apply to you and to any outsider living among you.’ ”

17The Lord said to Moses, 18“Speak to the Israelites. Say to them, ‘You are going to enter the land I am taking you to. 19You will eat its food. When you do, present part of it as an offering to the Lord. 20Present a loaf made from the first flour you grind. Present it as an offering from the threshing floor. 21You must present the offering to the Lord. You must present it from the first grain you grind. You must do it for all time to come.

Offerings for Sins That Aren’t Committed on Purpose

22“ ‘Suppose you as a community fail to keep any of the commands the Lord gave Moses. And suppose you do it without meaning to. 23That applies to any of the commands the Lord told Moses to give you. And they are in effect from the day the Lord gave them and for all time to come. 24Suppose the community sins without meaning to. And suppose they do not know they have sinned. Then the whole community must offer a young bull. They must sacrifice it for a burnt offering. Its smell will please the Lord. Along with it, they must offer its required grain offering and drink offering. They must also sacrifice a male goat for a sin offering. 25With it the priest will pay for the sin of the whole community of Israel. Then they will be forgiven. They did not mean to commit that sin. And they have presented to the Lord a food offering for the wrong thing they did. They have brought a sin offering with it. 26The Lord will forgive the whole community of Israel and the outsiders living among them. All the people had a part in the sin, even though they did not mean to do it.

27“ ‘But suppose just one person sins without meaning to. Then that person must bring a female goat for a sin offering. It must be a year old. 28With it the priest will pay for the person’s sin in front of the Lord. The priest will do it for the one who did wrong by sinning without meaning to. When the sin is paid for, that person will be forgiven. 29The same law applies to everyone who sins without meaning to. It does not matter whether they are an Israelite or an outsider.

30“ ‘But suppose someone sins on purpose. It does not matter whether they are an Israelite or an outsider. They speak evil things against the Lord. They must be separated from the community of Israel. 31They have not respected what the Lord has said. They have broken the Lord’s commands. They must certainly be separated from the community. They are still guilty.’ ”

A Man Works on the Sabbath Day

32The Israelites were in the desert. One Sabbath day, people saw a man gathering wood. 33They brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole community. 34They kept him under guard. It wasn’t clear what should be done to him. 35Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must die. The whole community must kill him by throwing stones at him. They must do it outside the camp.” 36So the people took the man outside the camp. There they killed him by throwing stones at him. They did just as the Lord had commanded Moses.

Tassels on Clothes

37The Lord said to Moses, 38“Say to the Israelites, ‘You must make tassels on the corners of your clothes. A blue cord must be on each tassel. You must do it for all time to come. 39You will have the tassels to look at. They will remind you to obey all the Lord’s commands. Then you will be faithful to him. You will not chase after what your own hearts and eyes wish for. 40You will remember to obey all my commands. And you will be set apart for your God. 41I am the Lord your God. I brought you out of Egypt to be your God. I am the Lord your God.’ ”

Chinese Contemporary Bible (Traditional)

民數記 15:1-41


1耶和華對摩西說: 2「你把以下條例告訴以色列人。

「你們進入耶和華賜給你們的那片土地後, 3要用牛羊作火祭獻給耶和華,作蒙耶和華悅納的馨香之祭。不管是獻燔祭、平安祭、還願祭、自願獻的祭還是節期的祭,都當如此。 4獻祭者要同時將一公斤細麵粉調上一升油作素祭獻給耶和華。 5無論燔祭還是平安祭,每獻一隻羊羔,要同時獻上一升酒作奠祭; 6每獻一隻公綿羊,要同時將兩公斤細麵粉調上一點二升油作素祭獻上, 7還要獻一點二升酒作奠祭。這是蒙耶和華悅納的馨香之祭。 8如果用公牛作燔祭、平安祭、還願祭或別的祭獻給耶和華, 9就要同時將三公斤細麵粉調上兩升油作素祭獻上, 10還要獻上兩升酒作奠祭。這是蒙耶和華悅納的馨香之祭。

11「獻公牛、公綿羊、綿羊羔或山羊羔時,都要這樣辦理。 12無論獻多少牲畜,每隻都要這樣辦理。 13以色列人獻上蒙耶和華悅納的馨香火祭時,都要這樣辦理。 14住在你們中間的外族人,不管是暫住還是世代居住的,若願意獻上蒙耶和華悅納的馨香火祭,也要這樣辦理。 15以色列人和寄居的外族人都要遵守上面的條例,永世不變。你們在耶和華面前怎樣做,外族人也要怎樣做。 16你們和寄居的外族人要遵行一樣的條例和規定。」

17耶和華對摩西說: 18「你把以下條例告訴以色列人。

「你們到達耶和華領你們去的地方, 19吃當地的出產時,要拿出一份作舉祭獻給耶和華。 20你們要用初熟的麥子磨麵做餅,當作舉祭獻上,好像獻麥場的舉祭一樣。 21你們世世代代都要用初熟的麥子磨麵,當作舉祭獻給耶和華。

22「如果你們無意間違背了耶和華藉摩西吩咐你們遵守的命令, 23就是吩咐你們從祂頒佈之日起要世世代代遵守的命令, 24如果是因會眾的無知而造成過失,全體會眾就要獻上一頭公牛犢作燔祭,作蒙耶和華悅納的馨香之祭,同時按規定獻上素祭和奠祭,外加一隻公山羊作贖罪祭。 25祭司要為以色列全體會眾贖罪,這樣他們就得到了赦免,因為是無心之過,並且他們已經向耶和華獻上火祭和贖罪祭。 26這樣,以色列全體會眾和寄居的外族人都必蒙赦免,因為無心之過牽涉到所有的人。

27「倘若是個人無意間犯了罪,他就要獻上一隻一歲的母山羊作贖罪祭。 28祭司要為這無意間犯罪的人在耶和華面前贖罪,使他獲得赦免。 29無論是以色列人或是寄居的外族人,凡是犯無心之過的都要按這規例辦理。 30但不管是以色列人還是外族人,若故意妄為,褻瀆了耶和華,都要被剷除, 31因為他藐視耶和華的話,違背耶和華的命令,必須被剷除,罪責自負。」


32以色列人在曠野的時候,發現有人在安息日撿柴, 33他們就把撿柴的人帶到摩西亞倫和全體會眾那裡, 34把他關起來,因為不知道如何處置他。 35耶和華對摩西說:「必須處死那人,全體會眾要在營外用石頭打死他。」 36於是,全體會眾照耶和華對摩西的吩咐,把他拉到營外,用石頭打死了他。


37耶和華對摩西說: 38「你要吩咐以色列人世世代代在衣角縫上穗子,穗子上繫一條藍色細帶。 39穗子是用來提醒他們要遵行我的一切命令,不要隨從自己心中和眼目的情慾,以免玷污自己。 40這樣,你們就會記得遵守我的一切命令,做你們上帝的聖潔之民。 41我是你們的上帝耶和華,我把你們從埃及領出來,是要做你們的上帝。我是你們的上帝耶和華。」